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Post-PAX and Boston-Area Gamers

GrimglaiveGrimglaive Registered User regular
Ahoy! As someone who just moved here, enjoyed PAX, and is eager to make new friends from amongst The Tribe, are there any post-PAX gatherings/events?
And moreover, are there any gaming groups/friendship circles/etc. in the Boston area LFG/open to new members? I'm a happy drunk and an excellent cook. But I mean this to be of use to anyone else in a similar position!


  • EL_Limon_CubanoEL_Limon_Cubano Boston, MARegistered User regular
    we are in the Brighton area.

  • robirexrobirex BostonRegistered User regular
    This is such a good topic. I met so many cool people that had board game groups in the Boston area. I'd be very interested in other groups or how to find other groups after PAX. I'm moving to NH in a few days, but I'm totally happy to travel. Thanks for posting!

  • EL_Limon_CubanoEL_Limon_Cubano Boston, MARegistered User regular
    there is a board game place in brookline called knights moves.

  • GrimglaiveGrimglaive Registered User regular
    I think they just opened a place in Teele Square too, up near Davis Square. Brighton is a bit far for me, but I'd give it a go!
    robirex wrote: »
    This is such a good topic. I met so many cool people that had board game groups in the Boston area. I'd be very interested in other groups or how to find other groups after PAX. I'm moving to NH in a few days, but I'm totally happy to travel. Thanks for posting!
    Did you find out anything? :O

  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    edited March 2017
    This is indeed a great topic. I have a few games that no one I know really wants to play because they are intimidated by the number of rules (e.g., Betrayal at House on the Hill, Lords of Waterdeep). I don't have a ton of free time, but I'd be interested in possibly meeting up some time. I'll have to check out Knights Moves at some point, as that's not the only time I've heard it.

    @Grimglaive - Since you're near the Davis Square area, you should probably check out Pandemonium Games & Books in Central Square. My friend and I have played in a Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures tournament there.

    Side note: if this thread starts to take off, you might want to move it to the Critical Failures thread.

    Le_Goat on
    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • EL_Limon_CubanoEL_Limon_Cubano Boston, MARegistered User regular
    Le_Goat wrote: »
    This is indeed a great topic. I have a few games that no one I know really wants to play because they are intimidated by the number of rules (e.g., Betrayal at House on the Hill, Lords of Waterdeep). I don't have a ton of free time, but I'd be interested in possibly meeting up some time. I'll have to check out Knights Moves at some point, as that's not the only time I've heard it.

    @Grimglaive - Since you're near the Davis Square area, you should probably check out Pandemonium Games & Books in Central Square. My friend and I have played in a Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures tournament there.

    Side note: if this thread starts to take off, you might want to move it to the Critical Failures thread.

    In down. I have no issues going up to Cambridge. Train makes everything easy. Heard of Betrayal at House on the Hill and i'm game. I actually count for two because my wife also included.

  • BCBarneyBCBarney Registered User regular
    We have a board gaming group that meets in Providence RI every Saturday. See the link below:

  • Lindsay LohanLindsay Lohan Registered User regular
    If anyone knows of some folks in Maine that game I'd certainly be open to finding a regular gaming group or hitting some events. Unfortunately my attempts at a local shop to get into Magic made me realize I couldn't afford to keep up with the college crowd in terms of spending and I couldn't tolerate some of the high school/college kids' use of words anymore.

  • smorggiesmorggie Boston, MARegistered User regular
    I live just north of Boston. We often bring board/card games to the local breweries and play there if we can find a spot. Night Shift is a favorite spot. I haven't been to Knight Moves but I've been meaning to check it out. Betrayal is one of my favorite board games as well, I just got the expansion pack. Pandemic (in its many forms) is also top of the list.

    Maybe we can all meet up at Knight Moves sometime? An afternoon on the weekend would be best for me, also I vote for the Somerville location since that is a lot closer to me lol.

  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    edited March 2017
    I love Pandemic, despite losing as often as I do. I only have the mobile version, as once again the myriad of rules seems to scare my friends away, so a physical game would be fantastic. I would totally be down for a meetup somewhere. My schedule is a bit limited: typical days that I'm available are Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

    Keep in mind that Knights Moves is a non-alcoholic venue, if that would matter. My friend and I one year spent a lot of time going from bar to bar trying to find a place that had tables big enough to game on. T'was much more difficult than we imagined.

    Le_Goat on
    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • EL_Limon_CubanoEL_Limon_Cubano Boston, MARegistered User regular
    You name the place and we are down. Train gets us anywhere in the Boston Vicinity.

  • DarkshowersDarkshowers Registered User regular
    There are several board/card game meetups like the Beantown Gamers that meet every Monday or Wednesday night and some other local meetups in the area too. I've gone to a few of them and it's a great way to play new games and meet people (many of them go to PAX too).

    Should we also consider video/PC gaming online or should that be a separate topic?

  • GrimglaiveGrimglaive Registered User regular
    YES we should definitely include video gaming and online stuff! Also, I live a few minutes walk from Harvard on Mass Ave, and am happy to host things. :)

  • EL_Limon_CubanoEL_Limon_Cubano Boston, MARegistered User regular
    Are their any LAN parties or gaming centers around? If not I would be down to get info on maybe setting up some LAN events.

  • GrimglaiveGrimglaive Registered User regular
    Having just moved here, I'm not sure. I'm pretty shocked there's no gaming bar like we have in Atlanta -- like a freeplay area with beer and grub! If I was loaded for the investment, I'd open one myself, haha.

  • EL_Limon_CubanoEL_Limon_Cubano Boston, MARegistered User regular
    Grimglaive wrote: »
    Having just moved here, I'm not sure. I'm pretty shocked there's no gaming bar like we have in Atlanta -- like a freeplay area with beer and grub! If I was loaded for the investment, I'd open one myself, haha.

    I know there is a new arcade bar and grill in Cambridge. It's called A4cade. But, I'd rather have a LAN gaming center like Howies Game Shack in SoCal.

  • GrimglaiveGrimglaive Registered User regular
    Yeah, they just do pinball machines as far as I'm aware. Isn't almost ANY other kind of gaming more popular/interesting...? Hahaha.

  • EL_Limon_CubanoEL_Limon_Cubano Boston, MARegistered User regular
    Grimglaive wrote: »
    Yeah, they just do pinball machines as far as I'm aware. Isn't almost ANY other kind of gaming more popular/interesting...? Hahaha.

    Good to know. Never been inside. I would be down though if we can find a space for cheap one time fee to set up a LAN party. If there are enough people that could cover the costs.

  • DarkshowersDarkshowers Registered User regular
    Looks like there is a Meetup scheduled on April 23rd and the group is called Stream Boston Community. Feel free to join if you are interested in streaming or watch streams. I know it's not for everyone.

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