Post-PAX and Boston-Area Gamers
Ahoy! As someone who just moved here, enjoyed PAX, and is eager to make new friends from amongst The Tribe, are there any post-PAX gatherings/events?
And moreover, are there any gaming groups/friendship circles/etc. in the Boston area LFG/open to new members? I'm a happy drunk and an excellent cook. But I mean this to be of use to anyone else in a similar position!
Did you find out anything? :O
@Grimglaive - Since you're near the Davis Square area, you should probably check out Pandemonium Games & Books in Central Square. My friend and I have played in a Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures tournament there.
Side note: if this thread starts to take off, you might want to move it to the Critical Failures thread.
In down. I have no issues going up to Cambridge. Train makes everything easy. Heard of Betrayal at House on the Hill and i'm game. I actually count for two because my wife also included.
Maybe we can all meet up at Knight Moves sometime? An afternoon on the weekend would be best for me, also I vote for the Somerville location since that is a lot closer to me lol.
Keep in mind that Knights Moves is a non-alcoholic venue, if that would matter. My friend and I one year spent a lot of time going from bar to bar trying to find a place that had tables big enough to game on. T'was much more difficult than we imagined.
Should we also consider video/PC gaming online or should that be a separate topic?
I know there is a new arcade bar and grill in Cambridge. It's called A4cade. But, I'd rather have a LAN gaming center like Howies Game Shack in SoCal.
Good to know. Never been inside. I would be down though if we can find a space for cheap one time fee to set up a LAN party. If there are enough people that could cover the costs.