[steam] Your game completion wasn't fast enough for your wounded backlog.

MudzgutMudzgut OhioRegistered User regular
Welcome to the Steam thread!
This is a pretty neat community of people who like to talk about video games, sales, digital distribution, hat economies, classiness and classholery. We enjoy long walks on the beach, digital hoarding, gifting, the suffering of longtime members, and raising money for charity.

This is a big, busy thread. There are some guidelines to keep things nice and orderly:
  • Be civil.
  • This thread is for Steam-related discussion. Try to look for other, more appropriate threads before discussing games or other topics in here. Let's not drain other threads of precious content!
  • If you feel someone's acting inappropriately, then quietly report the responsible parties to forum mods.
  • Don't post links to active kickstarters without prior mod permission. Forum-wide rule.
  • Linking your Steam profile in your sig will help community members find you, see what kinds of games you like, invite you to MP games, etc.
  • Do not beg for games.

PA G&T Friday Night Game Fever!
@CorriganX had this crazy idea of getting some folks together to play games and thus Friday Night Game night began. Each week a game is posted as the Friday selection and at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific we all get online and fire up some multiplayer action. If there is a big enough reception, a second round of the game is usually played on Saturday or Sunday at Noon Eastern/6pm Central European so our friends from across the big drink can join us without needing to pull an all nighter. The games are typically streamed by at least one or two folks for viewing as well.
Thanks to @HiT BiT for this awesome banner!

On the nature of gifting.
Sometimes people gift games.
  • Don't feel that you have to gift games to be a part of this community. It's just one of many things that go on. Some people can give lots of games. Some people can give a game or two a year. Some people make amazing images. Some people find hidden indie gems and report about them. Some people relay amazing gaming moments. Some people report sales. Some people are hysterical. Etc. There are many ways to participate in this community. Gifting is just one of them and is not required.
  • If you run a contest, have entries PMed to you. The thread gets too cluttered otherwise. You can, however, post the winning entries.
  • If you receive a gift, then take a moment to thank the gifter. Use the notification system so they can see your thank you post! ( @NAME. Use quotes around names with spaces.) See below for an example.
  • If you win a Steamgifts giveaway, in addition to thanking the gifter, be sure to mark the gift as received on Steamgifts. You tie up a gift 'slot' for the gifter until you do.
  • In addition to contests, wishlist gifting, ninja gifting, revenge gifting, pile-on gifting and Steamgifts.com giveaways, we have the new [ codes ][ /codes ] tags which can fire off one or more Steam codes (or activation links). More info about [ codes ] below.
A Steam thread participant preparing for gifting...
Rare footage of a gift fight in action...

Steam sales are legendary. From small to honking massive:
Daily Deals: One game a day goes on sale at 10am PT for 24 hours.
Midweek Madness: Starts 10am PT Tuesday and ends Thursday afternoon.
Weekend Sale: Starts midday Thursday and ends with the sale rollover Monday. Sometimes accompanies free play weekends for MP titles.
Publisher Sale: Many of the publishers games will get a modest discount with a single title or franchise getting a featured day with a deeper discount. Follow the big sale guidelines.
Seasonal Sales: Mardi Gras time here in the thread. Huge swaths of games go on discount, with daily specials, flash sales, community vote sales, and whatever else the evil geniuses at Valve cook up to separate us from our money. There are often metagames such as sale achievements or collectibles or other madness that rewards buying, playing and gifting games and participating in Steam's community. The summer sale usually starts in the last week of June and runs for two weeks, and the Winter sale usually runs for two weeks across Christmas and New Year's.
Other retailers like Amazon and Green Man Gaming get into the act now too, so there are often great values to be had during sales for Steam-activatable games from other sites.
Seasonal Sales Birthdays are basically a big deal around this thread.

Important Note: If you are waiting for a particular game, be sure to mind the countdown timer on the game's store page. Starting Winter 2013, the last day of the sale was just a recap of top sellers. Most games went back to full price.

Steam's refund policy, Abuse section:
Refunds are designed to remove the risk from purchasing titles on Steam—not as a way to get free games. If it appears to us that you are abusing refunds, we may stop offering them to you. We do not consider it abuse to request a refund on a title that was purchased just before a sale and then immediately rebuying that title for the sale price.

PA Steam Groups
We have two core Steam groups: Both of these groups have chat, and both are used sometimes to try to limit giveaways to community members.
Penny Arcade is a general Steam group for folks from the PA forums.
PA G&T Adventure Team is a group that was originally created to get multi/coop going for smaller or older titles. Because it is actively moderated, a lot of folks use it as a giveaway group (to avoid problems we've had in the past with non-forumers scooping up gifts intended for the community.) Membership is locked during major sales.

How do I join the Steam groups?
If you've just arrived, hang out here in the thread for a while and talk games with us before you ask for membership. When you do ask, include a link to your Steam profile. Membership to the two Steam groups is for reasonably active community members. If you have been on the PA forums for a while and have participated, post a link to your Steam profile here in the thread and a Steam group mod will take care of you.
If you've been on the forums for three days during a major sale and your only posts have been to casually express your strong desire for certain games, your request is unlikely to find a positive reception. Ditto if your very first post on the forum is to ask for group membership. Sadly this does happen sometimes.
The best parts of this community are available to you now just by showing up. Read some posts, make some posts, ask to be invited as a guest to chat, buy some games, play some games, etc. Group membership is modest icing on delicious cake.

Warning: This guy's going to make you buy games. All the games.

Where are you guys getting those nifty Steam Signatures?
Check out Alabaster Slim for his lovely signature generator.

Has Game X ever been Price Y? How can I keep track of all the sales and discounts?
http://isthereanydeal.com/ is your friend. You can sync your Steam wishlist to it if you like and get notifications when prices drop. Double check that you are getting a Steam key from a 3rd party site before buying.

How do the new [codes ][ /codes] tags even work?
Put a series of Steam activation codes (or activation links, or movie quotes, or winning lottery numbers...) inside the tags, each on its own line like this (without the spaces inside the brackets, of course):
[codes ]code 1
code 2
code 3
code n[/codes]
That will create a little box with a clickable link and a number. Each forumer who clicks the link will get a popup and a PM with the next line. Each line can only be sent out once and each forumer can only click once. It was originally designed to allow developers to hand out lots of codes for a game without some goose grabbing the lot.
Just one code thingy per post!
Note: [ code ][ /code ] is a different tag. Be sure to get that "s" up in there!

Steam Game Categories
You can make a copy of of the file below to backup your category tags!
\Steam\userdata\*USERIDHERE*\7\remote \shareconfig.vdf

Trading cards? Badges? Steam profile levels? Boosters? FOILS?! What the hell?
Jrraghen put together this helpful guide: The House of Cards!
Many games now have trading cards. You can earn some of these cards by playing/idling the game. Some of them you'll need to get by trading or buying them from the Steam community market. Completing a set lets you craft a badge, which gives you an emoticon, a profile wallpaper, a coupon (usually) and profile experience. Leveling up your profile increase your friend cap, earns you customization options for your Steam profile and, allegedly, increases your chances of getting a booster. Boosters are packs of three cards that show up in your inventory sometimes. You can open them or sell them on the market. Sometimes cards are foil. Each game has a regular badge with five levels and a single-level foil badge. Oh, and you must be a certain level to get your card drops.

But that's pure, diabolical evil!
Yes, that's right.

Can we trade cards in the thread?
You can but it's inefficient. Use the Steam feature that shows you which of your friends has the cards you need. Join the Steam group we created for trading cards: PA Card Sharks
Also check this handy tip from HiT BiT:
A little Steam trading trick some of you may not be aware of:
  • Go to your Steam Inventory
  • Click on the "Trade Offers" button
  • Then click on the "Who can send me Trade Offers?" link
  • Below you will find a "Trade URL"
You can share this URL with other Steam users to allow them to directly send you a trade offer even if they aren't on your friends list.
You can share this URL anywhere, including your forum sig.
If you have shared or posted your URL and would like to stop receiving trade offers from it use the "Create New URL" button. A new Trade URL will be created turning the previous one inoperative.

Is Steam down?!
Is it Tuesday? It's probably scheduled maintenance.

It's not Tuesday. Is Steam down?!

What are you people talking about? Why hats and what is an "Isy?"
Check out the handy Steam Thread Primer, written by @Smokestacks!
Steam Thread Primer:
Gaben/The Newell - Gabe Newell, Director of Valve Software. Called "Gaben" because in the commentary for older Source Engine games he would tell players to email him at "Gabe N. at valvesoftware.com" with user feedback.
Serve the Newell - To buy games on Steam, to give Gaben your money. From this comic edit.
Bad Rats - An incredibly awful 'physics' based puzzle game, available on Steam, notorious for being as awkward as it is broken. Will haunt your dreams. Popular gift to give to people.
Class - An attribute demonstrated by people who will generously purchase games and then give them to internet strangers.
Class War - When two or more forumers buy each other games back and forth until one of them gives up. I know this sounds really crazy, but it happens.
Bundle - Originally the Humble Indie Bundle, which was a "pay what you want" system for a group of games, now usually means any website selling a group of games (usually able to be registered on Steam) for a low price.
Giveaway/A Giveaway - Usually refers to a giveaway on Steamgifts.com, a website where you list a game you want to give away, people enter, and then a winner is randomly decided among all entrants after a set time period.
Hats/The Hatconomy - The purchase and sale of in-game hats or sometimes other items in TF2. Some hats are very valuable, which is funny because they are just hats for videogame characters. People who have valuable hats or other items in their inventories sometimes get messages from random people on Steam begging for those items.
Backlog - The list of games you have purchased, but have not gotten around to playing yet. Tends to grow over time, often to immense proportions. If you do not have a backlog yet, between the thread and the sales you will get one.
Spies/Russian Spies - People who lurk the thread or try to get into the various PA Steam groups not to participate in the community, but to try and get free games.
Steamsigs - Custom forum signatures that display a link to your Steam profile, as well as an image of a game you are currently playing, have played the most in the last two weeks, or have played the most over all time (if you haven't played any games on Steam in the last two weeks). Available here courtesy of forumer Suds. Having a Steam sig (or some sort of clickable link to your Steam profile in your signature) makes it considerably easier for people to add you to their friends list.
Child's Play - A charity started by the writer and artist behind PA that raises money for videogames/toys that go to children's hospitals, originally started in '03, has grown every year. Helps sick kids feel better about their time in the hospital while simultaneously refuting the idea that gamers are antisocial jerks.
Isy - Big Classy, a forumer. Formerly known as "Big Isy", he was granted the new name after donating a hefty amount of money to Child's Play during a fundraiser. Sometimes referred to as Isy, which might cause confusion to people who haven't been around very long.
Summer Dale - A phone's auto-correction of "Summer Sale", which through some sort of internet voodoo produced an actual entity, a smooth voiced funk loving man who lives in a world where the 80s reign eternal and supreme. Also sometimes used to describe the upcoming Summer Sale itself.
Rainbow and/or Slash - Two forumers by the name of Rainbowdespair and slash000 who are notable for developing the third and fourth installments of the Penny Arcade: On the Rainslick Precipice of Darkness series. Also developed Breath of Death VII and Cthulu Saves the World, two RPGs that, along with the Rainslick games, are available on Steam.

Also, sometimes shit gets real. Like that time we all murdered each other for bloodsport games. And there was a kabob conspiracy and a kind of Cthulhu bunny. @akajaybay took us down that particular rabbit hole.

Why are you people obsessed with Bad Rats and Amnesia?
A moment of ill-advised swagger from anoffday turned into a horrifying LP of Bad Rats which, because reasons, turned into over $6000 raised for Child's Play.
CorriganX raised over $1100 for Child's Play via Amnesia.

Classy Christmas We raised $5,315.84 for Child's Play in December 2016!
Previous Years
***If someone finds the 2015 total before I can dig it up, please PM me, @Mudzgut***
December 2014: $9,248
December 2013: $11,903

Fanda shared this with us:
For our Christmas fundraiser to restore TychoCelchuuu's threadmaking privileges (and help the kids), I donated to Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children. This week I received a nice letter from them! I figured I'd share part of it with y'all, since this applies to all of you at least as much as it does to me.

What is this Steamgifts site? I wish to create a giveaway! I cannot enter a giveaway!
Steamgifts is a neat site that lets people create giveaways for games on Steam. Points for entering giveaways are accumulated over time, so just wait a bit if you need points. Entry to giveaways can be limited by Steam group membership to prevent mooches from getting games.

How do I make one of those cool Steam Gifts signature giveaway banners?

What are all these bundles you people keep talking about?
In addition to Steam sales and sales of Steam keys on other sites and gifts, we live in a golden age of bundles! Bundle sites sell batches of games for modest amounts of money, often as low as a few dollars. Many, but not all, contribute to charity and many, but not all, give you Steam keys for the games. Sometimes you'll buy an indie gem that isn't even on Steam, and later when arrives on Steam you will get a key through the bundle site. Be careful if you plan to gift some of the games, as sometimes the bundled games will come in a single Steam key. We have a separate bundles thread.

I have too many games! Which do I play?
Steam Roulette randomly picks a game for you to play.

I have too many games! How do I move them to my new hard drive?
Steam Mover makes transporting your massive library much easier.

But wait! I have ALL OF THE GAMES installed! I need more space on my hard drive! wat i do?
You download Tikione Steam Cleaner and clean it up.
Steam Cleaner also available through GitHub!

Okay that helped. Now I have more room for stuff. Free stuff.
Isorn wrote:
Someone on a steam forum made a nice list of all free DLC you can add to your steam account if you have the base-game but that thread is currently not available so I figure I post it here. Since it is pretty easy to miss some of these.

The sale prices aren't right! What's going on?! Oh God, the darkness is closing in...
During the seasonal sales, you are one of a million monkeys hammering F5 at 10am PT to see the new sales. The system is always borked for 5-20 minutes. Take a deep breath. The Newell will deliver, and the new dailies will be available for 48 hours.

Why are some games not available in my region?
Publishers determine what countries get what games. Someone in a suit decided that it wasn't worth the money to make the game available to your region, so it isn't available on Steam. This also applies to cases of games having edited/censored versions showing up on Steam in certain countries. The good news is that you can generally get around this by having someone from another region gift or trade you the game.

Steam is downloading slowly. What gives?
You can head to Steam -> Settings -> Downloads + Cloud and change your download region until things improve. Since other regions are typically less populated, you will probably get somewhat better results even if the new server is in another country.



Fall down seven times. Stand up eight.


  • HeatwaveHeatwave Come, now, and walk the path of explosions with me!Registered User regular
    New steam thread you say?


    Steam / Origin & Wii U: Heatwave111 / FC: 4227-1965-3206 / Battle.net: Heatwave#11356
  • PixiePixie They/Them Registered User regular
    It took me an eternity but I finally got the Steam overlay working with Andromeda. Presumably the same method will force it to also work with other Origin games I've struggled with, such as Dragon Age Inquisition. Oh happy discovery! It's somewhat disturbing how reliant on that overlay I've become - I use it for screenshots but I need it for my chatting-while-playing habit...

    In unrelated news, my kid brought a PS4 with him. I had no idea he had one. Guess who's going to be keeping an eye out for a deal on Horizon Zero Dawn? :D

    ~~ Pixie on Steam ~~
    ironzerg wrote: »
    Chipmunks are like nature's nipple clamps, I guess?
  • MadicanMadican No face Registered User regular
    You have access to so many games now with that PS4.

  • SteevSteev What can I do for you? Registered User regular
    Mad Max informed me last night that I'm about to do my final battle with the main antagonist and that I should be sure to fully upgrade my Magnum Opus. All I need for that is to get the last upgrade for the wheels (which I haven't found yet) and purchase the final upgrade for my engine. I guess I'll just do sidequests until I get sick of them. I finished all the enemy camps last night. I can see myself going for all the history relics too, but probably not every single scavenging location.

    The only thing I don't really enjoy in the game is the race stuff. There was a story-based race I had to do which I only won because the vehicle on the road that I had to destroy bugged out and was rotating vertically in the middle of the road, its nose buried in the pavement. Fired a few rockets thunderpoons at it and I won!

  • CroakerBCCroakerBC TorontoRegistered User regular
    It took me an eternity but I finally got the Steam overlay working with Andromeda. Presumably the same method will force it to also work with other Origin games I've struggled with, such as Dragon Age Inquisition. Oh happy discovery! It's somewhat disturbing how reliant on that overlay I've become - I use it for screenshots but I need it for my chatting-while-playing habit...

    In unrelated news, my kid brought a PS4 with him. I had no idea he had one. Guess who's going to be keeping an eye out for a deal on Horizon Zero Dawn? :D

    Because Steam related: How on earth did you get the Steam overlay to play nice with Andromeda? I'd quite like to take screenshots, and Origin's inability to do this out of the box is...vexing.

  • KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    edited March 2017
    Madican wrote: »
    You have access to so many games now with that PS4.
    Koopah's Recommended "Non-Steam" PS4 Titles:
    Last of Us Remastered
    Last Guardian
    Puyo Puyo Tetris (coming soon)

    KoopahTroopah on
  • PixiePixie They/Them Registered User regular
    CroakerBC wrote: »
    It took me an eternity but I finally got the Steam overlay working with Andromeda. Presumably the same method will force it to also work with other Origin games I've struggled with, such as Dragon Age Inquisition. Oh happy discovery! It's somewhat disturbing how reliant on that overlay I've become - I use it for screenshots but I need it for my chatting-while-playing habit...

    In unrelated news, my kid brought a PS4 with him. I had no idea he had one. Guess who's going to be keeping an eye out for a deal on Horizon Zero Dawn? :D

    Because Steam related: How on earth did you get the Steam overlay to play nice with Andromeda? I'd quite like to take screenshots, and Origin's inability to do this out of the box is...vexing.

    Mostly voodoo. When I get home from work later I'll post the steps I had to use...

    ~~ Pixie on Steam ~~
    ironzerg wrote: »
    Chipmunks are like nature's nipple clamps, I guess?
  • KarozKaroz Registered User regular
    Bloodborne! Bloodborneeeeeee! We can jolly co-op! Which @Malakaius can attest I am a great co-oper in Bloodborne. The best. Yup.


  • Talus9952Talus9952 Registered User regular
    It took me an eternity but I finally got the Steam overlay working with Andromeda. Presumably the same method will force it to also work with other Origin games I've struggled with, such as Dragon Age Inquisition. Oh happy discovery! It's somewhat disturbing how reliant on that overlay I've become - I use it for screenshots but I need it for my chatting-while-playing habit...

    In unrelated news, my kid brought a PS4 with him. I had no idea he had one. Guess who's going to be keeping an eye out for a deal on Horizon Zero Dawn? :D

    Out of curiosity, what did you do? I might need to do that at some point.

  • MNC DoverMNC Dover Full-time Voice Actor Kirkland, WARegistered User regular
    Seeing a new thread is created: Agree
    Getting your first post in new thread: Awesome
    First gift announcement in new thread: Priceless


    Some games you buy with cash or Steam credit, for everything else, there's ClassterCard™, the official currency of the Steam thread.

    Thanks @jclast!

    Need a voice actor? Hire me at bengrayVO.com
    Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
    Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
    Steam ID
    Twitch Page
  • ZetxZetx 🐧 Registered User regular
    Mmm, new thread smell.

    I discovered RUINER last night:


    I need that cyberpunk top-down shooter. Mmm.

    The RPS preview makes it sound quite promising.

  • cooljammer00cooljammer00 Hey Small Christmas-Man!Registered User regular
    SteevL wrote: »
    Mad Max informed me last night that I'm about to do my final battle with the main antagonist and that I should be sure to fully upgrade my Magnum Opus. All I need for that is to get the last upgrade for the wheels (which I haven't found yet) and purchase the final upgrade for my engine. I guess I'll just do sidequests until I get sick of them. I finished all the enemy camps last night. I can see myself going for all the history relics too, but probably not every single scavenging location.

    The only thing I don't really enjoy in the game is the race stuff. There was a story-based race I had to do which I only won because the vehicle on the road that I had to destroy bugged out and was rotating vertically in the middle of the road, its nose buried in the pavement. Fired a few rockets thunderpoons at it and I won!

    There's actually 2 story races you have to do, IIRC? But yes, the best way to win is to destroy the other cars and come in first place by default.


    3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
    Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
  • cooljammer00cooljammer00 Hey Small Christmas-Man!Registered User regular
    Madican wrote: »
    You have access to so many games now with that PS4.
    Koopah's Recommended "Non-Steam" PS4 Titles:
    Last of Us Remastered
    Last Guardian
    Puyo Puyo Tetris (coming soon)

    Putting Destiny 1 on there and leaving off any of the Uncharteds is odd.


    3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
    Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
  • KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    Madican wrote: »
    You have access to so many games now with that PS4.
    Koopah's Recommended "Non-Steam" PS4 Titles:
    Last of Us Remastered
    Last Guardian
    Puyo Puyo Tetris (coming soon)

    Putting Destiny 1 on there and leaving off any of the Uncharteds is odd.

    *cough*...I didn't play any of the Uncharted games.

    *hears womanly shriek off in the distance.*

  • Santa ClaustrophobiaSanta Claustrophobia Ho Ho Ho Disconnecting from Xbox LIVERegistered User regular
    Why list Uncharted when you can just recommend Tomb Raider? The only difference between either when killing the vaguely ethnic enemies with a cavorting white person is the gender.

    You're muckin' with a G!

    Do not engage the Watermelons.
  • PixiePixie They/Them Registered User regular
    I got a magazine in the mail from Gamestop the other day, and I only gave it a cursory glance before tossing it aside, but I think I saw that the next Uncharted has a female protagonist?

    ~~ Pixie on Steam ~~
    ironzerg wrote: »
    Chipmunks are like nature's nipple clamps, I guess?
  • Stabbity StyleStabbity Style He/Him | Warning: Mothership Reporting Kennewick, WARegistered User regular
    I'd also toss Yakuza 0 and Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone to the list.

  • Stabbity StyleStabbity Style He/Him | Warning: Mothership Reporting Kennewick, WARegistered User regular
    I got a magazine in the mail from Gamestop the other day, and I only gave it a cursory glance before tossing it aside, but I think I saw that the next Uncharted has a female protagonist?

    Yep! Looks like it'll be pretty neat. Also, Uncharted 4 is totally worth looking into.

  • ZxerolZxerol for the smaller pieces, my shovel wouldn't do so i took off my boot and used my shoeRegistered User regular
    edited March 2017
    I got a magazine in the mail from Gamestop the other day, and I only gave it a cursory glance before tossing it aside, but I think I saw that the next Uncharted has a female protagonist?

    That's probably The Last of Us 2, where Ellie is supposed to be the main character. They're pretty much done with Uncharted for the foreseeable future.

    edit: no actually i'm idiot oops

    Zxerol on
  • SteevSteev What can I do for you? Registered User regular
    I got a magazine in the mail from Gamestop the other day, and I only gave it a cursory glance before tossing it aside, but I think I saw that the next Uncharted has a female protagonist?

    It's actually standalone DLC for Uncharted 4, but yeah. Probably won't be as long as a standard Uncharted 4 game.

  • cooljammer00cooljammer00 Hey Small Christmas-Man!Registered User regular
    I got a magazine in the mail from Gamestop the other day, and I only gave it a cursory glance before tossing it aside, but I think I saw that the next Uncharted has a female protagonist?

    It's a standalone expansion thingy, featuring two of the female characters from the franchise. I haven't played 4 yet, but it's one of the ladies from that, and one of the women who was introduced in UC2.

    They're voiced by Claudia Black and Laura Bailey, so they might have my money already.


    3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
    Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
  • cooljammer00cooljammer00 Hey Small Christmas-Man!Registered User regular
    Why list Uncharted when you can just recommend Tomb Raider? The only difference between either when killing the vaguely ethnic enemies with a cavorting white person is the gender.

    I mean gameplay wise, there are certainly similarities between the two franchises (Not to mentioned the age old "Nathan Drake is just Larry Croft" before Uncharted became its own big franchise)

    But Uncharted certainly goes for a different sort of tone than the Tomb Raider games. I've played UCs 1-3, but haven't even finished the Tomb Raider 2013 reboot.


    3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
    Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
  • SteevSteev What can I do for you? Registered User regular
    I still haven't played Rise of the Tomb Raider, but the 2013 game has much more of an open world feeling compared to Uncharted, which is pretty linear.

  • cooljammer00cooljammer00 Hey Small Christmas-Man!Registered User regular
    SteevL wrote: »
    I still haven't played Rise of the Tomb Raider, but the 2013 game has much more of an open world feeling compared to Uncharted, which is pretty linear.

    The Tomb Raider reboot games are essentially pre-BOTW Zelda/Metroidvania type games, from what I can tell. Here's the shotgun that can break down special locked doors, here is an arrow with a rope attached to it, etc.


    3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
    Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
  • SanderJKSanderJK Crocodylus Pontifex Sinterklasicus Madrid, 3000 ADRegistered User regular
    Yeah Nioh Bloodborne Horizon and Yakuza 0, with Persona 5 incoming ,are together just enough to at least ponder about another console, which I haven't owned any off since PS2/original DS.
    BotW is very tempting too but the price for that alone is a bit steep.

    But I have also just hit the point where my 760 is at or below minimum spec For AAA titles so it may be time for an upgrade. I looked briefly but couldn't get clear info on when Nvidia is launching a new series? Usually early summer?
    The weak euro and high VAT here make parts expensive.

    As of right now there's not a lot on the immediate PC release schedule that really has me hyped.
    And so many games that I could put more time into....

    Steam: SanderJK Origin: SanderJK
  • cooljammer00cooljammer00 Hey Small Christmas-Man!Registered User regular
    It's probably silly considering I haven't played my copy of Persona 4 yet, but if I were to get Persona 5 (because it's new and hot and I want to be part of the zeitgeist), it might be on the PS3 that I already have instead of the PS4 I don't?


    3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
    Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
  • BedlamBedlam Registered User regular
    The Steam Thread where everyone talks about PS4


  • edited March 2017
    This content has been removed.

  • cooljammer00cooljammer00 Hey Small Christmas-Man!Registered User regular
    Zavian wrote: »
    It's probably silly considering I haven't played my copy of Persona 4 yet, but if I were to get Persona 5 (because it's new and hot and I want to be part of the zeitgeist), it might be on the PS3 that I already have instead of the PS4 I don't?

    Yes, although it may only be available physically for the PS3 as there is currently only a digital PS4 version on PSN.

    That was actually a typo: I meant to say I'd "buy" it on the PS3 instead of waiting for a PS4 Pro sale.

    Also, I have no issue with getting a physical disc, but I haven't bought a physical game in ages. I don't even know where people buy physical games anymore. Brick and mortar stores? Amazon? Every place seems to have their "sign up with us and get X percent off at launch!" and I think that might only be worth it if I buy more than....1 physical game. I usually wait till stores have buy 2, get 1 free game sales to buy stuff (that I then never play)


    3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
    Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
  • BurnageBurnage Registered User regular
    Bedlam wrote: »
    The Steam Thread where everyone talks about PS4


    It feels like there's been a bit of a lull in big-name Steam games recently. We've had... what, Nier and RE7 being released this year so far?

  • cooljammer00cooljammer00 Hey Small Christmas-Man!Registered User regular
    Burnage wrote: »
    Bedlam wrote: »
    The Steam Thread where everyone talks about PS4


    It feels like there's been a bit of a lull in big-name Steam games recently. We've had... what, Nier and RE7 being released this year so far?

    And with the announcement of PS Now coming to PC, the cross pollination talk has never been higher.


    3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
    Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
  • SudsSuds Registered User regular
    PS Now has been on PC for sometime.

  • f3rretf3rret Registered User regular
    I might have the big TV for gaming again tonight, so I was leaning towards Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, Death Road to Canada or TWD: Michonne. Any other recommendations?

  • baudattitudebaudattitude Registered User regular
    Speaking of things that actually are on Steam, I notice that EDF 4.1 has a discount this week and I don't believe there is a more enjoyable game about shooting giant ants while your disposable squad mates die in agony around you, defiantly shouting battle cries to the last.

    Also there's a new Senran Kagura game in which the girls have an island vacation and fight in swimsuits. Look, it ain't a high-concept series. Bizarrely there IS a fairly serious storyline behind the whole thing, where several of the characters are needing to come to terms with the loss of loved ones, it's just that the nature of the series is such that these conversations about life, death, and what comes after generally take place after fights, so you have a couple of characters in tattered and torn bikinis getting all philosophical at you.

    The only thing I really didn't care for was that it introduced three new characters and two of them are super annoying.

  • KarozKaroz Registered User regular
    Zetx wrote: »
    Mmm, new thread smell.

    I discovered RUINER last night:


    I need that cyberpunk top-down shooter. Mmm.

    The RPS preview makes it sound quite promising.

    Dang how did I forget about this? Back on the wishlist with you. :heartbeat:

  • SniperGuySniperGuy SniperGuyGaming Registered User regular
    A friend gifted me Nier for my birthday and I'd like to start the install on my home computer but when I click the button to try and make it do that remotely nothing happens. Anything I need to know?

  • Ed GrubermanEd Gruberman Registered User regular
    Why did you ever take it off, @Karoz?


    SteamID: edgruberman GOG Galaxy: EdGruberman
  • an_altan_alt Registered User regular
    It's probably silly considering I haven't played my copy of Persona 4 yet, but if I were to get Persona 5 (because it's new and hot and I want to be part of the zeitgeist), it might be on the PS3 that I already have instead of the PS4 I don't?

    Yeah, well I have the fancy edition preordered for the PS4 and I don't own either a PS3 or PS4! So, I think I win or something? Lose maybe? I'm not sure.

    I know it's me being stuck in the PS2 era, but I still preorder the Atlus/NIS games I want because I hated trying to track down a copy after the fact. For Steam games, I dislike spending more than $5 on anything. Yes, I'm quite aware that it doesn't make any sense.

    Pony wrote:
    I think that the internet has been for years on the path to creating what is essentially an electronic Necronomicon: A collection of blasphemous unrealities so perverse that to even glimpse at its contents, if but for a moment, is to irrevocably forfeit a portion of your sanity.
    Xbox - PearlBlueS0ul, Steam
    If you ever need to talk to someone, feel free to message me. Yes, that includes you.
  • KarozKaroz Registered User regular
    Why did you ever take it off, Karoz?

    Probably a purging or trying not to have a glut of wishlist games.

    *checks wishlist, sees 30*


  • Ed GrubermanEd Gruberman Registered User regular
    Karoz wrote: »
    Why did you ever take it off, Karoz?

    Probably a purging or trying not to have a glut of wishlist games.

    *checks wishlist, sees 30*


    Dude, you don't remove things that haven't even come out yet. That's crazy talk.


    SteamID: edgruberman GOG Galaxy: EdGruberman
This discussion has been closed.