
Not Doing Anything Tonight? Eh, Might As Well Go To The [MOVIES].



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    TrippyJingTrippyJing Moses supposes his toeses are roses. But Moses supposes erroneously.Registered User regular
    Mr. Mxyzptlk had a ludicrously hot and disinterested girlfriend, if I remember correctly.

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    GustavGustav Friend of Goats Somewhere in the OzarksRegistered User regular
    edited April 2017
    "Mr. Timm, uh Mr. Timm? How are we going to delicately handle the issue of fridging Barbara Gordon?"

    "Call me Bruce. Cus..."

    "Because you're Batman. yes Mr. Timm, er Batman...Bruce... but..."

    "Don't worry I've got a masterstroke of an idea."

    "Oh?! Good what is it?"

    What if we use the story to suggest it's her fault for FUCKING BATMAN!

    "Oh. You know you aren't actually Batman Mr. Timm?"

    "...i am the night"

    Gustav on
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    ZonugalZonugal (He/Him) The Holiday Armadillo I'm Santa's representative for all the southern states. And Mexico!Registered User regular
    pretty much any movie is better than the killing joke

    i'd sit in a room full of monitors playing every miranda july and zack braff movie all at once in one of those clockwork orange chairs while someone reads me the scripts for the entire run of agents of shield before watching a minute of the killing joke again

    Finally, a way to get you to watch my wizard films.

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    GustavGustav Friend of Goats Somewhere in the OzarksRegistered User regular
    I know Brian Azzarello wrote the script. But the bit doesn't work with the name Brian.

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    Sweeney TomSweeney Tom Registered User regular
    Even if the only bad parts of Killing Joke were Everything With Barbara, I'd still consider it at least a Strong Contender for worst comic film

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    KanaKana Registered User regular
    If nothing else, The Dark Knight stands out as one of the only superhero movies that is actually interesting to look at. The sound design is fantastic as well.

    Like what it's doing with Batman or not, but it's a wonderfully crafted movie.

    A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words.
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    Rorshach KringleRorshach Kringle that crustache life Registered User regular
    Zonugal wrote: »
    pretty much any movie is better than the killing joke

    i'd sit in a room full of monitors playing every miranda july and zack braff movie all at once in one of those clockwork orange chairs while someone reads me the scripts for the entire run of agents of shield before watching a minute of the killing joke again

    Finally, a way to get you to watch my wizard films.

    yes in this hypothetical situation and only this one


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    ZonugalZonugal (He/Him) The Holiday Armadillo I'm Santa's representative for all the southern states. And Mexico!Registered User regular
    the superman cartoon had an episode about mr. mxyzptlk where he was voiced by gilbert gottfried, which is among the most perfect bits of comic book casting I can think of

    yeah no superman is the best non-jlu dcau show by a wide margin

    Superman: the Animated Series has my favorite and the definitive version of Superman to me.

    Which has always read to me as the cool & inspiring high-school teacher who was tired of having to deal with some bad students.

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    ZonugalZonugal (He/Him) The Holiday Armadillo I'm Santa's representative for all the southern states. And Mexico!Registered User regular
    Superman: the Animated Series also started the quintessential version of Lex Luthor.

    Nobody can do better than Clancy Brown's Lex Luthor.

    It's impossible.

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    GustavGustav Friend of Goats Somewhere in the OzarksRegistered User regular
    edited April 2017
    Though Eisenberg is within spitting distance.


    Gustav on
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    ZonugalZonugal (He/Him) The Holiday Armadillo I'm Santa's representative for all the southern states. And Mexico!Registered User regular
    Gustav wrote: »
    Though Eisenberg is within spitting distance.


    Technically Eisenberg wasn't playing Lex Luthor...

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    Sweeney TomSweeney Tom Registered User regular
    Gustav wrote: »
    Though Eisenberg is within spitting distance.


    I will never forget the day I was online as the early reviews from people genuinely excited for the film came pouring in, and how some of the biggest fans going in were immediately aghast attempting to describe the existence of a pissjar subplot

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    GustavGustav Friend of Goats Somewhere in the OzarksRegistered User regular
    Zonugal wrote: »
    Gustav wrote: »
    Though Eisenberg is within spitting distance.


    Technically Eisenberg wasn't playing Lex Luthor...

    And below Iron Fist on the cool scale you remain

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    ZonugalZonugal (He/Him) The Holiday Armadillo I'm Santa's representative for all the southern states. And Mexico!Registered User regular
    Gustav wrote: »
    Zonugal wrote: »
    Gustav wrote: »
    Though Eisenberg is within spitting distance.


    Technically Eisenberg wasn't playing Lex Luthor...

    And below Iron Fist on the cool scale you remain

    I just keep tracing your name on my list, over & over again, each time getting bolder & bolder.

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    KetarKetar Come on upstairs we're having a partyRegistered User regular
    So, apparently after his work on Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus impressed execs at Warner Premiere, the director of Wild Things 2 was invited to pitch a sequel to the best shark film with Tom Jane and LL Cool J ever made.

    And it was way more batshit crazy than Deep Blue Sea.

    "I didn’t know exactly what they were looking for, but it seemed that the natural way to go was to jack it up the way Aliens had jacked things up into a combat film. So that’s what I pitched, and Matt Bierman, the senior vice president at Warner Premiere, essentially said, ‘That sounds great.'"

    "Taking several steps beyond the makos in the first Sea, which are simply bigger and smarter than average, Perez’s sharks have been surgically altered to incorporate machine guns, torpedoes and other weapons. It’s hard not to think of Dr. Evil’s famous request for “sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads!”, though Perez says, “I honestly didn’t even think of Austin Powers when I came up with that. My whole intention was to play it as straight as possible, so that the kind of stuff that was used in Austin Powers as a gag, or later in things like Sharknado purely as camp, would be done pretty direct and dark. On paper, it seems absolutely comical, but my intention was to make these sharks Frankenstein-style mutations that were tragic and violent. With the exception of the quipping between the soldiers, it wasn’t going to be played for humor. It would have been tricky with the budget I had [under $5 million], but I figured I could keep the pace going and make it relentless, and that would have been the key to its success.”"

    The execs liked the idea enough to put it into pre-production, but ended up pulling the plug at a time when DVD sales were down and they decided cheap live-action sequels wasn't the right niche for them anymore.

    Did Warner Premiere's decision to get out of live-action sequels and focus on animation save us from folly, or doom us to an eternity of wondering what might have been?

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    GustavGustav Friend of Goats Somewhere in the OzarksRegistered User regular
    Petition to rename Zonugal "Danny Rando."

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    ZonugalZonugal (He/Him) The Holiday Armadillo I'm Santa's representative for all the southern states. And Mexico!Registered User regular
    Ketar wrote: »
    So, apparently after his work on Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus impressed execs at Warner Premiere, the director of Wild Things 2 was invited to pitch a sequel to the best shark film with Tom Jane and LL Cool J ever made.

    And it was way more batshit crazy than Deep Blue Sea.

    "I didn’t know exactly what they were looking for, but it seemed that the natural way to go was to jack it up the way Aliens had jacked things up into a combat film. So that’s what I pitched, and Matt Bierman, the senior vice president at Warner Premiere, essentially said, ‘That sounds great.'"

    "Taking several steps beyond the makos in the first Sea, which are simply bigger and smarter than average, Perez’s sharks have been surgically altered to incorporate machine guns, torpedoes and other weapons. It’s hard not to think of Dr. Evil’s famous request for “sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads!”, though Perez says, “I honestly didn’t even think of Austin Powers when I came up with that. My whole intention was to play it as straight as possible, so that the kind of stuff that was used in Austin Powers as a gag, or later in things like Sharknado purely as camp, would be done pretty direct and dark. On paper, it seems absolutely comical, but my intention was to make these sharks Frankenstein-style mutations that were tragic and violent. With the exception of the quipping between the soldiers, it wasn’t going to be played for humor. It would have been tricky with the budget I had [under $5 million], but I figured I could keep the pace going and make it relentless, and that would have been the key to its success.”"

    The execs liked the idea enough to put it into pre-production, but ended up pulling the plug at a time when DVD sales were down and they decided cheap live-action sequels wasn't the right niche for them anymore.

    Did Warner Premiere's decision to get out of live-action sequels and focus on animation save us from folly, or doom us to an eternity of wondering what might have been?

    We are truly in the darkest timeline.

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    ZonugalZonugal (He/Him) The Holiday Armadillo I'm Santa's representative for all the southern states. And Mexico!Registered User regular
    Gustav wrote: »
    Petition to rename Zonugal "Danny Rando."

    Gustav, I swear to god I will go all Mason Verger on you and feed you to a bunch of goats.

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    OmnipotentBagelOmnipotentBagel floof Registered User regular
    Zonugal wrote: »
    Gustav wrote: »
    Zonugal wrote: »
    Gustav wrote: »
    Though Eisenberg is within spitting distance.


    Technically Eisenberg wasn't playing Lex Luthor...

    And below Iron Fist on the cool scale you remain

    I just keep tracing your name on my list, over & over again, each time getting bolder & bolder.

    I'm beginning to suspect this list is being recorded on your flesh...


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    FawstFawst The road to awe.Registered User regular
    God, I love Deep Blue Sea. So fucking bad.

    "Each time I said she was dead, I watched him take the loss like a car wreck."

    (The fuck does that even mean?)

    "You think water moves fast? You should see ice. It moves like it has a mind."

    "Because I carry a big stick and I'm the meanest mother fucker in the valley! Two sharks down, Lord! One demon fish to go! Can I get an Amen?"

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    LarsLars Registered User regular
    edited April 2017
    Mortal Sky wrote: »
    Hobnail wrote: »
    rhylith wrote: »
    Zonugal wrote: »
    I feel like you folks are trying to convince me to watch an anime.

    And it isn't going to work.

    I'm actually surprised at this.

    Anime seems like exactly the type of weird over the top garbage that would be right up your alley.

    (Note: I love it precisely because it's weird over the top garbage)

    Don't forget confusedly, awkwardly sexual

    pretty sure I could curate a solid list of stuff that is neither and also excellent

    but the mere fact that there is a curation process necessary says a lot about anime, and this is coming from someone who watches a shit ton of it

    A few pages late, but if you're up for creating a solid list, I'd at least definitely be up for that (PM'd if necessary). No need to go out of your way if you don't feel like it or don't have time though.

    I haven't really seen anything that's come out in the last decade or so except for Baccano & Durarara (and I only saw Baccano because I was shown it's opening credits and Durarara because of it's connections to Baccano--a little disappointed that only Durarara got a sequel but I can see how that one would be more to Japan's taste).

    I've tried to look up what's good, but with today's internet that's a lot trickier to find, especially without a reliable person to supply recommendations.

    Edit: Upon review, there are a few others I've seen from the last ten years: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Requiem for the Phantom, and Slayers Revolution/Evolution-R. All of which are sequels in some manner or another to stuff I'd already seen, and none of which are super recent despite being within the decade.

    Lars on
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    TrippyJingTrippyJing Moses supposes his toeses are roses. But Moses supposes erroneously.Registered User regular
    Zonugal wrote: »
    Gustav wrote: »
    Petition to rename Zonugal "Danny Rando."

    Gustav, I swear to god I will go all Mason Verger on you and feed you to a bunch of goats.

    Calm down, Danny Rando.

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    TrippyJingTrippyJing Moses supposes his toeses are roses. But Moses supposes erroneously.Registered User regular
    Fawst wrote: »
    God, I love Deep Blue Sea. So fucking bad.

    "Each time I said she was dead, I watched him take the loss like a car wreck."

    (The fuck does that even mean?)

    "You think water moves fast? You should see ice. It moves like it has a mind."

    "Because I carry a big stick and I'm the meanest mother fucker in the valley! Two sharks down, Lord! One demon fish to go! Can I get an Amen?"

    Wasn't she talking about her father with Alzheimer's?

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    ZonugalZonugal (He/Him) The Holiday Armadillo I'm Santa's representative for all the southern states. And Mexico!Registered User regular
    TrippyJing wrote: »
    Zonugal wrote: »
    Gustav wrote: »
    Petition to rename Zonugal "Danny Rando."

    Gustav, I swear to god I will go all Mason Verger on you and feed you to a bunch of goats.

    Calm down, Danny Rando.


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    LarsLars Registered User regular
    Does "Danny Rando" specify the Netflix version as opposed to the comic Danny Rand who kicks people through trains and is best bros with Luke Cage?

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    Andy JoeAndy Joe We claim the land for the highlord! The AdirondacksRegistered User regular
    Dammit, it doesn't look like Colossal is playing anywhere near me. :bigfrown:

    XBL: Stealth Crane PSN: ajpet12 3DS: 1160-9999-5810 NNID: StealthCrane Pokemon Scarlet Name: Carmen
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    GustavGustav Friend of Goats Somewhere in the OzarksRegistered User regular
    I can abide by that.

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    TrippyJingTrippyJing Moses supposes his toeses are roses. But Moses supposes erroneously.Registered User regular
    edited April 2017
    I'm gonna watch the Undisputed movies. I saw the first one years ago, never the saw the sequels.

    TrippyJing on
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    Rorshach KringleRorshach Kringle that crustache life Registered User regular
    TrippyJing wrote: »
    I'm gonna watch the Undisputed movies. I saw the first one years ago, never the saw the sequels.

    they are real good


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    Penguin IncarnatePenguin Incarnate King of Kafiristan Registered User regular
    I want to imagine when the producers for a direct-to-video sequel to Deep Blue Sea they're just prepared to accept whatever it is that you show up with.

    "Frankensharks? Sure. Fuck it. When can you start?"

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    StiltsStilts Registered User regular
    I just realized I've never seen Deep Blue Sea

    Just bits and pieces of it

    I suppose I should put that on my list

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    sarukunsarukun RIESLING OCEANRegistered User regular
    God, you guys reminded me how fucking excellent DCAU Superman was.

    Superman was my favorite hero until I was 10

    and then he was again the whole duration of the Superman Animated series

    and every time I remember Man of Steel, I want to punch Zack Snyder into the sun.

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    SabreMauSabreMau ネトゲしよう 판다리아Registered User regular
    edited April 2017
    Found out tonight that the trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming that we have programmed in front of Smurfs: The Lost Village is a revised version that slightly edits the dialogue.

    "Don't mess with me, 'cause I will kill you and everybody you love." turns into "Don't mess with me, 'cause I will hurt you and everybody you love."

    The kids in the Smurfs audience are probably going to go into Spider-Man and be panicked that the Vulture threatens to actually kill people in the real movie. But they had to put the trailer in front of Smurfs anyway because Sony wanted it there.

    SabreMau on
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    BrainleechBrainleech 機知に富んだコメントはここにあります Registered User regular
    I remembered Deep Blue sea because of this thread
    Why I wanted to forget it and my very nasty south china sea tour that same year
    So it's going to be a fun time while I try to forget all that yet again

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    FAQFAQ Registered User regular
    edited April 2017
    I've spoken about TDK ad naseum on this forum because well, it's one of my favourite action movies and easily my favourite comic book movie, and because most people here don't like it so it leads to a lot of chatter.

    But it's a great study of Batman, I haven't personally seen or read anything that does such a good job examining and testing his don't kill rule and illuminating what that really means for the character

    FAQ on
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    FAQFAQ Registered User regular
    I've really cooled on nolan since inception though... I didn't even bother watching interstellar..

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    Donovan PuppyfuckerDonovan Puppyfucker A dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords in the morningRegistered User regular
    FAQ wrote: »
    I've really cooled on nolan since inception though... I didn't even bother watching interstellar..

    Interstellar is pretty good, though. Especially if you have a good sound system!

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    FAQFAQ Registered User regular
    FAQ wrote: »
    I've really cooled on nolan since inception though... I didn't even bother watching interstellar..

    Interstellar is pretty good, though. Especially if you have a good sound system!

    It's hard to rent things these days

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    FawstFawst The road to awe.Registered User regular
    TrippyJing wrote: »
    Fawst wrote: »
    God, I love Deep Blue Sea. So fucking bad.

    "Each time I said she was dead, I watched him take the loss like a car wreck."

    (The fuck does that even mean?)

    "You think water moves fast? You should see ice. It moves like it has a mind."

    "Because I carry a big stick and I'm the meanest mother fucker in the valley! Two sharks down, Lord! One demon fish to go! Can I get an Amen?"

    Wasn't she talking about her father with Alzheimer's?

    Oh, I know. That's the entire point of the movie, curing Alzheimer's. But I'm talking about her analogy. What, exactly, was like a car wreck? It makes absolutely no sense. I get the jist of it: watching his reaction was a horrible experience. But it's so stilted. It's just another bad line of dialogue from a movie filled with them.

    "He had to suffer through news of her death over, and over, and over again. And I suffered with him."

    Something along those lines would have been much better.

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    KetarKetar Come on upstairs we're having a partyRegistered User regular
    FAQ wrote: »
    FAQ wrote: »
    I've really cooled on nolan since inception though... I didn't even bother watching interstellar..

    Interstellar is pretty good, though. Especially if you have a good sound system!

    It's hard to rent things these days

    If you have a decent internet connection and a reasonable or no data cap, renting movies is easier than it has ever been.

This discussion has been closed.