PICK YOUR SIDE!!! This thread is totally topical and not pulled out of my ass at the last minute in any way!
Also, from the previous thread, some Massey Fects And Rom Mita:
Mass Effect: Andromeda Multiplayer
Are you a space traveler looking to game videos with other spacepersons? This is the place for you! Let me know your Xbro, PSN, or Origin ID!
If you want on the list, please @ me or Elki or So It Goes or jacobkosh with your username AND THE RELEVANT SYSTEM! We can't help you if we don't know what platform you're on!
ORIGIN - PC Master Race!
Cambiata - jazzmess
DarkPrimus - PrimusD
Drez - RHelg80
Echo - Echo5ive
Elendil - elendil667
EriktheVikingGamer - RedBeardViking
evilbob - evilbob316
Frei - Duchess_Archer
Happylilelf - HappylilElf3K
Jacobkosh - Jacobkosh
Kana - kanadood
LoserforHireX - loserforhirex
Mazzyx - MazzyxPA
MrAnthropy - misteranthropy
Pony - RudeKitten
Quid - allenquid
SanderJK - SanderJK
spool32 - spool32 or realspool32
SummaryJudgment - Summary_223
thatassemblyguy - assemblyRonin
TTODewback - TTODewback
visiblehowl - Veeaych
XBOX - The Halo/Sunset Overdrive/Netflix BONE!
a5ehren - ehrenb2
Desc - pylonsound
Elki - Elkamil
HerrCron - Herrcron
Irond Will - Irond Will
PLAYSTATION - Sony Anime Box
Arch - Zinnar2
Bogart - BogartIncognito
Evil Multifarious - travysty
Hahnsoo1 - Hahnsoo
joshofalltrades - joshofalltrades3
Mojo_Jojo - Angry_Mojo
In the chamber.
I'm not saying you're responsible for a certain orange menace but
all chaotic neutral and shit
Yeah, but only like a little...
I have a gmail draft with like five.
chanus is an illegitimate president
i mean you're ppups what could i expect
His agrees filled our bellies on those cold nights.
But fuck that!
I just can't.
One day our lost tribes will reunite
in friendship or in battle
No one else vote for Spool. It must remain Chanus only.
Oh thanks Lord of the Rings Online Forums, I'm glad you remembered that one time I posted a technical support question.
Happy birthday!
i still get a happy birthday from EQ traders corner every year
a) slow [chat]s are what happen when you don't give Narwhal autonomous [chat]-creating power
b) Let's go Team Chanus? Yeah, fuck it. Team Chanus.
why not battle-friendship
battle is friendship
why you Canadian, dog-hating, Narwhal-being,