Penny Arcade - Comic - High Concept

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited April 2017 in The Penny Arcade Hub

imagePenny Arcade - Comic - High Concept

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Read the full story here

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  • poipoigirlpoipoigirl Registered User regular
    edited April 2017
    lol I wonder if he can get the female characters to worry where their non-existent dicks went, too.

    poipoigirl on
  • GundamZphyr7GundamZphyr7 Registered User regular
    A truly masterful GM would rise to the challenge.

  • SanderloSanderlo Registered User regular
    Gabe must have gone through a lot with his dick. It's only normal he has some stories to tell... or to roleplay.

  • ZomroZomro Registered User regular
    As crude and juvenile as Gabe's delivery is, it could be worked into an RP campaign. Something has caused large portions of the population to become infertile. Is it magic? An ancient curse? Demonic infestation? The mystery must be solved or else the population is doomed to extinction as their numbers die out.

    Would probably work better in a Sci Fi setting, though.

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    Zomro wrote: »
    As crude and juvenile as Gabe's delivery is, it could be worked into an RP campaign. Something has caused large portions of the population to become infertile. Is it magic? An ancient curse? Demonic infestation? The mystery must be solved or else the population is doomed to extinction as their numbers die out.

    Would probably work better in a Sci Fi setting, though.

    Like those <spoilers> Stargate: SG1 episodes (2010 & 2001).

  • jwalkjwalk Registered User regular
    daddy two pee-pee's

  • Anon von ZilchAnon von Zilch Registered User regular
    2d12+10, +1d8 poison damage on a crit.

  • jberryjberry longtime reader firsttime poster Fort Smith Ark USARegistered User regular
    Shame upon Penny Arcade, for repeating a joke—something which I've never seen them do, before. Yet the parallels between "High Concept" and "Benevolence" unsettle this reader.

    Gabe and Tycho's work usually produces a high-caliber comic, and the PA archive holds many strips that have left me delirious with uncontrolled laughter. I thank them, for their years of hard work, and I pray to them that they henceforth avoid, with utmost vigilance, such pitfalls.

  • Hahnsoo1Hahnsoo1 Make Ready. We Hunt.Registered User, Moderator, Administrator admin
    jberry wrote: »
    Shame upon Penny Arcade, for repeating a joke—something which I've never seen them do, before. Yet the parallels between "High Concept" and "Benevolence" unsettle this reader.

    Gabe and Tycho's work usually produces a high-caliber comic, and the PA archive holds many strips that have left me delirious with uncontrolled laughter. I thank them, for their years of hard work, and I pray to them that they henceforth avoid, with utmost vigilance, such pitfalls.
    They reuse jokes all the time, when the context suits them. *shrugs*

  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    edited April 2017
    "That one's free" isn't even the joke in this one. It's like, the joke's denouement.

    Tofystedeth on
  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    jberry wrote: »
    Shame upon Penny Arcade, for repeating a joke—something which I've never seen them do, before. Yet the parallels between "High Concept" and "Benevolence" unsettle this reader.

    Gabe and Tycho's work usually produces a high-caliber comic, and the PA archive holds many strips that have left me delirious with uncontrolled laughter. I thank them, for their years of hard work, and I pray to them that they henceforth avoid, with utmost vigilance, such pitfalls.

    Poe's Law is a real thing.

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