The Extra-dimensional horrors that people seem to think at the good guys.
Angels are, a bizarre thing. Ostensibly we count them among our allies, but that is mostly because on the large scale events we seem to have the same goal of Humanity's Survival. But, on the smaller scale stuff? we are constantly at odds. While perhaps there is wisdom in not opening a portal to another dimension for research, but how are we to learn about demons if we do not have access to them? And perhaps scouring a swamp for a lost artifact of untold power could lead to some problems down the line, but for the time standing it could also end the Novrick Secret War.
As such, we have some details on how to combat angels, but no first hand knowledge of biological functions or really their organization.
But thanks to dark wizards, and other human groups we can't condone the actions of, we have a fair bit of research notes.
So with that in mind, let's discuss some of the functions of Angels.
Angels as we know them are largely artificial beings. While the core "Angel" has an organic root of some kind the bodies they appear with are created in their home plane. While valuable they are entirely disposable. When "slain" the actual angel simply exits the body and moves into a suitable new host.
Typically this is one of those weird burning eye covered wheels seen with them, acting as an angelic waiting room until they can return their home realm and receive a new body. In other instances, such as a commander being slain, they will move into a lower ranking angel to continue having impact in the field. While this seems off putting, it's probably pretty normal to them. Also fallen angels have proven that one body can hold a large host of angels.
The process of creating a new angel body is not known, and the only notes we have on this are, lewd. And likely inaccurate. However, there are references to a forge of creation, while this might be metaphor it might also be a source of angel bodies. It also seems to be what drives the fallen angels into conflict with the, non-fallen angels.
It would seem that the "evil" angels lack access to facilities to create new bodies, so what ever ones they had from before or are able to steal in conflict with other angels are all they have as a collective. While they have tried to use their alligance with the demons to take over other hosts, this has yet to end well for any involved.
In closing, a number of people have asked for information on angels, unfortunately there is very little we can disclose at the moment largely just from lack of research.
In general terms if being confronted by an angel treat them like any extra-dimensional being. They are able to be banished, bound, and tend to not like iron and salt.
And most don't really look human.
yeah, but trying to assign meaning or intent to their forms is kind of, pointless. Since, we don't really know that. I guess I could have included how to tell if you're in the presence of an angel, but it's like the smell of burning hair.
you just kind of know.
just a normal mind freak.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
the obtuses have it out for me
They only happen if a boy makes a wish after his biological father makes pennant based promises.
As if.
I guess a lot of pornstars?
Steam: YOU FACE JARAXXUS| CainLoveless
White Chain and Juggernaut Star are tied for my favorite angel. K6BD is just so fuckin cool
Choir is the term for a group of Angels.
i used to have a bmx, so no.
It has the tip if the group is able to bring down one of the angels the rest of the host is sure to know they did it and how
Which was really interesting and frightening
It gives ideas for the appearance of the angels since they are works of a divine being they would have phallic heads or be a weird monkey-scorpion hybrid wicked fast kind of stuff
Don't have any jokes but I have this rad link with a bunch of rad surreal angel art
You know, I've never really thought about or heard the reason for why extra-dimensional stuff doesn't like iron and salt. Is it because that stuff doesn't exist where they come from, or something else?
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welp, I wanna pre-order those books
but international shipping costs 50 god damned dollars
and it doesn't look like book depository has those in its catalog
I thought that's where you were going, but I wasn't sure.
Most extra dimensional beings are powered by fusion, so iron represents the beginning of the end of their life span and causes them emotional distress when they encounter it.
Salt is just bad for their blood pressure.
Last time I moved I very nearly convinced myself to buy a couple and hang em, but yeah, pricey.
But man. Maaaaaaaaan.
-p.67, On Metaphysical Nature, Elarot Duvei, Harper-Collins Ed., 2004
from what i understand, it is a metaphorical part of magic. there is apparently more salt and iron here than other places so we rule over it or something? should be noted also that it only applies to things from another reality coming here, and with iron and salt from here.
iron from the fey dimension doesn't do shit here or there that normal metal wouldn't do against the fey. and going there with iron weapons doesn't really have much of an effect either.
We're also pretty sure that the different dimensions have stuff that work against us like iron does them, but we're not sure what that is.
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