Fidget Spinners represent everything I hate about our society. For one thing, the typical design is wasteful. A lump of injection-molded plastic, with four bearings in it, only one of which is actually used as a bearing. The other three are flyweights. The weights could be anything, even chunks of metal rod embedded in there, but they used three bearings. Wasteful.
Secondly, they're a distraction. They were invented by a woman who saw Palestinian kids throwing rocks at Israelis, and thought they needed something else to satisfy their urges. Maybe if their political representation and their wellbeing were seen to, they wouldn't be throwing rocks at people.
The good news, though, is that you can use them to destroy your enemies. Get a metal one and sharpen it on a belt sander. Then, spin it up with a portable air reservoir and cast it forth like a throwing star. The jugular-slitting never ends.
MackenzierGold Star Police NinjaLurking... less than usual.Registered Userregular
Fidget Spinners represent everything I hate about our society. For one thing, the typical design is wasteful. A lump of injection-molded plastic, with four bearings in it, only one of which is actually used as a bearing. The other three are flyweights. The weights could be anything, even chunks of metal rod embedded in there, but they used three bearings. Wasteful.
Doesn't putting bearings in the outer holes allow you to spin it asymmetrically?
Secondly, they're a distraction. They were invented by a woman who saw Palestinian kids throwing rocks at Israelis, and thought they needed something else to satisfy their urges. Maybe if their political representation and their wellbeing were seen to, they wouldn't be throwing rocks at people.
Of course they're a distraction, they're toys.
Call Hasbro, tell them we're pulling their R&D personnel and sending them to diplomatic talks in the Middle East.
They were invented by a woman who saw Palestinian kids throwing rocks at Israelis, and thought they needed something else to satisfy their urges. Maybe if their political representation and their wellbeing were seen to, they wouldn't be throwing rocks at people.
WTF? Where the hell did you pick up that vile little story?
I've got a friend at work who has had a fidget spinner for like 6 months. Well before this kids craze has been going on. I asked him what it was, and he told me that it was specifically designed to hold the attention of ADD and ADHD people. Watching the spinner spin helps him focus and concentrate. Or anyway that's what he told me it was for.
I've got a friend at work who has had a fidget spinner for like 6 months. Well before this kids craze has been going on. I asked him what it was, and he told me that it was specifically designed to hold the attention of ADD and ADHD people. Watching the spinner spin helps him focus and concentrate. Or anyway that's what he told me it was for.
See above article. They've become widely used for what you say, but were first invented purely as a simple kids toy.
I saw on twitter apparently someone choked on one, so yeah...
Why would you try to eat it? It's not food.
I have no sympathy here. This device is not food nor does it resemble food.
Until I read a news story about rampant deaths by asphyxiation associated with this widget I'm going to chalk that up to getting Darwin'd and move on.
I'm sure there have been kids who've choked on the tiny gameboy cartridges, too. But they're not food, either. I think those stories go by the wayside because everyone agrees not to tell people it was a cartridge.
"How'd Timmy die?"
"Fuckin' huge eagle ripped him in half."
And that's Timmy's story ended. No mention of the Geometry Wars 2 cartridge lodged in his esophagus.
TiamatZGhost punsThe Banette of my existenceRegistered Userregular
I saw on twitter apparently someone choked on one, so yeah...
Why would you try to eat it? It's not food.
Kids be putting non-food items in their mouths all the time. I used to suck on pennies when I was a young boy. I liked how the metal zinged my tongue. Then I accidentally swallowed one and that's how my mom found out about my penny hobby and got super mad at me. I also used to play a game with paperclips and powerstrips. The paperclips were keys, and the outlets on the strips were locks...
Not sure how I didn't die as a kid...
Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
I saw on twitter apparently someone choked on one, so yeah...
Why would you try to eat it? It's not food.
Kids be putting non-food items in their mouths all the time. I used to suck on pennies when I was a young boy. I liked how the metal zinged my tongue. Then I accidentally swallowed one and that's how my mom found out about my penny hobby and got super mad at me. I also used to play a game with paperclips and powerstrips. The paperclips were keys, and the outlets on the strips were locks...
Not sure how I didn't die as a kid...
apparently as a toddler I enjoyed eating sand at the beach.
My wife is a teacher and she told me about the infestation of these in her classes. She swears up and down that they actually help some of her students who have attention deficit issues focus on their classwork.
Back when I was a kid, we had Lego, K'nex and Lincoln Logs. Toys that invited you to think, to create, not to stare into the center of a spinning bauble while it hypnotizes your problems away.
I saw on twitter apparently someone choked on one, so yeah...
Why would you try to eat it? It's not food.
I have no sympathy here. This device is not food nor does it resemble food.
Until I read a news story about rampant deaths by asphyxiation associated with this widget I'm going to chalk that up to getting Darwin'd and move on.
I'm sure there have been kids who've choked on the tiny gameboy cartridges, too. But they're not food, either. I think those stories go by the wayside because everyone agrees not to tell people it was a cartridge.
"How'd Timmy die?"
"Fuckin' huge eagle ripped him in half."
And that's Timmy's story ended. No mention of the Geometry Wars 2 cartridge lodged in his esophagus.
Nintendo actually decided to go out of its way to make Switch cartridges taste terrible.
Back when I was a kid, we had Lego, K'nex and Lincoln Logs. Toys that invited you to think, to create, not to stare into the center of a spinning bauble while it hypnotizes your problems away.
Umm, there was no shortage of shitty popular toys during those times, either. Slinkies, Cup and Ball, Paddleball, etc.
I saw on twitter apparently someone choked on one, so yeah...
Why would you try to eat it? It's not food.
Kids be putting non-food items in their mouths all the time. I used to suck on pennies when I was a young boy. I liked how the metal zinged my tongue. Then I accidentally swallowed one and that's how my mom found out about my penny hobby and got super mad at me.
Welcome to the club. I did the same when I was in the 2nd grade, but I swallowed a large coin (it was a 5 kop. coin -- a bit smaller than a silver dollar, I think, but significantly larger than modern U.S. quarter). It became stuck in my esophagus. I reported the event to my teacher, who then got my mom. I ended in a hospital in the capital of the country. The surgery team stuck a probe in my throat and tried to grab the coin. BTW, it wasn't one of those flexible ones: the probe was a metal pipe, through which surgeons drove the tools down. And now you know that it's possible to stick a straight pipe through a person's mouth all the way into the stomach, by twisting the neck in a certain way. You're welcome. Long story short, they were unable to extract the coin, so they pushed it down into my stomach. They kept me under observation for a few days in the hospital, in case the coin lodged itself in the intestines. But apparently it mostly dissolved in the stomach.
Back when I was a kid, we had Lego, K'nex and Lincoln Logs. Toys that invited you to think, to create, not to stare into the center of a spinning bauble while it hypnotizes your problems away.
It does absolutely nothing practical! Give me your 15 bucks, I can get a few Happy Meals with that at least.
Steam: TheArcadeBear
Secondly, they're a distraction. They were invented by a woman who saw Palestinian kids throwing rocks at Israelis, and thought they needed something else to satisfy their urges. Maybe if their political representation and their wellbeing were seen to, they wouldn't be throwing rocks at people.
The good news, though, is that you can use them to destroy your enemies. Get a metal one and sharpen it on a belt sander. Then, spin it up with a portable air reservoir and cast it forth like a throwing star. The jugular-slitting never ends.
Absolutely, yeah. The art and tone is spot on for this one!
Doesn't putting bearings in the outer holes allow you to spin it asymmetrically?
Of course they're a distraction, they're toys.
Call Hasbro, tell them we're pulling their R&D personnel and sending them to diplomatic talks in the Middle East.
Fight me.
Edit: I apparently posted half a thought... finished my sentence!
Edit 2: Fuck I quoted instead of editing. I'm on a roll this morning...
Slapping cards was a big thing at my school.
WTF? Where the hell did you pick up that vile little story?
See above article. They've become widely used for what you say, but were first invented purely as a simple kids toy.
I have no sympathy here. This device is not food nor does it resemble food.
Until I read a news story about rampant deaths by asphyxiation associated with this widget I'm going to chalk that up to getting Darwin'd and move on.
I'm sure there have been kids who've choked on the tiny gameboy cartridges, too. But they're not food, either. I think those stories go by the wayside because everyone agrees not to tell people it was a cartridge.
"How'd Timmy die?"
"Fuckin' huge eagle ripped him in half."
And that's Timmy's story ended. No mention of the Geometry Wars 2 cartridge lodged in his esophagus.
A few sites apparently. Just from a quick google search...
Oh, you'd be surprised at how well he takes the backseat.
Kids be putting non-food items in their mouths all the time. I used to suck on pennies when I was a young boy. I liked how the metal zinged my tongue. Then I accidentally swallowed one and that's how my mom found out about my penny hobby and got super mad at me. I also used to play a game with paperclips and powerstrips. The paperclips were keys, and the outlets on the strips were locks...
Not sure how I didn't die as a kid...
Bizarre. Not come across that aspect before. What a very odd story to link your idea for a kids toy.
So... would this be injection molded, or die cast, or what?
apparently as a toddler I enjoyed eating sand at the beach.
I still have a weakness for salt
The comic is spot on however, in terms of how the media operates. It's not even much of an exaggeration.
Back in my day, we had those plastic/cheap painted, not-rubber pacifiers that people wore around their necks.
And before that (or maybe around the same time), were these dumb clacking toy things.
Basically, these new-fangled kids toys can get off my lawn. And I'm not even a retired home owner yet!
Steam: TheArcadeBear
*sits in bath-tub full of pogs and gets the click-clacker to go like... maybe twice before falling out of rhythm*
I had one and loved it.
At least the fidget spinner doesn't produce headache-inducing noise.
What about that thing with the 2 U shaped rails and the magnetic wheel?
It's entirely dependent on if the magnetic wheel has flashing lights or not.
Nintendo actually decided to go out of its way to make Switch cartridges taste terrible.
MHWilds ID: JF9LL8L3
Yeah, tell me about it. These days all we have are programmable caterpillars, circuits that 5 year olds can build, virtual reality paint studios and games that you can write elaborate mods for. I mean, where's the lernin'?!