My desktop computer just suddenly started turning itself off. No blue screen, no warning, no increase in fan speed, just completely powered down. When I tried to turn it back on, it shut off in the exact same way again while loading Windows. My first instinct was to open it up and do a full dusting of everything and that seemed to work at first, letting it last long enough for me to boot into safe mode and copy some stuff to a USB drive, but it still eventually shut off again (luckily not during the copy). My guess is there's some form of hardware failure and/or overheating problem but I have no idea how to diagnose which component is the culprit. Does anyone have any advice or resources I could use to figure out what's going on?
Check and make sure every power connector is well seated. Maybe unplug them all and plug them back in.
Check the windows event viewer (just type 'event viewer' in the search bar in the start menu) assuming you can get it to stay on long enough. Look in windows->system. There's going to be a lot of stuff there, but make note of when exactly the power down happens and look at that time in the logs.
Look for things marked critical. Get a cpu monitoring program like Core Temp. Keep an eye on your cpu temps and make sure they're not getting super high.
Assuming your temps check out and the information in event viewer isn't useful, you can try disconnecting all extraneous hardware. If you have a dedicated gpu, remove it and use the onboard graphics. Remove all but one stick of ram (leave the stick that is in the slot closest to the CPU). Unplug any drives that aren't needed to boot (extra hard drives, cd/dvd drives). Reboot and see if the problem persists. If it does persist it's almost certainly a faulty psu, but it could also be a faulty mainboard. If it goes away, it could either be a fault with something you removed or a faulty psu that can't deliver enough power to drive all your devices. At that point try and add back devices one at a time and see if you can isolate the issue.
Alternatively: If you have a spare psu or one you can borrow from a friend, try using that psu instead and see if the problem goes away.
Gigabyte boards are usually build like tanks, but I'm guessing there's one or more of your power regulation/MOSFET components on the board that are either dead or dying. If you're trying to stay as cheap as possible, I recommend looking for a used board in Ebay or digging around for any discounted boards on enthusiast sites.
My build basically:
Power supply or GPU issue most likely (maybe a combo where the PSU can't supply enough power to keep the GPU and the rest of the system running). That beep is part of the power-on self-test process (POST), and as part of the POST process it checks to see if can put out video. It will not beep if it cannot put out video. Try removing your GPU and either a) replacing it with a spare or b) switch to any onboard video your system has.
Warframe/Steam: NFyt
Steam / Origin & Wii U: Heatwave111 / FC: 4227-1965-3206 / Heatwave#11356