I'm looking for the name of a PC game that is very similar to Wizardry 8 in that it is first person, but you have a party. It is also similar because I seem to remember it having a lizard/dragon playable race and a Samurai class or class upgrade. It may have been released a little before or after Wizardry 8, as the graphics were about the same level or maybe just a bit more detailed when it came to textures. I just can't seem to find it in my searches. I remember one part of the game had a Snake cult dungeon or something. Sorry I'm not being very specific, but it is driving me batty that I cannot remember it whole-cloth. I thought it was possibly related to Might and Magic, but nothing has really matched.
Best case scenario is someone post's a reply and and I'm like "That's it! THANK YOU!" I may be too hopeful with how little in the way of specifics I can remember.
Might and Magic VI has a samurai.
Yep, that was the one. THANK YOU! It was more that I couldn't place the game, and it was driving me nuts, more than remembering its quality.