For those that might just be tuning in or want a refresher. The Senate has now reveal their version of AHCA, which is being called BCRA (Better Care Reconciliation Act). Contrary to what the media and the GOP say, this neither is a healthcare act. Both bills are budget bills geared towards giving the rich a 2% tax cut, but gutting ACA aka Obamacare and medicaid. They want to pass it this week.
It's hard to say if this bill will pass. The republicans really want to give their entitled donor class a tax cut and they are pretty clear they show quite a bit of contempt for anyone that isn't wealthy. The problem for them is that this will royally fuck over the majority of their constituents, you can't really win any office in the US on just the votes of the rich after all. There is also the issue of some of both bills not being able to get past the parliamentarian, which could make them ineligible for reconciliation and open to Democratic filibuster. The other sticking point is that AHCA barely passed the House on the bullshit concept that the Senate would make it less awful, BCRA seems to have managed to be worse. The other major sticking point is that the GOP can't afford to losing more than 2 senators and more than 2 have expressed that they might not vote for this pile of shit. For one group, the bill just isn't cruel enough and they are confident that they will not be punished for screwing over their voters. For another group, they are pretty sure that their voters will punish them for voting for this and they have an upcoming election soon where a yes vote for BCRA will be the end of their political career. Finally, several major players have come out against this bill and one of the big one's is AARP.
As I've said in the last thread. If you have a republican senator and really hate this thing. Your best option is to contact them, even if they said they are for the bill because the vote hasn't happened and they might be persuaded to change their mind.
Couple ground rules for this thread.
-This is not the lol republicans and Trump thread. Keep the discussion about the repeal and replace efforts.
-This is not the let's re-litigate ACA/Obamacare thread, the Supreme Court upheld it and it will remain law until either it's repealed or replaced.
-The Usually stay on topic.
You mean revealed for the first part I assume?
Of course not; that would be rude and confrontational, and they probably wouldn't be able to book future shows with that person or those like him or her.
Would be nice if they would really start running ads against this shit.
Here are another three organization we can put in the anti-BCRA column.
I'd also argue that the republican party doesn't have the option to claim radical leftist group with one of these groups. Not unless they want to lose all of their credibility with independent and moderate republican voters, support that really can't afford to lose long term or short term.
Not sure how much of that is a result of ACA kicking and how much of it is a result of the Republican alternative being fucking awful.
Speaking of, the GOP go to at the moment appears to be trying to cast any opposition to the bill as "rude". Like Sanders describes that yes, this will kill people are they fake being upset at him.
Ah, of course. I mean, we're not talking about a party full of assholes, that had a member loudly call the president a liar, during a live state of the union address or anything.
Oh wait I'm dyslexic
Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
NBC news is a big news group.
This is ironic considering Conway barely has a job herself.
Edit - She doesn't understand that many people on it can't fend for themselves.
She understands entirely.
(alt: Fuck you, lady.)
That and it makes no mention of the contribution they have to make. It really doesn't count if you need to pay 90% of your paycheck to them for health insurance.
A small business is defined as having 499 or fewer FTE employees. A lot of companies that you would think of as large are also able to circumvent that designation by having subsidiaries or franchises that are legally distinct entities. So McDonald's has health insurance available to it's employees. Defined as the corporate folks in Oak Brook. McDonald's #4385 on Main Street? That isn't a large company, so it wouldn't be relevant to find out if they offer health benefits (they don't).
I don't know about that. She's taken two of the worst clients in recent electoral memory
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
Yeah, this is the same sort of "stupid" versus "stupid-like-a-fox" attribution error people spent a long time making with Trump: The fact that her strategy works (for a given value of works) does not mean that she is smart.
"Expert analysis shows that our plan will totally fuck up medicaid and kick tens of millions of people off their insurance. What if I just went on TV and said that experts are dumb and our plan is great and poor people are lazy and the media is liars?" is a stupid person's plan, not a smart one. She's not thinking ten steps ahead and deliberately exploiting the weaknesses of the public psyche, she's engaging in the most basic kind of "Nu-uh! Nu-uh! Nu-uh times infinity!" playground rebuttal. The fact that it works on a portion of the public anyway is an accident of external factors.
The more meaningful numbers are down at the bottom - 57% of all employers offer coverage, and ones that offer coverage only offer it to 79% of their employees on average, and only 79% of that 79% of that 57% actually choose to take the coverage (suggesting that at least 20% of coverage offers are for shitty coverage, presumably). Doing the math, that means only about 45% of jobs include offers of employee-based coverage, and only about 35% of employees are actually covered that way.
She might not be thinking 10 steps ahead, but someone was, since the ground work for that narrative has been established thorough fox and their other propaganda arm friends for years now. Maybe decades
My girlfriend is a writer for MTV, a rather large organization owned by Viacom, another large organization. Almost none of her co-workers, and almost none of the people she interacts with, are offered health insurance. Why? Because they are all classified as "freelancers" who just so happen to work in the MTV office. They are technically not allowed to attend company meetings (they do), and they are technically signed onto a yearly contract, with a day rate, no over time, no medical benefits.
So, not only do companies do things to remain below the 499 employee cut off, they can also do shady things like just straight call full time positions freelancer positions, and then are allowed to pay / do whatever they want with that position. The gf actually made more money from a start up she worked at before MTV if you do the math on salaries including health insurance, but before explaining the whole "Yes, you are being hired to work at MTV, by MTV, and will be working at MTV, but no, you are not technically going to be an official employee of MTV due health or retirement benefits" deal, it seemed like it would have been a pay upgrade for her.
Well, the group of 4 aren't going to like that.
Would this need to be resubmitted to the CBO for a new score? Would this help delay a vote so more peeps realize how terrible this bill is?
Actually it looks like as ACA kicked in more, by 2016 it was in the 80s
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
Either way it seems to lock him in. If he flips now then he'll get hit over flip flopping when you play their ad (which hurts him with Trumpies) and show that he caved to this pressure (hurts him with non-ideological voters who hate flip flopping) and voted to strip people of healthcare (hurts with the left).
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
Not on topic. Conway's career decisions aren't either.
Heller's probably fucked (e.g., losing his job in November 2018) no matter what happens at this point, so you can give him points for at least doing the right thing while doing so.
I'll give him points when he actually votes no.
It's far to likely he's just doing the McCain thing where he loudly proclaims how much he hates thing and it's against everything he stands for and then votes for it.
Taramoor on Youtube
You don't hold a press-conference with an ardently pro-Medicaid governor talking about voting no and then vote yes. Flip-flopping's not a good look.
This isn't like John McCain's grumbling about "being very concerned" and then voting yes anyway. Heller went out on a limb here.
Then I get to go pee into a cup to check for microscopic blood in my urine. Yay!
EDIT: Got through to Murkowski after about 15 minutes. Sounds like they're slammed and the official word was "No official stance, but we have some serious concerns"
Instantly got through on Sullivan's line, so I guess nobody is bothering to speak to him. No official stance either "We're still combing through the bill" (Well gee, maybe you need more time to figure out what's in it!)
Let this be a lesson; call your Senators even IF they deep, deep red. Writing them off already definitely won't change anything.