Pax West is only 2 months away so I figured I'd start up a small thread to share prep tips, favorite things to bring, product recommendations etc.
I personally can't recommend the Anker fast charge power bank enough. I've been testing it at a few events and it's been a beast. So glad I'll be bringing this to Seattle instead of my older one that took forever to get my phone back up to 100 percent.
I am on the lookout for some better walking shoes though, so suggestions are welcomed.
So how about it, PAXers new and old, what are you doing to prep?
I have found PF Flyers to be fantastic. Particularly as I love Chucks but can't wear them for any length of time due to high arches. PF Flyers are comfy, stylish, *and* have arch support. Also, changing socks mid day will help no matter what shoes you are wearing.
"Brilliant! Oh wait, if we were meant to fly, we would have been born with little bags of nuts."
Not necessarily. Could be 80°+ F, could be in the 60's and rainy. Most years it's sunny, but there are exceptions. I would have a light raincoat with a hood available, but don't tote it around if the weather is good. I wouldn't bother with the umbrella. Most Seattlites never use them.
I seem to end up buying a compact umbrella every other year at a drug store near the convention center because I assume I wont need it and dont pack it, I would bring one.
As for weather, I usually bring a hoodie jacket and it works for me. Compact umbrellas are always good to have though in case it really gets torrential (which is rare but still can happen.)
Yeah, I keep a small one in my messenger bag. Easier than packing rain gear around.
[X] Order Badges [X] Hotel [ X ] Flight [ X ] Time Off [ X ] Bobcat [ . ] Office Set [ . ] Challenge Coin [ . ] Sanity
At least 3 hours of sleep a day.
At least 2 meals a day.
And take a shower every day please.
Other than that, my best single bit of advice, bring a brand new package of socks in your suitcase. Fresh new socks every day doesn't sound like much, but when you're going to be up and about for 12+ hours it does make a difference.
LOL damn glad I had my umbrella last year. Everyone else in line on Friday was soaked to the bone. Anyone carrying a backpack would be wise to sacrifice a little space for a travel umbrella.
PAX West 16, 17
My Rig: I7 7700K, Aorus K5, 32GB RipJaws V, Samsung 960 PCIe 256 & 500, Zotac 1080Ti
Changing socks halfway through the day is amazing.
Also, it might just be my age, but I would recommend at least 5 hours of sleep every night, and more is better. Rather be peppy than a zombie.
Well.... I wouldebt recommend new shoes , because it takes time to break them in, you don't want bloody heels or ankles.
On my person for the con floor:
Misc others
The four most important rules for the con:
West Specifics:
Also, if you're there for all 4 days- pace yourself. Take breaks. Smell the roses. 4 days is PLENTY of time to see lots of stuff at PAX, so don't break your neck for it. Enjoy your time in a lovely city, especially if you're a lunatic like me and are travelling 4700km to attend.
PSN: L00nyEclip
Steam: Loony Eclipse
Twitter: @Loonyeclipse
Change of socks and good shoes are a must.
I would also recommend some carabiners or other attachment system so that you can secure it to your messenger bag or backpack, just try to be conscious of your size footprint as called out previously regarding "Large" backpacks.
see the "no porn, piracy, or personal promotion" section of the rules.
I'll be wearing shoes with boost on the bottom. I wear them all day for work and my feet always feel comfy the entire day.
Flight: [X]
Lodging: [X]
Passes: [X]
Excitement: [10/10]
PSN: L00nyEclip
Steam: Loony Eclipse
Twitter: @Loonyeclipse
I've settled on a pair of Converse Thunderbolts and might put some insoles in them but currently they're holding up well.
Here's my camping stool of choice. Fits in my backpack w/o sticking out the top, which is the issue I had with the tripods.
You might consider looking into insoles, I've had great luck with the Dr Scholl's active series. Last year I walked at least 25,000 steps/day all over Disneyworld for 8 days straight but my feet never hurt thanks to those insoles. I was starting to develop foot pain thanks to low arches, too, so it was especially impressive.
I also second the Anker chargers, mine is about the size of a roll of pennies but can almost fully charge my giant, power guzzling phone (seriously I could kill someone if I threw my phone at them).
I'm also bringing a refillable, filtered water bottle.
Now what to bring into town, which may change each day:
Also spare shoes are doubly important for cosplayers! Even if you're heel-trained wearing most costume shoes all day will kill you, have something to slip into once you're done with photos or at least for just walking around on the main expo floor (where walkway photos are banned anyway for space reasons).
As for general prep, everything else I physically do's already been covered, so the next part of prep is scouting social media. If you care about parties or gatherings, start poking around here, FB, and Twitter now so you can get a bit of an itinerary going. I'm sure a lot won't start being posted 'til closer to the event since companies aren't even confirmed yet, but you won't want to miss out on something cool just because you didn't check the right sources. At the very lease I'm sure PoroPalooza will be back, and that's a party most cosplayers won't want to miss.
Alternatively, any good suggestions for a smaller backpack? I have a full-size one but that's kind of excessive and makes getting around the Expo Hall a pain.
I personally use a canvas messenger bag and it serves all my needs throughout the convention. The canvas protects and has a lot of give for stuffing it with purchases, plus it's easy to pull on and off or maneuver for lines. I do also see a lot of folks using the smaller sling style of backpacks that have a slim form factor but can carry quite a bit. Hope that helps!
Pirate, Stormtrooper, Decepticon
Yes, my middle name really is MEGATRON
Former Ravenclaw Death Eaters Head of House