Hey, Everypony! I'm looking for a few good friends looking to go on a lighthearted, fun adventure.
Tails of Equestria is a game of positivity and friendship, where fighting is not usually the best way forward (though it is sometimes inevitable). This is a world ruled by the
Elements of Harmony, energy that represents the various aspects of friendship, and how they combine to create magic stronger than anything else.
In this game you'll be playing as young Ponies in Ponyville, fresh off discovering their Cutie Marks, who get swept up in adventure. This is the Equestria from the show, and so the Mane Six are a definite presence, as is everything else you'd expect.
The System
Tails of Equestria uses a simple system of Traits (Mind, Body, and Charm) plus Talents (Flying, Telekinesis, Dancing) to generate a pool of dice (ranging from d4 to d20) that are rolled, with the highest die being selected and compared against a test difficulty. And that is pretty much it. Ponies can work together as a group to make challenges easier, or to pool their successes, but otherwise it is exactly like it sounds: If you want to kick down that door, and you have a Body of d8 and a talent for Bucking at d6, then you get to roll both and pick the highest, hoping to beat whatever DC was set for the test. Combat, known as Scuffling, works the same way. Body vs Body is rolled, and the Pony who wins deals Stamina "damage" equal to whatever they rolled (that's right, not the difference, but whatever was rolled.), so can be fairly taxing, especially for young Ponies, though fear not, dropping to zero Stamina only means you're knocked out, emotionally devastated, or some other temporary setback.
Beyond those mechanics, you'll find one last system that brings the Power of Friendship to life, and that is a resource known as
Tokens of Friendship. Friendship can be spent to reroll dice, exchange a die for a d20, or simply pass a test outright, in addition to being used in a similar fashion to Fate Points to make small narrative tweaks. Unlike Fate, however, these points can be freely shared, and in fact, are more powerful when used in such a way. You earn a hefty pool simply by creating a character and then leveling up, but they can also be earned throughout the adventure by falling prey to your personal
Quirk, or simply by being a good friend.
Pony Characters (PCs)
PCs are fairly easy to make, and very easily personalized. Follow the following, include a nice description of your Pony and Cutie Mark, and you're good to go!
Pony Type
There are 3 types of Ponies that you can select from:
Earth Ponies are usually strong and brave and connected to the world of Equestria, though obviously characters like Pinkie Pie shrug this stereotype. You receive the bonus Talent Stout Heart (d6), which raises their Body stat and gives them a once-a-session boost to overcome any challenge.
Pegasi are the Ponies responsible for the weather and are known to be quite competitive. Again, Fluttershy is an example showing the true range. You receive the bonus Talent Fly (d6), which, unsurprisingly, allows you to fly!
Unicorns are Ponies able to wield magic, from minor and specialized to potentially awe-inspiring. You receive the bonus Talent Telekinesis (d6) that allows you to move objects or create light from your horn.
Traits & Stamina
A Pony is made up of 3 Traits.
Body, which determines your overall fitness. This covers strength, agility, and resilience.
Mind, which represents your higher faculties. This covers intelligence, wisdom, and empathy.
And lastly, Charm, which, unlike most systems, is not a dump stat here! It covers your creativity, kindness, or simply how adorable you are.
These 3 stats will range from a d4 to a d20. When creating your character, you decide whether to be Brawny or Brainy, making either your Body or Mind stat a d6, and the other a d4. An Earth Pony further increases their Body die by 1 additional size as a result of their Stout Heart Talent. All Ponies start with a d6 in Charm.
Two quick examples:
You want a character like Fluttershy, so you would make Body as your d4, Mind your d6, and then get Charm at d6 automatically. Statline would be: Body (d4) / Mind (d6) / Charm (d6)
Or you want a character like Pinkie Pie, so you would make Body your d4, Mind as your d6, then get Charm at d6. Then you would boost Body to D6 from your Stout Heart trait, resulting in Body (d6) / Mind (d6) / Charm (d6)
Then for Stamina.
Body and Mind combined produce your Stamina, which is essentially your HP. So, Pegasus and Unicorn PCs will start with 10 Stamina (d4 + d6 = 10), while Earth Pony PCs will start with 12. (d6 + d6 = 12).
Stamina can be healed by resting (at the rate of 1/day) and by eating a decent meal (1 or 2/meal, but you can't just eat a bushel of apples to fully heal or anything)
You must select at least 1 Quirk which will be your Main Quirk, but you can have up to 2 total. Quirks are your Ponies major flaw(s), something that will potentially get in the way at an inopportune time. Something like being Fear of Spiders, or Too Silly, or Bossy.
Some Quirks can be picked up later and be temporary or permanent, based on how things play out (such as injuries or new fears). You must always have at least 1 Main Quirk, however.
Whenever your Quirk stops you from doing something important, you earn a Token of Friendship. (Note, it has to be something that truly impedes you at an important time to earn the Token. If you just avoid some cobwebs in the corner, that's not going to cut it, but if you're paralyzed with fear and unable to pull the super important lever because its covered in spider-webs? Now we're talking, even if someone else is there to easily fill in.
Some example Quirks (feel free to pick from this list or come up with something on your own)
Allergy (to something), Asthma, Blunt, Bossy, Fear (of something), Forgetful, Memememememe!, Messy, Naive, Neat Freak, Needs Glasses, Oooohh...Shiny!, Overconfident, Short Attention Span, Short Fuse, Super-Shy, Too Silly.
Beyond your Traits, Ponies are made up of their Talents. Their first Talent is determined by the type of Pony they are, the second Talent is the one that triggers him or her earning their Cutie Mark! This is the Talent that will generally be their calling in life, around which most of their other Talents will revolve. For Fluttershy, its her ability to speak to animals, for Rainbow Dash, its her ability to fly, and for Pinkie Pie its throwing parties!
At Pony creation you get to take one Talent, and as explained above, this Talent should be representative of your Pony's main "thing". You may choose a Talent you already have (such as Rainbow Dash with Fly), and if you do, you increase the die size by 1, from d6 to d8.
Here are a sample of Talents, but feel free to create something new if nothing quite fits!
Pegasi Only-- Cloud Wrangling (limited weather control), Fly
Unicorns Only-- Telekinesis, Forcefield, Teleport, Stun Ray, Locate
Earth Pony Only--Pony Of All Trades (1-per-session die that can be used for any challenge), Healing Touch, Stout Heart.
Creative Flair (Charm-based) Pick 1 per time taken: things like Baking, Comedy, Drama, Fashion, Music, Painting, or Sculpting.
Keen Knowledge (Mind-based) Pick 1 per time taken: things like Art, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, History, Magic, Math, or Physics.
Special Skill (Body-based) Pick 1 per time taken: things like Bucking, Climbing, Dancing, Flying, Juggling, Jumping, Running, or Sneaking.
Pony Sense (Warnings of danger), Speak with Animals, The Stare (freeze or potentially control a target)
If you have any questions about any of these, feel free to ask, and of course feel free to come up with something else if need be!
Element of Harmony
Every Pony is aligned with one of the Elements of Harmony, which are representations of the various aspects of Friendship. There are 6 elements, as follows:
Kindness, embodied by Fluttershy, represented by a pink butterfly.
Generosity, embodied by Rarity, represented by a purple diamond.
Laughter, embodied by Pinkie Pie, represented by a blue balloon.
Loyalty, embodied by Rainbow Dash, represented by a red lightning bolt.
Honesty, embodied by Applejack, represented by an orange apple.
and Magic, embodied by Twilight Sparkle, represented by a magenta star.
Each Element is telling about the Pony's personality. It doesn't determine how they always act, and it can even change as the Pony grows up or experiences something life-changing. Each Element has its positives and negatives (Kindness can lead to being walked over, or Honesty can hurt, for example). The only potentially confusing one is Magic, which represents that the Pony is fairly balanced in possessing all the other Elements, but at the same time, only really shines when they are with their friends, and can be saddled with the responsibility of keeping their friends together.
There is no mechanical effect on your Pony (as far as stats go) for whichever Element you pick, however there might be things in the world that respond to a Pony of a certain Element, such as a chest that will only open for somepony aligned to Generosity!
Money & Equipment
Each Pony is going to start with 400 bits, which is Equestria's form of money. Most day-to-day life needs don't actually require money, especially around Ponyville, but should you make adventuring a habit, you may find use for it. Things like Barding (armor) can be purchased, fancy clothes, or kits to upgrade your dice on various checks (such as party supplies for throwing a party).
For the first adventure, we likely won't need this, so I'm not going to list everything, but if there's some sort of item you maybe want your Pony to have right off the bat, feel free to speak up and I can give you some ideas on price!
And I think that's it! I've been in the mood to play something happy and lighthearted, and hopefully a few other people would be interested in something like that as well. Feel free to submit a Pony below.
Here are the basics, I'll come back and edit the fluff in.
Earth Pony Brewer
Porter is a black pony with caramel colored hair. His cutie mark is a two wooden kegs, one standing upright and the other on it's side. He is strong and large for his age after years of lifting and carrying keg barrels.
Porter comes from a long line of draft horses, all brewers in their own right. He was raised by his Uncle Tapper, a craftsman of great renown. After years of learning from his family, Porter finally set out to make his own mark on the world and brew his own recipes.
He is hard working, but quiet. Do to his size, he is self conscious that he sticks out, so he is reluctant to talk to those he doesn't know. In contrast to that, he is at his happiest when he sees others enjoying the brews he has crafted. He tends to lose himself in his work and his friends often have to force him into the outside world.
Body: D8
Charm: D6
Stoutheart D6
Brewing (Charm Based) D6
Element of Harmony:
Tokens of Friendship: 5
Bits: 400
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Comics, Games, Booze
I just wasn't sure if I had been clear on the fact you guys were playing young ponies or not! No harm to leave it as Brewmaster, I just wanted to make sure I clarified before you got to your fluff.
"...And they were like, 'How do you burn lettuce?' and I was all like, 'Excuse you? Ponies grind black pepper on salad, you know? And charcoal is twice as tasty and good for your digestion'? Do they even know what gourmet means?"
Fragrance is a green-coated Earth Pony, with a spiky grey mane and tail. As an Earth Pony, she is pretty fit, and rather headstrong as well.
Her Cutie Mark is a bushel of sweet-scented herbs, and her recently discovered special talent is an extremely keen sense of smell. She has been trying to find a career niche that can take advantage of this skill, like food gathering, outdoors work, or herb gardening, but has yet to figure out exactly how to make it useful on the regular. At the moment she is exploring the option of being a rather awful cook!
She is exceptionally willful, and has a great deal of personal pride, so it's rather easy to get her riled up. She also isn't particularly good at expressing herself with words and is easily flustered by 'fancy talk', making her seem dim, uncultured, or out of her depth at times.
She is aligned with the Element of Honesty. She prefers to talk straight, keep matters out in the open, and stick to truthful, sincere communication. On the downside, she may come across as rude or unnecessarily blunt, or reveal far more than she ought, when approaching situations that require tact and subtlety.
Stamina - 12
Body - d6
Mind - d6
Charm - d6
Stoutheart - D6
Keen Scent - D6
Belligerent - Main - Gets angry rather quick
Inarticulate - Doesn't great at talking ideas good
Honesty - Keeps things aboveboard, but a little blunt at times
400 bits
Edit: I used this one and GIMP, for reference.
Well, I've noticed things tend to slow down around here during the weekends, so at least through tomorrow. After that we can either run it with just the two of you (and someone can always join in part-way through), or we can shutter it if you guys aren't interested in running with such a small group.
Thinking about a radar unicorn at the moment.
So sonar works too.
Well, I mean, it's a "Spell", so, Magic did it.
Violet is, well, a purple unicorn.
Her Cutie Mark is her as a shadow of somepony.
And as she discovered at an early age, her special skill is being able to locate anypony she knows.
But the problem is, it doesn't end there.
She becomes innately connected with the ponies she knows, and often appears right as they're in a spot of bother.
And this scares her.
She can vaguely sense the emotions of the ponies she is attached to, or any nearby pony really so long as they're strong enough, and that sometimes compels her to do things she otherwise wouldn't.
Rather than trying to live with this, she has resorted to other means of controlling her power.
Namely limiting her social circle and shying away from social events.
Given that she feels some (false?) sense of accomplishment when she helps her few friends, and her aversion to her own calling, she spends most of her time helping her friends be the best that they can be.
Being always rushing to their side and empathetic, Violet is aligned with the element of Loyalty.
But she will also hide behind them, or side against newcomers for fear of becoming overwhelmed.
Stamina - 10
Body - d4
Mind - d6
Charm - d6
Locate Friends - d6
Telekinesis - d6
Super-shy - Main - Doesn't like crowds. Or making new friends.
Impressionable - Easily coerced by crowds or peer pressure.
Loyalty - Will stand by you in a tough spot. To the detriment of whomever pony else might be around.
400 bits
Sounds good.
I'm expecting the power will open up as she uses it more (locating unknown ponies, better empathy, perhaps even a siren charm sort of thing).
@Marshmallow @Ken O
Alright, since no one else has shown any interest, we'll go ahead and get started! If anyone else wants to join, they'll be easy enough to slot in.
This first little adventure is the one from the back of the core book, so its pretty simple to get everyone used to the system and the ideas of how it all works. After this, if you want, we can move on to the Curse of the Statuettes, which is more of a traditional adventure!
And lastly, each of you starts with 4 Tokens of Friendship.
1) As mentioned in the Quirk section of the OP, when you are stopped from doing something important by one of your Quirks, you gain a Token.
2) Leveling up. With each level, you'll gain a Token for each player in the game, including me.
3) By being a good friend. An example is, say you were all at the Grand Galloping Gala, and Violet had pumped into a table and rather large bowl of punch was about to tip over and spill all over her. Porter might save the day by jumping in the way, having his tux ruined rather than Violet's dress and saving her from embarrassment. What a friend!
And Tokens can be spent in the following ways:
1 Token: Reroll any die.
2 Tokens: Reroll a die with a d20 instead.
3 Tokens: Automatically succeed!
You can also spend Tokens similarly to Fate points to inject something into the narrative.
Now, all of these costs are a bit fluid--I might require more tokens to automatically succeed at particular things, for example, but, at the same time, when the tokens are shared, they become more powerful. So, if two friends donate a Token to a roll for a third friend, that might be enough to qualify for an automatic success, or at the least, the effect of the sharing will lessen the effect of a fail or increase the effect of a success.
Oh, also, there are 2 things I forgot to mention regarding the system.
1) Exploding Hoof: if you ever roll the max on a die, you get to roll the next size up as well. If that die rolls max, keep going until you hit a d20.
2) Crit Success: If your roll results in double or more than the DC, then you've scored a crit and the success is extraordinary. If you roll a 1, that's a crit fail, so pretty unlikely if you're rolling more than one die.
The sun is shining over Ponyville, with barely a cloud in the sky. The cloudwrangling teams seem to be on point today, keeping everything just right for everypony to enjoy the day. The market is full of Ponies going about their business, smiling and chatting with those that they know. The three of you are also amongst the crowd, saddle bags full of tasty things that you've picked up.
What sort of treats have each of you bought today? (this doesn't cost you any bits)
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Going with the flow of the itinerant crowd, Fragrance enjoys the nearly intoxicating smell of so many nearby foodstuffs, barely resisting the urge to spend every bit she owns on some of absolutely everything.
Her self-control has paid off, as she's managed to hoard the bulk of her last paycheck for the time being, only purchasing a few small bushels of carrots and celery, saddle bag space neatly saved by stuffing them in the same box as the ursa claw and buttermilkweed bar pastries she bought at the bakery stall earlier (sugar frosting and vegetables go together like strawberries and mushrooms, after all).
The other side of her bag she's stowed away a few small amounts (mostly free samples, as a matter of fact) of a handful of spices she wants to experiment with in her cooking. Caraway seeds, rosemary, thyme... They smell great, but how will they taste in, say, a rhubarb and pumpkin pie?
Princesses save us all, she aims to find out.
As Fragrance trots along near Violet and Porter, she begins to notice something odd...is her bag heavier than it was before? Taking a peek, she notices a small, fluffy white bunny rabbit with great big black eyes has managed to creep its way into her bag. The small creature is happily munching away at the ursa claw, though it looks like it has also sampled from the carrots as well.
What are you going to do?
"Um, excuse me?" Fragrance says, trotting in a curt circle to keep her eyes on the open saddle bag and its invasive critter while avoiding bumping into Ponies around her. "What do even think you're doing? Where did you come from?" Shifting herself so as to dump the offending lagomorph, as well as an unfortunate amount of groceries as a sacrifice against further damage to her goods, she continues.
"You better belong to someone tough or persuasive, sweetie, or I'm taking a hoof to your fuzzy..."
The small rabbit clings to the bag with one hand, and the ursa claw with the other, glaring angrily at Fragrance as he lifts the pastry to his mouth and takes another large bite.
How do Porter and Violet react to the scene?
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Missy is a pegasus who likes to help people. And she can get things done pretty fast! And sometimes well! And really it's the thought that counts, right?
I mean, of course she helped Mrs. Cake when Missy overheard they were out of flour. She got that flour to the bakery before Mrs. Cake had gone more than a few steps out of her door on the way to get it! I mean, sure most of the flour ended up on Mrs. Cake (and a lot of the rest on Missy, yes that's true)... but Missy had said she was sorry, and made it up to the Cakes by flying another load of flour over at a slightly slower speed. Also, she'd remembered to ask the Cakes if they wanted her help the second time!
Really, this was just one more in a string of very helpful moments she'd had recently. Pretty soon, she'd be a world-class helper who didn't get yelled at nearly so much for helping!
Missy is a pure-white pegasus with a pink mane. Her cutie mark is a heart with wings, obviously accelerating.
Stamina: 10
Body: d6
Mind: d4
Charm: d6
Fly- d8
Messy (main)- Doesn't let things like tidiness get in the way of stuff getting done.
Overconfident- Somepony once told Missy that the only way to get better was to try stuff and fail. That pony almost immediately regretted saying this.
Element: Kindness- very concerned about everyone and everything's well being.
Tokens of friendship: 5
Inventory: 400 bits
"Surely somepony in the festival must own this thing. Can you see a tag on it?"
"Hey guys, everything okay over here?"
She moved closer to the bunny without really waiting for an answer. The bunny seemed to be caught halfway out of Fragrence's bag, in a strange state of falling both up and down at the same time.
"You're a cute little thing...do you need help?"
@discrider @Marshmallow @Ken O @el skid
The small bunny clings furiously to the bag, stuffing the ursa claw into its mouth to hang onto the bag with both hands as its fluffy tail begins to rise into the air. A firm shake though, and the creature breaks free of magic, though with a bit of surprise on its part, as it goes flying up into the air to land on its rump in the middle of the group. The bunny does not look pleased, though it continues to gnaw on the pastry in its mouth.
"Oh dear" comes a quiet voice, "there you are." A girl pony, a Pegasus with a yellow coat and pink mane and tail, trots over to you from out of the crowd. She has big blue eyes that stare shyly at all of you, and you see three pink butterflies on her hindquarters. Its Fluttershy! None of you know her personally, but everyone in Ponyville knows of her, given that she is a friend of Princess Twilight Sparkle and responsible for saving all of Equestria numerous times.
"Excuse me," she says in a quiet voice. "Thank you for rescuing my rabbit, Angel. He scampered away from me and I've been looking for him all over the place!" She gently takes the rabbit and cuddles him. He glares at all of you, making furious faces out of Fluttershy's sight.
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Apparently, meeting your hero doesn't go any better if you practice it over and over in your head, she though sadly, shaking her head. The motion dislodged some flour from her usually pink mane, which in turn floated down like really thick dandruff, landing on Fragrence's flank.
"Help it? Little rat was eating my groceries," Fragrance insists, making a vexed face of her own back at the mischievous rabbit. Turning to glare at her pile of dropped purchases, and then back at the shy pegasus, her expressions softens. Sorta.
"Your pet..." she says, emphasizing the word to irritate the obviously headstrong bunny. "...Pulls this kind of trick on someone less forgiving and you'd be in some trouble. Maybe look into some obedience training," she looks at the rabbit to make sure its getting the message. "Or a leash."
"Oh, gee," she says, "I'm sorry about your groceries. Angel is just the sweetest thing, he loves to meet new ponies, and can be a little too friendly sometimes. Luckily he is an excellent judge of character." Fluttershy nuzzles the bunny. "Aren't you." She looks back up at Missy and offers another smile. "I think he really likes all of you!"
At this, Angel shakes his head vigorously, still glaring at Fragrance. Fluttershy doesn't notice.
"I also think you're just the ponies my friends and I need!"
Different eye color? Different mane style? More/less saturated mane color? (I can use hex codes or RBG/HSB sliders if you want to specify an exact color).
"Y-your friends need our help?! Yessss this is the best day ever!!!"
Missy shoots up in the air and does a tight loop de loop, dislodging most of the rest of the flour from her mane onto pretty much everything in a 10 foot radius.
"How can we help? Is Equestria in terrible danger again? If Rainbow Dash hurt her wing I can totally sub in for her on your team, just say the word!"
This is one of the ponies that's saved the world? Good grief, those friends of hers must be absolute beasts.
"You who the when now?" she says, shaking off her narrow-eyed glare towards her hip-hoppity nemesis at Fluttershy's latest assertion. "You need ponies? This ponies? These ponies?" She pauses.
"What for? An ancient evil escaped and you need some teens with attitude?"