Hello all. I am making this post to try to figure out what to drink. By that I mean, I have a 40 oz Hyrdoflask that I usually fill once a day with a beverage, and drink that throughout the day (not necessarily only that, but usually at least that). I have been using some of the Arizona tea powder packs, or the True Lemon packs, but I am getting iffy with them due to the sugar content. I was thinking of just brewing some hot tea into a concentrate, then pouring over ice in the Hydroflask to chill and dilute it. I was thinking of using teas that don't really contain caffeine, so as to avoid too much of it, but I am wondering if this is a wise choice or not. As I said, it would be my main beverage throughout the day, most days, and I would like it to not be horrible for health. Any advice would be welcomed, as would recommendations for alternatives. Thank you.
"If nothing is impossible, than would it not be impossible to find something that you could not do?" - Me
If you are wanting something that has some flavouring but without a lot of calories, I'd recommend using a roobios tea (also called red bush or red tea), a herbal tea (which frequently include roobios), a corn tea, or black soybean tea (kuromame tea). Chamomile tea tastes remarkably good when chilled. If you want to enhance the flavour, a small amount of honey or other sweetener can be added but for thirst quenching I prefer to not add any sugar at all.
Using non-caffeinated teas should be okay. They are consumed widely in Asia as chilled beverages you can get from vending machines. If you have any health issues or potential health issues related to hormones, it might be worthwhile running the kuromame option by your doctor as there are some reports that soy beans can have an effect on hormone levels, especially for women seeking to become pregnant.
If I went the tea route, is there any things I need to watch out for should I consume the volume listed above? Meaning, negative effects to consuming the volume suggested. I would also most than likely go the unsweetened route, seeing as how I mainly lack a sweet tooth. I drink unsweetened tea, straight coffee, etc.
Thanks for the ideas for teas to look out for Caedwyr, I'll see about picking some up today maybe.
As I said though, I would probably be using mainly non-caffeinated types, because I don't need it for the energy, and also would probably be skipping the sweetener.
This is a good point. If you are looking for something like what spas call "detox water", you can't go wrong with putting some cut up wedges or slices of citrus fruit + fresh mint in the water. This is something you'd do in the morning and keep the water chilled for the day. It is very refreshing, is mildly flavoured, and has almost zero calories.
Otherwise, if you are drinking an unusual tea/infusion just google 'health effects X tea' where X is that thing. Licorice tea for example, while delicious, shouldn't be drank in large quantities. Or at least so says the internet when googling that.
I think it might be worth considering to think less on "what will I drink" as a permanent thing, and possibly have a range of options to keep you from getting bored and are reasonably healthy. The water options suggested are great ways to start. There are a ton of very low calorie beverage mixers that have flavors you can find out there with next to no sugar. I will occasionally add bruised rosemary to water as an occasional flavor option. There are lots of things you can do.
Just focus on moderation, I guess.
Even alternating teas and flavored waters with plain water will keep them interesting, as you won't get tired of the same flavors all the time.
Personally I prefer plain water as a default, then something nicer like sparkling water or tea as a way of "treating" myself and breaking up the day.
Mint is great, it is so easy to grow. Heck the problem is stopping it from taking over. We have a patch in our yard and I do nothing at all to it and it just gets bigger and bigger. A further additional bonus is the bees seem to love it. We just go out and grab a few leaves as needed
If you just want to flavor your water look into infuser pitchers. You can put whatever you want into the basket (herbs, spices, fruits, vegetables) and let it sit for a day or 2 to get stronger flavor. That said, your fresher/fleshy agents are going to start breaking down after 2-3 days, and they'll have already given their flavors, so I'd pull those after a couple days to optimize taste and look of the infusion.