I noticed just yesterday that I noticed a funny smell after I was done going to the bathroom. I didn't think much of it, and at first thought it might've been related to some acne I have
just inside my nostril.
But today, I realized that the smell was there again, and I made the connection that it was coming from my urine. And, well, it definitely is. My first thought was "that's funny" followed by "UTI." I don't have
any of the other symptoms that go hand-in-hand with UTIs (though perhaps they are yet to come, or it is asymptomatic), so I'm wondering a couple of things: what could possibly cause my urine to smell weird (I haven't eaten asparagus recently, and while I have smoked pot in the last couple of days, I didn't think it actually affected the
smell), and is this something I should be particularly concerned about?
Edit: Oh, and I'm a male, and I haven't had sex in a little over a year.
I drink a decent amount of water. Maybe not as much as I should, but I'm not quite sure that's the problem.
Part of what was concerning me was that though the smell was rather strong, it didn't really smell like urine typically does. But yeah, I'm not pissing blood while me knees buckle from pain or anything.
If you feel no pain, don't notice anything cloudy or bloody, it's just diet related and is happening because you ate something that's causing the smell. It could be a singular thing, or a mix of different things coming together.
This is not medical advice, I can't diagnose you.
It's unlikely that you have much to worry about and these signs are usually just dietary, although there are some other potential factors in there. I recommend that you keep drinking your normal amount of water, and call your primary care physician if you notice:
An inability to urinate, such that you urinate less than 1/day;
A foamy urine when you look into the bowl after you're done (like the head of a glass of beer);
A granular urine after you're done (like small specks floating in the bowl);
An especially dark urine (a dark tan or brownish-red);
Fatigue, shortness of breath, or a blue tint to the skin of your cheeks or under your fingernails;
Generalized muscle pains with no obvious traumatic source;
A sweet, fruity smell to your breath when you wake up in the morning;
Continuation of this problem for five days or more, or occasional reoccurrence.
Go to the ER if someone else notices:
Confusion or loss of consciousness.
Note that the 'five days or more' isn't a catch-all, it's actually just as important as the rest. Basically, my only concern would be to rule out any sort of nephritic or nephrotic syndrome (things going through your kidney and into the urine that they shouldn't), any kind of anemia (which would overload the kidney's natural filter), diabetes, any kind of myositis, or any kind of leukemia. Confusion or loss of consciousness is the safeguard in the extreme case that you have a great excess of ammonia or ketones in the blood.
None are particularly likely without other correlating symptoms (except the leukemia and maybe the diabetes), but if you get nervous, a simple PCP visit for bloodwork is relatively fast, easy, and very good for hinting at more serious problems.
Asparagus makes my pee smell funny.
It never happened on past binges.
I know you said you haven't had sex in a little over a year but sometimes there can be a bit of "left overs" in your urinary tract from masturbation and may lead to a strange smell. You may just need to drink just water for a couple of days to flush your system out. A little bit of cranberry juice probably wouldn't hurt either.
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
When I eat Smacks cereal my urine smells like Smacks. I kid you not. It's almost worth calling my roommate in to experiance.
But I think the general advice here is to see if it is still there tomorrow, and if it is, then pursue a possible examination.
Drink a bunch of water to flush whatever it is out of your system.
And then a thought struck me.
Perhaps this is kind of vague, but does anyone know if rather sizable Ampicillin tablets might have an affect on the smell of urine? I've just started to take 2000 MG of this stuff a day, and it was right about then that I started to notice that things were occasionally... different. Just a thought.
I used to have this as a kid, what is its significance?
I do believe it's a sign of a urinary tract infection. Given that nothing significant seems to have come of it for you, I wouldn't think much of it.