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PC Hardcrashing

fRAWRstfRAWRst The Seas CallThe Mad AnswerRegistered User regular
Googling hasnt been supremely helpful, hoping someone can help me diagnose my crashing issues.

So in the past month or so my PC has been hard crashing. No reboot, not BSOD, no errors. Just freezing completely, with sound blarring if something was making noise (game movie etc)

It happens completely randomly, sometimes during boot (and windows boot problem solver didn't come back with anything other then restore). Some days it wont crash at all, some days it'll crash 3-4 times in a row. I have to reset power to get it to boot again, and sometimes it'll crash minutes into next boot, or not for another 30 mins, or even an entire 5 hour session. It doesnt happen during specific games either, sometimes ill be mid PUBG and it'll crash, sometimes ill be browsing PA forums and it'll crash. I had a temperature checker installed and nothing seemed to be overheating, so not sure if that's it. Is there a way to diagnose what is causing it? A program to run that will log what is causing it? No major hardware or software changes in recent memory.

Will post PC specs when i get home



  • Descendant XDescendant X Skyrim is my god now. Outpost 31Registered User regular
    It could be bad RAM. I have a stick of RAM that only shows as 4GB even though it's an 8GB stick, and I get crashes like that. It usually happens when I'm playing a game though.

    Garry: I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time I'd rather not spend the rest of the winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!
  • fRAWRstfRAWRst The Seas Call The Mad AnswerRegistered User regular
    It could be bad RAM. I have a stick of RAM that only shows as 4GB even though it's an 8GB stick, and I get crashes like that. It usually happens when I'm playing a game though.

    I believe i have 16 gigs, would looking to see what it shows as be a decent check for this?

  • LD50LD50 Registered User regular
    Go here and grab memtest. Throw it on a USB stick and test your memory.

  • wunderbarwunderbar What Have I Done? Registered User regular
    I'd put PSU as likely as RAM. Absolutely test for RAM but a PC just rebooting like that is often a PSU.

    XBL: thewunderbar PSN: thewunderbar NNID: thewunderbar Steam: wunderbar87 Twitter: wunderbar
  • fRAWRstfRAWRst The Seas Call The Mad AnswerRegistered User regular
    wunderbar wrote: »
    I'd put PSU as likely as RAM. Absolutely test for RAM but a PC just rebooting like that is often a PSU.

    Sorry if I was unclear

    it doesnt reboot, it just hard crashes. I have to force a reboot or power down by holding buttons in order to get it to run. When it boots up it gives me "windows didnt close properly, do you want to boot in safe mode?".

  • furlionfurlion Riskbreaker Lea MondeRegistered User regular
    Could also be hard drive issues. Bad sectors or a dying drive could cause that.

    sig.gif Gamertag: KL Retribution
  • ShadowfireShadowfire Vermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered User regular
    furlion wrote: »
    Could also be hard drive issues. Bad sectors or a dying drive could cause that.

    Maybe, but hard drive failures usually also include the system running like dogshit when it isn't crashing, which OP didn't describe.

  • fRAWRstfRAWRst The Seas Call The Mad AnswerRegistered User regular
    Ran Memtest 86, took about 2.5 hours but came back with 0 errors

    I have a 300 gig ssd which has windows on it, then a 2 TB HD which has programs/games

    still having the random hard crashes

    maybe its a GFX issue? My 980 is a bit older

    i guess ill try using onboard/diff video card and see if it crashes there?

  • MugsleyMugsley DelawareRegistered User regular
    Since it's random, I'm tempted to lean on temperature problems; though admittedly the last time I ran into something like that, it ended up being the motherboard (which I only narrowed down after slowly replacing every other component in that particular build).

    Honestly at this point, it could be a number of components causing issues. I don't necessarily think it's the vidcard because it doesn't only happen when you're doing something that stresses the card. Do you have access to a IR thermometer or similar device, to look for hot spots?

    Were you able to collect all your hardware info?

  • LD50LD50 Registered User regular
    If your build has onboard graphics you could try running it without the GPU and see if it still crashes

  • fRAWRstfRAWRst The Seas Call The Mad AnswerRegistered User regular
    edited August 2017
    Mugsley wrote: »
    Since it's random, I'm tempted to lean on temperature problems; though admittedly the last time I ran into something like that, it ended up being the motherboard (which I only narrowed down after slowly replacing every other component in that particular build).

    Honestly at this point, it could be a number of components causing issues. I don't necessarily think it's the vidcard because it doesn't only happen when you're doing something that stresses the card. Do you have access to a IR thermometer or similar device, to look for hot spots?

    Were you able to collect all your hardware info?

    no IR or heat sensitive view device unfortunately. I'd be surprised if it is overheating, it happens randomly, sometimes seconds after windows boots, or even during startup

    PC Specs

    Intel I7 5820K CPU 3.3ghz
    2x 8 gig corsai vengence pro black ddr4

    Nvdia Geforce GTX 980

    Samsung EVO 840 SSD Pro 480 GB (OS on this)
    2 TB HD for games/programs
    8 TB USB 3.0 backup

    fRAWRst on
  • fRAWRstfRAWRst The Seas Call The Mad AnswerRegistered User regular
    edited August 2017
    annnnnd just as i was typing this; may have found the problem

    i have 2x 8gb ddr4 rams, but only 1 is viewable by windows and memtest only checked 1

    could be that one died and is shorting out the MB?

    fRAWRst on
  • LD50LD50 Registered User regular
    Possibly. It could also be a mainboard or memory controller issue. Try booting it with only one stick at a time.

  • fRAWRstfRAWRst The Seas Call The Mad AnswerRegistered User regular
    Thats been the nightmare. Been trying diff slots and diff sticks, got it to boot exactly once, then kept troubleshooting to see which slots may be bad and havent been able to get it boot since

  • MugsleyMugsley DelawareRegistered User regular
    Was one or more of the sticks loose or otherwise not 100% pressed into its slot? If you have some compressed air, blow out all for slots thoroughly to make sure any dust bunnies haven't caused the sticks to not play nice.

  • MorblitzMorblitz Registered User regular
    edited August 2017
    I was having a very similiar problem recently! I had bought a brand new PC from a website my brother trusted. It ran great for a while, and then the freezing happened.
    It was mainly when I gamed, random freezing when I was playing. Everything would seize up and I'd hear a burst of sound as the audio went out. It would sit there frozen until I hard restarted my PC. Eventually it started freezing in general use until I reinstalled windows. Which helped, for a month. I tried many things, drivers, checking temperatures, event viewers - it all seemed good. Yet it was a coin toss whether I'd finish a game of PUBG or Overwatch. For months this issue plagued me, and I was getting sad over my expensive word processor.

    Eventually, a friend helped me figure out that it was bios related. I updated my bios, and no more crash/freezes! It's been about 6-8 weeks and the skies seem clear.

    So if my story sounds like yours, try updating your bios.

    Edit: Seems like you may have found the problem. Still though, could consider your bios.

    Morblitz on
    3DS Pokemon Y Friend Code: 0645 5780 8920
    Please shoot me a PM if you add me so I know to add you back.
  • fRAWRstfRAWRst The Seas Call The Mad AnswerRegistered User regular
    Well now i have a headache of other problems.

    Cant seem reach bios, the pc will power on but no display shows. Im going to try to swap out the gfx card to see if i cant get into bios for an update, no on-board graphics card unfortauntely.

  • nexuscrawlernexuscrawler Registered User regular
    Have you reset the bios manually by switching the jumper and popping the battery?

  • fRAWRstfRAWRst The Seas Call The Mad AnswerRegistered User regular
    Tried the jumper but according to my X99-A manual its a switch? Im dumb when it comes to PC

    no luck; but maybe i was doing it wrong. i have not checked for the battery yet. My brother has a video card but hes on other side of town so i'll probably drive down this weekend to snatch it

  • fRAWRstfRAWRst The Seas Call The Mad AnswerRegistered User regular
    swapped out video card, got new ram

    still randomly hardcrashing

    going to reinstall windows next

  • kaliyamakaliyama Left to find less-moderated fora Registered User regular
    fRAWRst wrote: »
    swapped out video card, got new ram

    still randomly hardcrashing

    going to reinstall windows next

    Based on all of the above it sounds like it could be a BIOS or PSU issue. If you've swapped out everything then it could be the motherboard itself.

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