Penny Arcade - Comic - Health Hole

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited September 2017 in The Penny Arcade Hub

imagePenny Arcade - Comic - Health Hole

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Read the full story here

Unknown User on


  • Talyn RahlTalyn Rahl Registered User regular
    So, so, so wrong.

    But so, so, so right.

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    edited September 2017
    If that cleft talk gets you moist, be sure to check out the stream this is based on:

    dennis on
  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    Pretty sure I've had this exact conversation with my friends while playing WoW.

    I play primarily healers in that game, and nearly all of them have some sort of ground-based healing circle. And I know I've told my friends to get in my healing hole before.

  • jwalkjwalk Registered User regular
    I came home from work early yesterday and there was my wife playing Destiny 2, fully up inside another man's cleft.

  • DrogeistDrogeist Registered User regular
    I love pretty much all PA comics, but this one made me laugh harder than any in recent memory. For me, it's probably interaction of the art (the faces in panel 2 are especially funny, while the D2 art is just cool) and the words (which convey hilarious tones of infantile bickering, ruthless cajoling, and smug self-satisfaction).

  • CristovalCristoval Registered User regular
    My friend and I were just having this conversation while playing, except about the orbs your character drops which charge your super. He refers to them as "dropping eggs" and, ugh... no. Strategically using a super to help charge your team before a large battle is called "cooking up some breakfast" and I want no part of this anymore. Logging off.

  • Twenty SidedTwenty Sided Registered User regular
    I made it, I'll call it whatever the fuck I want.

  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    Cristoval wrote: »
    My friend and I were just having this conversation while playing, except about the orbs your character drops which charge your super. He refers to them as "dropping eggs" and, ugh... no. Strategically using a super to help charge your team before a large battle is called "cooking up some breakfast" and I want no part of this anymore. Logging off.

    Yeah that's ridiculous.

    The proper terminology is pooping light.

  • His ShadowHis Shadow Registered User regular
    I laughed way too much at this...

  • Adam DuckieAdam Duckie Registered User regular
    This is literally just my friend and I when we game on VC.

  • H3KnucklesH3Knuckles But we decide which is right and which is an illusion.Registered User regular
    I can't help but wonder if Gabe deliberately made Tycho's warlock's helmet kind of yonic in the third panel.

    If you're curious about my icon; it's an update of the early Lego Castle theme's "Black Falcons" faction.
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