
[GW2] Third Expansion Announced - End of Dragons! We're going to Cantha!



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    naengwennaengwen Registered User regular
    edited November 2017
    They're pretty neat, but be mindful of your positioning! Weavers are glassier than ever, though the reward is great if you stick to it.

    naengwen on
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    Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeer MarylandRegistered User regular
    edited November 2017
    I just want to pick Reddit up by the lapels and whisper "they're just shiny pixel dogs guys"

    if some rich dude's shiny pixel dog habit makes it so that nice artists and programmers get paid which in turn means I can play this game without spending $15 a month or whatever I actually am 0k with that.

    Lucid_Seraph on
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    3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    I just want to pick Reddit up by the lapels and whisper "they're just shiny pixel dogs guys"

    if some rich dude's shiny pixel dog habit makes it so that nice artists and programmers get paid which in turn means I can play this game without spending $15 a month or whatever I actually am 0k with that.

    Man, no. When a game is structured around earning shit in game for years and then you get this bizarre warping loot box drop garbage, it's fucking stupid. If they NEED THIS TO GET PAID, why aren't expansions priced more? Why isn't the game charging a monthly sub? Where are the normal microtransactions? Why is it goddamn loot boxes? And why are they suddenly THE MOST NECESSARY when this game supported itself for over 5 years without them?

    Loot boxes are a mechanic by which a publisher can make as much money as humanly possible from each person playing their game. No more, no less. They're dishonest, they play on the worst addictive and gambling-prone tendencies of people, and they're anti-consumer at their heart. They're also not "just shiny pixel dogs" in a game that is, and always has been, enormously focused on cosmetics and appearance collection. That's just a flat out incorrect statement.

    These mechanics have a warping effect on gameplay and drop rates/collectability, as we've seen in every single game they've been implemented in. They're "just optional" except that the game is set up in such a way that it's constantly encouraging you to go buy them. Stop defending anti-consumer bullshit. If you don't care, whatever, no one's forcing you not to buy them, but people have extremely good reasons for being sick of gambling mechanics being shoved into every single goddamn game that's out there.

    Especially because of how it's gone this year! Nearly every AAA game has some kind of fucking loot box in it, and lots of them contain shit you can't get in the regular game (LOOKING AT YOU DESTINY 2)! These corporations don't care about your gameplay experience, they just want as much cash as they can wring out of you. Why would anyone defending this predatory garbage?!

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    Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    My man.


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    naengwennaengwen Registered User regular
    It was a stupid decision. I think their reaction was the best choice for them - enacting wholesale refunds or negation of the investment already made is reckless and could result in further action by players due to the confusion. This way they aren't negating the existing investment, but are giving us assurance that this isn't going to grow.

    I just worry about what this will mean for investment in future endeavors. A hastily patched together mobile port may not be far off...

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    Cobalt60Cobalt60 regular Registered User regular
    GW2 has had loot boxes for 5 years, it's just popular to hate loot boxes at the moment.

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    PerrsunPerrsun Registered User regular
    edited November 2017
    Cobalt60 wrote: »
    GW2 has had loot boxes for 5 years, it's just popular to hate loot boxes at the moment.

    And they probably wouldn't have gotten this much shit if they had just put some mount skins in the current loot boxes, and made them tradable/marketable (like the Home Instance Nodes are). Maybe even just throw them in with the current Black Lion ticket system. Be able to purchase a specific skin from Tickets, and have the Random Mount License be a thing the chests can drop.

    It's not that it's just popular to hate them at the moment, it's that they had a system that worked, and people were used to, and then they introduced a shittier one.

    And even if it is just a popular time to hate on lootboxes.... maybe don't introduce a new lootbox system. Read your damn audience.

    Perrsun on
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    Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    edited November 2017
    Cobalt60 wrote: »
    GW2 has had loot boxes for 5 years, it's just popular to hate loot boxes at the moment.

    This is a super reductive and dismissive comment.

    The Black Lion Chests are bad enough, with tickets split into scraps, and boosters (which may as well be garbage) as the main reward. The chests are dumb and bad, I've bought 20 keys, and ended up with: much less value in gold than if I had just sold the gems, one new weapon skin, and one new mini (which I view as more garbage, but that's my opinion on minis). I'm not sure if you've looked at the odds table that is readily available, but (with an admittedly small sample size) they're pretty terrible.

    Just because it's finally come to a head, doesn't mean it wasn't always wrong and bad. There's some easy parallels I could make to the real world here, is "it's just fashionable to make noise about it" really a path you want to go down?

    Why weren't the adoption licences a double click to select your reward?

    Here, I'll answer my own question for you: To take as much from the customer as possible.

    I think it's interesting that anyone finds this position defensible. You could get griffon skins without having the griffon unlocked. That means a customer could spend real money on something they wouldn't even have access to. That is bad design, full stop.

    Anon the Felon on
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    EidolonOrpheusEidolonOrpheus NoatunRegistered User regular
    As a griffonless multiple griffon skin owner, wishing I could sell the skins.

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    Steel AngelSteel Angel Registered User regular
    Cobalt60 wrote: »
    GW2 has had loot boxes for 5 years, it's just popular to hate loot boxes at the moment.

    Execution matters a great deal. Black Lion chests were one of the less problematic implementations for loot boxes and were sometimes used as an example of how to do them without pissing off the player base. Keys weren't too expensive even if the odds sucked, there were in game sources of keys available for map completion and story quests, and items from them could generally be sold for gold so that rewards people did not want could still be utilized and people that didn't want to deal with the RNG could still gain benefit from financing those who did pay for keys.

    The mount skin boxes break with all of those factors.

    Big Dookie wrote: »
    I found that tilting it doesn't work very well, and once I started jerking it, I got much better results.

    Steam Profile
    3DS: 3454-0268-5595 Battle.net: SteelAngel#1772
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    naengwennaengwen Registered User regular
    edited November 2017
    I think it's interesting that anyone finds this position defensible.

    See that in itself is a reductive position, though. At the end of the day they're still a company attempting to find a way to profit on a business premise that's otherwise unprofitable. Their whole strategy is how to make that as painless as possible at this point so they have the resources to continue supporting project, which is in itself the only game they have to offer, so yeah they're gonna fuck up along the way.

    That fuckups been pointed out, and by MO's word they're not going to pursue it any further than they have. I don't think there's much else to expend our energy on that doesn't speak to the general issue regarding micro transactions in the games industry. There isn't a lot they can do without making the situation a whole lot worse.

    naengwen on
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    -Loki--Loki- Don't pee in my mouth and tell me it's raining. Registered User regular
    Finally got around to doing more story. Just got past Hallowed Ground.

    They really, really stepped up their storytelling in this expansion.

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    Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeer MarylandRegistered User regular
    Living World is coming on November 28!

    Teaser trailer is *mostly* nothing new until the end. The new footage starts at 1:10.


    I'm pretty surprised actually -- I was sure ArenaNet was going to do that thing where they let us twiddle our thumbs through Halloween AND Wintersday. It's nice to have an actual update between those two.

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    PerrsunPerrsun Registered User regular
    Yeah, I’m surprised how quick they’re bringing it back. I haven’t even beaten the PoF campaign yet.

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    -Loki--Loki- Don't pee in my mouth and tell me it's raining. Registered User regular
    edited November 2017
    Did The Departing. That was a great one.
    I don't get the moaning over the Eater of Souls? I just plinked him with a longbow while running away and healing occasionally. It wasn't a particularly fun fight, but it wasn't exactly hard.

    Now this next one with the undead guy, I might need some help with. His self heal is really hard to stop with just NPCs.

    -Loki- on
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    Cobalt60Cobalt60 regular Registered User regular
    -Loki- wrote: »
    Did The Departing. That was a great one.
    I don't get the moaning over the Eater of Souls? I just plinked him with a longbow while running away and healing occasionally. It wasn't a particularly fun fight, but it wasn't exactly hard.

    Now this next one with the undead guy, I might need some help with. His self heal is really hard to stop with just NPCs.
    Archon Iberu? You need to kill the enemy that he is draining to stop the self-heal. You don't actually have to CC Iberu himself.

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    -Loki--Loki- Don't pee in my mouth and tell me it's raining. Registered User regular
    Cobalt60 wrote: »
    -Loki- wrote: »
    Did The Departing. That was a great one.
    I don't get the moaning over the Eater of Souls? I just plinked him with a longbow while running away and healing occasionally. It wasn't a particularly fun fight, but it wasn't exactly hard.

    Now this next one with the undead guy, I might need some help with. His self heal is really hard to stop with just NPCs.
    Archon Iberu? You need to kill the enemy that he is draining to stop the self-heal. You don't actually have to CC Iberu himself.
    Yeah but hitting it with enough damage to kill it before he heals is kinda hard when the timeframe is so short and you can't get the NPCs to help.

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    ringswraithringswraith Registered User regular
    -Loki- wrote: »
    Cobalt60 wrote: »
    -Loki- wrote: »
    Did The Departing. That was a great one.
    I don't get the moaning over the Eater of Souls? I just plinked him with a longbow while running away and healing occasionally. It wasn't a particularly fun fight, but it wasn't exactly hard.

    Now this next one with the undead guy, I might need some help with. His self heal is really hard to stop with just NPCs.
    Archon Iberu? You need to kill the enemy that he is draining to stop the self-heal. You don't actually have to CC Iberu himself.
    Yeah but hitting it with enough damage to kill it before he heals is kinda hard when the timeframe is so short and you can't get the NPCs to help.
    Don't wait until he starts draining an add. Kill them as they appear. That's how I got through that fight.

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    DissociaterDissociater Registered User regular
    Living World is coming on November 28!

    Teaser trailer is *mostly* nothing new until the end. The new footage starts at 1:10.


    I'm pretty surprised actually -- I was sure ArenaNet was going to do that thing where they let us twiddle our thumbs through Halloween AND Wintersday. It's nice to have an actual update between those two.

    I left GW2 installed as I plan to come back for the LS4 as it happens this time around. I thought LS3 was quite good so I have high expectations for 4.

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    Steel AngelSteel Angel Registered User regular
    -Loki- wrote: »
    Did The Departing. That was a great one.
    I don't get the moaning over the Eater of Souls? I just plinked him with a longbow while running away and healing occasionally. It wasn't a particularly fun fight, but it wasn't exactly hard.

    Now this next one with the undead guy, I might need some help with. His self heal is really hard to stop with just NPCs.
    They nerfed the Eater. It used to have an extremely short CC window that required hard CC to interrupt because it was too short for fear, cripple, chill, and other softer CC effects to work if you were too close to reliably avoid its jump. And a lot of builds don't have access to a good 1200 range weapon so reliably avoiding its leap attack isn't so easy for many build types.

    Big Dookie wrote: »
    I found that tilting it doesn't work very well, and once I started jerking it, I got much better results.

    Steam Profile
    3DS: 3454-0268-5595 Battle.net: SteelAngel#1772
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    -Loki--Loki- Don't pee in my mouth and tell me it's raining. Registered User regular
    -Loki- wrote: »
    Did The Departing. That was a great one.
    I don't get the moaning over the Eater of Souls? I just plinked him with a longbow while running away and healing occasionally. It wasn't a particularly fun fight, but it wasn't exactly hard.

    Now this next one with the undead guy, I might need some help with. His self heal is really hard to stop with just NPCs.
    They nerfed the Eater. It used to have an extremely short CC window that required hard CC to interrupt because it was too short for fear, cripple, chill, and other softer CC effects to work if you were too close to reliably avoid its jump. And a lot of builds don't have access to a good 1200 range weapon so reliably avoiding its leap attack isn't so easy for many build types.
    Ah, so it's basically Guild Wars 2's Thunderhead Keep, and once again I was slow enough to reach it after the nerf. Fun times.

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    StraygatsbyStraygatsby Registered User regular
    This is so stupid. 11/28 is not the week I'm on vacation. I told those A.net guys way ahead of time, too. *sigh*

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    IncenjucarIncenjucar VChatter Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited November 2017
    I should be able to get my griff tonight, and by this weekend I'll have the last Hero Points I need to get all the new classes my characters can use. So danged happy with this expansion.

    Really looking forward to doing a tour of pre-PoF stuff after this so I can complete a few elusive experiences. At a minimum I need to max glider, since that has a use outside of HoT.


    Update: GRIFF GET

    Incenjucar on
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    bertinrowbertinrow aka Uberfish. the DustbowlRegistered User regular
    Haven't played GW2 since before PoF launched. What are the new meta classes?

    I floop the pig.

    PSN: Bert_Bertinrow
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    Steel AngelSteel Angel Registered User regular
    bertinrow wrote: »
    Haven't played GW2 since before PoF launched. What are the new meta classes?

    Meta for what play modes? That's going to vary quite a bit.

    PvE wise at the high end:
    Guardian, Engineer, Elementalist, Mesmer, Revenant and Ranger all have strong dps builds. Other classes can do enough to get the job done but aren't ideal for most fights and not recommended for people after the easiest time or speed clears of content.
    Healing builds are still Ranger, Ele, and Rev. Druid lose Grace of the Land's unique buff a few weeks ago which shifted to might stacks which changes things quite a bit.
    Warrior still is needed for banners but not necessarily for might sharing with the druid change.
    Chrono now has even more responsibilities due to needing to help keep up Fury with some of the nerfs to other classes.
    I believe a combination of Guardian and Rev can output similar amount of quickness and alacrity as a chrono but you're still talking about two people playing specific builds instead of just one.

    Big Dookie wrote: »
    I found that tilting it doesn't work very well, and once I started jerking it, I got much better results.

    Steam Profile
    3DS: 3454-0268-5595 Battle.net: SteelAngel#1772
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    LeandriellLeandriell Registered User regular
    Gratz all who got their Meta bounty tonight! We'll be starting back in Crystal Oasis post-missions next week. Though just 2 boards for the sake of sanity!

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    darkmayodarkmayo Registered User regular
    Been playing Guild Wars one this past couple of weeks (Playing through Nightfall first to unlock heroes then likely will do Eye of the North then jump back to prophecies then factions. (Does unlocking heroes unlock them on all your characters or do they have to be unlocked on other ones)

    anyways, been enjoying it and enjoying seeing all the stuff that is talked about in GW2 first hand. Largely doing this to get me some HoM rewards but I likely will play through the entire story.

    Dont suppose anyone has there old GW account and want to give me items and money to make this all go smoother. :D

    Switch SW-6182-1526-0041
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    IncenjucarIncenjucar VChatter Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    I've got all of the PoF masteries now, and am back in HoT content to grind out Glider mastery. Yeah I am missing PoF pretty bad already.

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    -Loki--Loki- Don't pee in my mouth and tell me it's raining. Registered User regular
    edited November 2017
    I'm still of the opinion that they designed PoF the way they did because they need people to move back to HoT. They baked the map metas into HoT so hard that if people all just move on and never came back new players are up shit creek when they come through.

    -Loki- on
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    Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeer MarylandRegistered User regular
    Hey so I need to get up to fractal 51 at least so I can unlock the LFG tool for T3 fractals. Anybody want to take me up that way tonight? I have... never done that one.

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    Steel AngelSteel Angel Registered User regular
    Hey so I need to get up to fractal 51 at least so I can unlock the LFG tool for T3 fractals. Anybody want to take me up that way tonight? I have... never done that one.

    Play time is kind of weird for me in general these days and I obviously wasn't on last night but I'm generally willing to pop in to help for specific fractals but technically you also only need to be 5 personal levels below the lowest fractal of the tier you want to unlock. So you're only looking at 46 for T3s (though it's highly recommend you get familiar with Shattered Observatory on T2, maybe Nightmare as well) so you might be able to skip some. Which if we have to fill out using LFG we likely will given that non-daily fractals usually aren't as active.

    Big Dookie wrote: »
    I found that tilting it doesn't work very well, and once I started jerking it, I got much better results.

    Steam Profile
    3DS: 3454-0268-5595 Battle.net: SteelAngel#1772
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    RisenPhoenixRisenPhoenix SUPER HOTRegistered User regular
    If I'm online I'm almost always up for any Fractal shenanigans, so please feel free to drop me an invite.

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    KylindraKylindra Registered User regular
    There's 5 free transmutation charges in the gem store today.

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    Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeer MarylandRegistered User regular
    So I actually did manage to rustle up some folk to take me through 44 and 45 today, so now I have T3 unlocked.

    It is STUPID FUN playing a Druid and even in Viper's gear M I L E S easier than playing an Engineer. Which isn't to say that Druid is *easy*, just that DPSCondigineer is on a degree of difficulty and precision that's kinda dumb. It's also straight up clear that people just *don't die as much* when you have a Druid in the party.

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    M-VickersM-Vickers Registered User regular
    Kylindra wrote: »
    There's 5 free transmutation charges in the gem store today.

    Still there now, and also a free black lion miniture claim ticket !!!

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    LeandriellLeandriell Registered User regular
    And now a free res orb!

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    M-VickersM-Vickers Registered User regular
    Is this just a black Friday week promo ? They've had free stuff all this week, right ?

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    AmiinityAmiinity Registered User new member
    Looking for invite Name is same as forums name, Am a returning player currently around lvl 25-30 trying to get back into this game in my downtime. Havent played since launch.

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    ringswraithringswraith Registered User regular
    Amiinity wrote: »
    Looking for invite Name is same as forums name, Am a returning player currently around lvl 25-30 trying to get back into this game in my downtime. Havent played since launch.

    I believe officers would need your GW2 account name, which is usually "accountname.1234" so they can send the invite. I think.

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    Steel AngelSteel Angel Registered User regular
    New patch notes are up
    11/28/2017 - November 28 Release Notes
    Release Notes:
    Living World–"Daybreak"
    After a freak Brandstorm engulfs the Elonian city of Amnoon, a mysterious vision reveals that an encounter in the ancient ruins might determine the fate of Tyria. The commander embarks on a search for a secretive order of warriors who guard the way into the ancient city, just as the consequences of past choices come home to roost.

    New Legendary Focus
    A new legendary weapon is now available. Speak to Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs in Lion's Arch to learn how to craft the new focus precursor, "Ars Goetia," and forge this new legendary focus.

    World Polish
    Elon Riverlands

    Added a conversation line to Jimoh to help indicate that she can escort up to ten defectors north to the oasis camp.
    Fixed a bug that caused one of the Deadhouse prisoners to remain hidden in their cell.
    The Desolation

    Added a fix so the second finisher used on each of the Maws of Torment portals will show the player's chosen finisher instead of the Realm Portal Spike Finisher.
    Molten effigies are no longer immune to burning.
    The Settings Preset under Graphics Options no longer affects the DPI Scaling setting.
    Fixed the Jackal Reconnaissance achievement so it will no longer stall if the player recovers Awakened intel before turning in a letter to Nori Mahat in the Bonestrand.
    Windows: The launcher's size now reflects the DPI Scaling setting.
    Exotic-tier Funerary weapons and armor can now be salvaged and used in the Mystic Forge.
    A new Keys category has been added to the wallet, and it contains a currency version of several existing items. These items can be consumed to convert them into the new currencies. Content that once required these items to be in a player's inventory will now check for the currency instead. This change affects the following items:

    Zephyrite Lockpicks
    Bandit Skeleton Keys
    Pact Crowbars
    Exalted Keys
    Vials of Chak Acid
    Trader's Keys
    A new Competitive Currencies category has been added to the wallet, and it contains the following currencies:

    PvP League Tickets
    Ascended Shards of Glory
    Badges of Honor
    WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets
    Proofs of Heroics
    Testimonies of Heroics
    Some currencies in the wallet have been reorganized for consistency in grouping in the All Currencies view.

    New Fractal: Twilight Oasis
    Journey to the past and witness events that shaped Elona, for better or worse.
    Fractal Revamps
    Captain Mai Trin Boss
    The Captain Mai Trin Boss fractal has a few pain points, namely the lack of diversity in the encounter, as well as the inability to progress the cannon transitions any faster through player skill. The fractal has been updated to reflect our new encounter-design standards and increase player engagement at all tiers.

    Improved telegraphing and targeting consistency of Horrik's cannon attacks.
    Captain Mai Trin will now fixate on the farthest player for a short time after a teleport.
    Adjusted transitions to rely more on player skill for progression.
    Improved mechanical escalation.
    Implemented various bug fixes and improvements.
    Molten Boss
    The Molten Boss fractal was too short to be considered a full fractal, and it had some time-gated content that made replaying the fractal a bit tedious. Now, the fractal is full length and has received various improvements to bring it up to our new quality standards.

    Improved the environment art and lighting.
    Added new encounters reminiscent of the original dungeon.
    Added new dialogue for the final bosses.
    Removed unnecessary waiting.
    Replaced a cinematic.
    Improved telegraphing on the Molten Firestorm.
    Reduced the amount of knockbacks in the second phase of the Molten Berserker.
    Removed evades from the Molten Berserker.
    Changed the outer ring in the second phase of the Molten Firestorm encounter to be much less punishing for melee players.
    Reworked the Champion Molten Effigy encounter.
    Rebuilt the Molten Alliance creature skillsets to be better telegraphed and more fair.
    Added new content to the second phases of the boss fight at tiers 3 and 4.
    Implemented various bug fixes and improvements.
    Mistlock Instabilities
    Two new Mistlock Instabilities have been added to the fractals.

    Hamstrung: The lower your health, the slower you move.
    Fractal Vindicators: Fractal Avengers have been replaced by the more powerful Fractal Vindicators.
    Flux Bomb will no longer be able to appear in midair.

    Adjusted which instabilities appear at some scales.
    Fractal Rewards
    Long-term uses for fractal currency have been lacking, so new rewards have been added that can be purchased using fractal currencies and materials. Additionally, some rewards, such as fractal encryptions, experience, and karma, were inconsistent, with some fractals providing too much and some fractals providing too little.

    The karma reward formula has been simplified. Players will no longer be penalized for playing above their Personal Fractal Level or for playing above scale 90.
    Tyrian Mastery experience rewards in fractals have been standardized so that tiers 1–4 respectively give 2, 4, 8, and 12 writs of mastery experience.
    Standardized Fractal Encryption rewards for all fractals, with the exception of the Nightmare and Shattered Observatory fractals, which now reward extra Fractal Encryptions.
    New account augmentations can be purchased from Deroir in the Mistlock Observatory.
    Added ascended rings, accessories, and amulets with selectable stats to Buy-2046 PFR.
    Added Mystic Clovers to Buy-4373. Purchases are limited to two per day.
    Added equipment bags that can be purchased with blade shards to Bling-9009 after completing the harbinger's challenge in the Nightmare fractal. Purchases are limited to five per day.
    Added Integrated Fractal Matrices to the material storage tab in the Bank.
    Reduced the Obsidian Shard gold cost and increased the relic cost.
    The Mistlock Observatory jumping puzzle now offers a small number of daily relics.
    The Fractal Console guild decoration can now be constructed, and players can interact with it for unique effects.
    Fractal Quality of Life Updates
    Added Mystic Forge recipes with swappable states to existing cosmetic infusions, such as Celestial Infusion, Chak Infusion, Ghostly Infusion, etc.
    Added Mystic Forge recipes with swappable stats for rare infusions.
    Added expertise and concentration infusions.
    Added a right-click "Consume All" option for fractal encryptions and keys.
    When a party is defeated, astral force for Celestial Avatar and life force for Death Shroud will now refill.
    Moved the first Cliffside Mistlock Singularity to a more convenient location.
    Changed which fractals appear at scales 1–7.
    Hall of Chains
    An influx of murderous undead relentlessly hunt innocent worshipers of Grenth. Infiltrate the Underworld and join the struggle for control over the fates of the living and the dead.
    Spirit Vale
    Players who fall into the River of Spirits while the Sabetha encounter is active will now be teleported back to the main platform.
    Sabetha's flame wall attack, Firestorm, has received general improvements to its collision detection.
    Jumping will no longer negate the teleport from Unstable Magic Spike.
    Gorseval now has a facing arrow decal, similar to Vale Guardian.
    Gorseval's prisons now receive conditions and critical hits.
    Revealed is no longer permanently applied when Gorseval is engaged.
    Boss attacks now have more information in the combat log.
    All bosses are no longer immune to weakness.
    Salvation Pass
    Improved messaging on Slothasor's Tantrum telegraphs.
    Boss attacks now have more information in the combat log.
    An achievement-tracking effect has been added to Environmentally Friendly.
    Saboteurs now have Veteran status to assist with tab targeting.
    Stronghold of the Faithful
    Boss attacks now have more information in the combat log.
    Revealed is no longer permanently applied when the Keep Construct is engaged.
    Revealed is no longer permanently applied when Xera is engaged.
    Fixed an issue that prevented the Radiant and Crimson Phantasms from disappearing.
    Fixed an issue in which conditions could damage the Keep Construct while invulnerable, allowing for phases to be skipped.
    The Raid Mastery track, if locked, will now be hidden. This has been done to allow players who do not participate in raids to gain experience toward Spirit Shards. Completing any encounter inside of a Heart of Thorns™ raid will unlock and make visible the Raid Mastery track.
    Various bosses now apply revealed directly to fixated targets and high-toughness targets through attacks.
    Boons, barriers, and mounts are now removed more expediently when an event starts.
    Event failure now refills astral force for Celestial Avatar and life force for Death Shroud.
    The Rift Traveler Mastery has been renamed Rift Forger. Travel via Ley Rifts is now available to all players, and the Rift Forger Mastery will allow players to repair their armor.
    All bosses are no longer immune to weakness.
    Boss encounters had incongruent toughness values across the board. With a few exceptions, all encounters have had their toughness normalized.
    Vale Guardian, Keep Construct, and McLeod the Silent remain unchanged.
    Structured Player vs. Player
    Players can no longer mount or glide in the Free-for-All arena found in the Heart of the Mists.

    New Items and Promotions
    For a limited time, the new Resplendent Avialan raptor mount skin is available in the Style category of the Gem Store for 2,000 gems.
    A new Elonian Landscape Dye Kit containing six exclusive colors is now available in the Special category of the Gem Store for 125 gems.
    For seven days, the Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey returns to the Utility category of the Gem Store for 1,000 gems.

    Not having HoT keys in a bunch of my shared inventory slots will be nice.

    A lot of fractal changes. Curious how Mai Trin will be as it got really repetitive and I already could manipulate Horrik's targeting by hurting him. Less enthused about Molten Boss lengthening. It's probably good to not make Fractal 40 farming a big thing anymore, but it was nice to have a shorter fractal some nights.

    Big Dookie wrote: »
    I found that tilting it doesn't work very well, and once I started jerking it, I got much better results.

    Steam Profile
    3DS: 3454-0268-5595 Battle.net: SteelAngel#1772
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