I would like it to be known, by the 3 people who have not already figured it out, that PAX has, by far, the highest (good)Wickedness:(bad)Location ratio of any convention in the world. I can only imagine the meeting at which someone said "Hey, let's throw this kick ass party for our 30000 closest friends... and let's do it in the least populous corner of the third largest country on Earth!".
My sadness goes out to my brothers in cant-make-the-trip-ness. And my envy to the Supertrip-ers.
We may not have that big of a population up here, but our kick ass to suck ratio is like, 50000:1. with kicking ass leading.
most of all, most of all
someone said true love was dead
but i'm bound to fall
bound to fall for you
oh what can i do
Least populous? wow man. Hmm...Seattle is pretty big. I live in Tacoma and don't mind makin it to Seattle.
Where would you have the convention? Throw the fact that Gabe and Tycho LIVE in Belleview, it just makes sense. Nintendo, Microsoft are both located in Washington.
Sorry man, it just makes sense.
Not to mention that Seattle is so much better than the rest of the country.
The sheer amount of hotels there are to stay at and the numerous restaurants in the area are great. And for those who enjoy it--COFFEE CAPITAL, hello.
The convention center is gloriously huge, I must say. I am excited to go to PAX there simply to see how they use all that space. Oh, and there's a good crepe-making place right outside the convention center.
also Boo yock a shaa
Cant win
We can use tents and the cacti for nourishment.
Dude lay off AZ.
(Though I do agree with you.)
Bitching about location of PAX looks to be up a quarter point this year.
also, http://biz.gamedaily.com/industry/feature/?id=12579
Either way its a win :P
most of all, most of all
someone said true love was dead
but i'm bound to fall
bound to fall for you
oh what can i do
And Bellevue isn't really designed for people to walk around and do cool things - it was designed with cars in mind - so in the past PAX may not have been the optimal place. But downtown Seattle is perfect. It's a huge area with a high concentration of shops, restaurants, coffee shops with Wifi (boy is there a high concentration around the convention center!) It's designed for people to get everywhere on foot. And for the lazy/out of shape, there are tons of busses running all over downtown, and they are all free (as long as you don't leave the city). Unfortunately, the bus tunnels are closed right now (as they add light-rail), so the busses all run on surface streets.
There's a Gameworks arcade less than a block from the convention center (if you dunno what that is, it's a HUGE two story arcade with bar, restaurant and pool tables). A theater next to Gameworks. A block away, a mall with another theater and some upscale restaurants and a GameStop. A couple blocks from that, another mall with a nice international food court and another Gamestop (and FYE). For touristy stuff, the Seattle Center with its Space Needle isn't that far, nor are the Seatle Ferries going to Bremerton, and the sports stadiums are near the ferries. Oh, and Pike Place Market is just down the road from the convention center.
And of course, being a hop, skip and jump away from Microsoft and Nintendo means it probably doesn't take much prodding to get them to participate. This area is actually one of the big areas in the world for game development, even discounting those two biggies, so there's even more potential exhibitors (and participants).
edit: I feel i should mention that the OP of this thread has not logged back into these forums since making his post
Put another Pwn'd in Moe's column.
And whomever said that it should be centralized in the US... the very center of the US is near Lebanon, Kansas. And on the CCST last year, we were about 200ish miles away from it....
I would rather have it out in Seattle.
Yes will if they did then you would need a shotgun and/or holy water not just the mighty pen.
it has a gigantic convention center and is equidistant from every major city in the entire US
it'll also generate an even level of bitching that it's too far from people on the coasts.
Omaha has almost 1 million people
bunch of clubs and bars within walking distance of the convention center for those inclined
they're building 4 new hotels within 3 blocks of the convention center
the convention center also has a hotel hooked up to it via skywalk
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
How much of the gaming industry is in nebraska?
It wont ever be there no matter how much you want it to be :P
Plus why do you want pax moved there when PA is based in seattle? So you dont have to fly to pax? ...k
Everyone wants pax to move to their hometown.
Seriously for under $300 one could fly from any city to any city that has an airport in the USA. In fact it would cost me a good deal less to fly to Seattle then drive from Reno, but I have come to enjoy the road trip almost as much as the event itself.
The other aspect of this argument seems void of reason in less that reason is seeped in ones own selfish over inflated since of self importance. If one wants a PAX like event to happen in their own city, then start it. Do the work, make it happen and then you don’t have to complain about where it’s located as it’s of your own choosing. The best part is if you give us a place to gather we will come. As much as the media seems to think otherwise gamers enjoy social interaction with other like minded people.
You sir will get a bawls at pax.
For every person that makes it a thousand miles or more to PAX, whether it be by plane, train, or automobile, two people would come to the same event held more central on the west coast (so its not a 17 hour drive from LA), and ditto on the east coast.
I actually work at a convention, albeit an anime event instead of video games, so I know the problems regarding location. I have a group of friends that carpools to many conventions within a 12 hour radius of Nashville TN, and that hits a crapload of major midwest and east coast convention locations. Some day, when I move to Seattle, I am sure I will love the location of PAX. But until then, I am stuck among the many people who can't afford $300 or $150 and 4 days of driving, or any combination thereof, to get to a convention that I am already going to be spending $200+ on food and hotels for
if a million people hit seattle this year ? that would be devastating. total insanity. plus less car fires and riots that would occur when you mix drunk with nerd rage with nothing to do in omaha.
either you missed or ignored the link that stated seattle has the largest video game company population in the us.
Next year, they should totally hold the TGS in Eugene, Oregon cuz Tokyo is so far away... Eugene is much more centralized for people coming from the East Coast or Cali.