PAX East 2018 Panel!!

MannaRaeMannaRae SamPennsylvaniaRegistered User new member
The time has come, To talk of many things:
Of themes — and topics — and panelists —
Of votes — and all these things —
And will Boston be freezing cold —
And whether hot dog fairies have wings.

Come one! Come all!

PAX East is upon us! Well sort of, but panel submission certainly is! This PAX East we are mixing it up and giving a new panelist submission method a try.

Before I go into those details though I want to quickly go over what it is to be a panelist!

There is some work that goes into be on a panel for PAX. Panelists are expected to prepare thoughtful slides, held to preparation deadlines, need to be available for practice runs online and need to get to the panel with plenty of time to spare. We don’t get to choose when the panel is, so it is important to know that it could be first off in the morning, or during another popular panel. You won’t know that until a schedule is made live. PA is usually kind to us Pinny Pals, but the scheduled time of a panel may conflict with your personal pin questing or enforcing.

As a reward for taking this honor seriously panelists are given a special guest badge, that not only makes you look very important, but gets you access to all four days of the convention... not that we haven’t all already bought full sets already... but still pretty freaking cool.

OKAY! Now that I have gotten all that out of the way, this panel around we are going to have interested parties apply to be on this panel by submitting what they would like to talk about. This should include two or three sentences summarizing your topic. After initial submission your identity will remain anonymous. Only one person will know who submitted what topic, and I can keep a secret.

I am aware that it is possible that two people will submit similar topics; in this case both will go into the voting pool, it will come down to who writes the most compelling description. If it is literally the same, the first person who submitted the idea will get to use it. I will notify the other person via email.

At the end of the submission period a survey will be compiled and the Pinny Pal’s community will vote on what topics they would like to hear more about. The top FIVE topics will be our PAX East 2018 Panelists!!

Please use the following Google Form to throw your hat into the ring:

Important Dates!!
Submissions are due by December 22nd.
Voting will start December 26th.
Voting will end January 12th.
Panel Submissions are due January 19th.

I am sure I missed something… so if you have any questions feel free to post them here or seek me out on Slack!

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