Hey y'all, it's getting close to MONSTER HUNTER WORLD!
What is Monster Hunter, you ask? It's an action game where you hunt monsters, cut them up for their parts, use those parts to craft weapons and armor so you can hunt bigger monsters, and continue the loop. It's... A lot more enjoyable when you actually play it, trust me. Also, you get a kitty friend.
Here's some gameplay to give a better idea:
The games prior to this new one have been noted as being fairly newbie-unfriendly - it took me a while for the series to really 'click' with me, and it's certainly not for everyone. But if it clicks with you, it really clicks. This new game is notable for the efforts it seems to be taking to streamline the various systems involved - including removing skill points (now armor pieces just give you specific skills, with a bigger bonus for wearing a complete set), removing some of the more arduous crafting requirements (potions are just two herbs instead of a herb and mushroom, you have unlimited whetsones), and other things that seem like they should be obvious things but haven't been in the series up to this point (damage numbers! fast travel! more interaction with monsters and the environment!). Basically too many things to list in a single thread.
One of the things I like most about the series is how each weapon type feels like its own unique thing:
Personally I'm a Charge Blade dude, but I did like the longsword for a while and the hammer is a good one too.
What kind of monsters do you fight? Oh, all kinds.
Anyway, the actual release for the game isn't till January 26 for PS4 and Xbone (with PC coming at a later date), but I'm making this thread now because in a couple days the PS+ exclusive beta starts, and it runs from December 9 to December 12. What does it include?
The beta features 3 quests across 2 environments from the game. In the Ancient Forest, you can hunt a fierce yet beginner-friendly Great Jagras or as a more experienced player confront the mighty threat of an Anjanath. In the Wildspire Waste, a massive, dry expanse with swamplands, you can face off against the intermediate level mud-slinging Barroth.
It sounds like you get little trinkets from completing the beta to use in the full game, so that's neat.
Anyway, I'll collect a list in this thread of people's PSN & XBL usernames so folks can play together when this game's actually out.
Moriveth - Moriveth
hatedinamerica - captaindino
Grey Ghost - GrahamCR
Uriel - jarofmoldymayo
Simulacrum - Simulacrum156
EI-Naphtali - EI-Naphtali
CorporateLogo - CorpLogo
Mysst - Mechaphiliac
Magic Pink - Magic_Pink
Macro9 - macronine
mxmarks - mxmarks
H0B0man - Agran-
Travan - Travanodyne
Stilts - StiltsTheGM
Melding - Cptmelding
Trippyjing - Trippyjing
Rinder - Rinder86
Blackhawk1313 - BSBlackhawk1313
jaziek - kezia-j
I needed a gnome to post - CommunistLich
I Zimbra - BurroOul
Beef Avenger - Robo_Wizard1
rhylith - Amalockh
Phasen - PhasenWeeple
No Great Name - nogreatname
Phillishere - wishda
Der Waffle Mous - derwafflemous
Raijin Quickfoot - RaijinQ
The Cow King - SaveMeDavidBowie
turtleant - turtleant
Lord_Asmodeus- Lord_Asmodeu
timspork's ghost - timspork
ironsizide - ironsizide
Halos Nach Tariff - Halos_Lucentia
Farangu - Farangu
Aistan - rpuresteel
Billiard Ball - DocDaft
One Thousand Cables - CableCarrier
Switch axe 4 eva
but I'll have to do it on PC
and I am such a sucker for that, oh my god
Whatever it takes, I say. Pretty awesome if it draws people in like that.
This week is taking forever.
I will be your captain for this flight
with a great sword
Also I think this game is finally getting rid of low/high/g-rank quests in favor of more dynamic difficulty?
I started getting pretty good at switch axe before I fell off the DS games
That said hammer still holds a special, hammer-shaped place in my heart.
if not my psn is jarofmoldymayo.
Member of the switch axe crew
PS Plus is all you need for beta, I believe.
Looks like you can only pick premade hunters for the beta but all weapon types are available.
Also interesting, it's not JUST the 3 monsters in the 3 missions that you can hunt:
EI-Naphtali for psn (its E capital I, because I'm bad and typo-ed it somehow instead of lower case L. shame. shame.)
Traditionally I use GS but with world being so different I may mix it up.
The deviant system and palico farming in Generations were a real bummer, but MH in a HD environment should be what I need
PSN - TrippyJing
I'm actually *not* going to be working this weekend so... I may be down to play earlier. I'll see.
Oh, assuredly.
I'm all ready to go.
Does anyone know if the fps option for the ps4 pro is 60 fps or just some kind of locked 30?
I split my time between switch axe and long sword in the time I dabbled with MH4U but this seems like a good time to start fresh. Maybe I'll even finish the story for once!
Currently preloading the demo
the general idea is to find monsters, via hunting, and then kill them with weapons