You can't be good at everything. But you can be good in some things, and TERRIBLE at one thing. What is your dump stat, [chat]ters?
Geth roll 4d6k3 for Strength
Geth roll 4d6k3 for Dexterity
Geth roll 4d6k3 for Constitution
Geth roll 4d6k3 for Charisma
Geth roll 4d6k3 for Intelligence
Geth roll 4d6k3 for Wisdom
4d6k3 14 [4d6k3=[6, 5, 3], 2]
4d6k3 13 [4d6k3=[5, 4, 4], 2]
4d6k3 5 [4d6k3=[2, 2, 1], 1]
4d6k3 14 [4d6k3=[5, 5, 4], 3]
4d6k3 13 [4d6k3=[6, 4, 3], 1]
4d6k3 13 [4d6k3=[6, 4, 3], 2]
I had James McClean [chat]s the fuckin' Queen ready to go
It all makes sense now.
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
Kamiro: 5
Brian : 1
cred : 1
VH : 1
chat trivia question #9
name 3 chatters that have or are currently changing careers to computer programming
Good lord, looks like my dump stat is Constitution. Holy shit.
oh well
Yes, he should've picked an easier name to remember, like Ravenhpltc24.
-5 points to Gryffindor for not being A guacamole chat
skippy, tyrannus, me (if scientific computing counts as programming)
Skapples, uh chu, annnnd spool?
Currently DMing: None
[5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
it's such an easy mnemonic device
Raven Hewlett Packard Long Term Care 24
because i chose the latter
although....strength is probably my real life dump stat too, or constitution
skippy, chu, cas. eddy
"oh no, your will save will be bad. You'll get mind controlled by the enemies and kill your friends."
not seeing a downside.
Kamiro: 5
cred : 2
Brian : 1
VH : 1
chat trivia question #10
Which chatter had the dream that led to the short-lived chat meme DRINK THE BLEACH?
This character is going to get the flu and die pretty much immediately.
Well, see, I put the @ sign and had the forum autofill it for me after typing Raven.
but I think Dark_Raven's name starts with something else? @Darkra-- and @Dark_r-- got me nowhere.
cred beat you anyways, but im not sure about spool
@spool32 yes or no
oh I assumed our actual irl dump stat, but based on the answers it's hard to say if other people did as well
i don't care about scoring points but i want people to constantly be thinking about me
Neco is on the board!
Kamiro 5
cred 2
Brian 1
VH 1
Neco 1
chat trivia question #11
Name 2 vegan chatters
at home because we are memers at heart and it's a good one
not short lived!
Is it something nefarious, or sexual, or nefariously sexual.
Geth roll 4d6k3 for Dexterity
Geth roll 4d6k3 for Constitution
Geth roll 4d6k3 for Charisma
Geth roll 4d6k3 for Intelligence
Geth roll 4d6k3 for Wisdom
gonna randomly generate a whole character background with xanathar's guide to everything background generator from reddit
Stout Halfling, Fighter
I was born in a small town. I grew up comfortably, even having time to play and nurture my interests. My parents were married. My aunt and uncle raised me. I had a few siblings. I was a middle child, oft ignored. I was born at home. I was born with an oddly shaped birthmark. My childhood was rather uneventful. When I grew older, I began travelling the world.
no, im sticking to memorable chat moments