can the resupply kill the dreadnoughts? I tried to do that, thought that I hit it, but it lived. I assumed that Dreads were a special case that were just immune to resupply kills, but I guess that I may have been mistaken and actually missed the mark in truth.
I've taken down oppressors with resupply drops before. A mining head knocked out a bulk detonator in one of my matches a day or so after I linked the vid of it happening to someone else on reddit, although my clip was worse. I didn't notice the bulk and was distracted by encountering slippery blue ice for the first time. The death explosion clued me in to what I had missed.
Last night I got killed by a supply drop I didn't even know was coming. It was mid-swarm and I guess a teammate needed a refill and called it in right on top of me, and because I was standing still using the flamethrower I go squish lol
I wonder if the supply pod needs to hit the Dreadnought's weak spot in order for it to die? I still could have sworn that I hit the dread. However while it's possible that I'm mistaken entirely, I'm certain that I didn't hit the weak spot.
I haven't tried anymore since dreadnoughts really aren't that hard once you convince your teammates to stop blowing you up with c4. Whoever has aggro just runs like hell while everyone else blasts it in the rear.
Yeah, if anything I would expect them to patch it out since it's suppose to be a big boss fight.
Also, just the time and effort to get the timing just right--unless you are absolutely swimming in Nitra, which admittedly isn't hard on Dreadnought maps--that it's just easier to take the beast yourself and not waste time and resources.
Aight y'all, I'm going to get on after work tonight at around 8:30 or 9:00PM Central time and I'll be able to play for awhile if anyone wants to join me. For rock and stone!
I guess it's that I feel safe dancing around the dread. Trying to dance around the bulk just gets you blown up. Given sufficient room, the bulk is just a damage sponge but the dread sorta is too.
Dread difficulty is all about positioning due to the person being chased making sure to maximize the dread being in gun range while showing his butt with everyone ready to unload when the armor breaks. Too many times they get the dread position in such a way to make things difficult. They actually buffed the dread as well since it will regain its armor after a set amount of damage is taken instead of after a certain period of time which let you to burst them down quickly instead of needing to break armor 3 times.
Bulk detonator is only dangerous in close range since yeah one hit/death explosion and it will down you. But unless it takes you by surprise and spawns right in front of the drop Pod, you can just keep shooting at the pimples at a safe distance.
Like all things, in a void, these two things aren't all that dangerous to experienced teams. But during a hectic fight, the Bulk is IMO a more straight forward though yes you need maneuvering room if you aren't a scout who can just zip by the Bulk before it puts you in the ground.
Aight y'all, I'm going to get on after work tonight at around 8:30 or 9:00PM Central time and I'll be able to play for awhile if anyone wants to join me. For rock and stone!
I'm up for it though I may be running late due to a CPR class.
The key to the dread fights I've found is to define your own arena. Sometimes it's practical to fight the dread adjacent to it's pod, but other times it is better to pop the pod and fall back to a more reasonable location and wait for the dread to burrow on over to the battlefield of your choosing.
Hot tip for anyone playing driller: Getting dread aggro is the best thing you can do if you're running the sticky flames slow mod, just lay a line of fire down and keep it slowed, makes it MUCH easier for your teammates to unload on the backside.
Dread difficulty is all about positioning due to the person being chased making sure to maximize the dread being in gun range while showing his butt with everyone ready to unload when the armor breaks. Too many times they get the dread position in such a way to make things difficult. They actually buffed the dread as well since it will regain its armor after a set amount of damage is taken instead of after a certain period of time which let you to burst them down quickly instead of needing to break armor 3 times.
Bulk detonator is only dangerous in close range since yeah one hit/death explosion and it will down you. But unless it takes you by surprise and spawns right in front of the drop Pod, you can just keep shooting at the pimples at a safe distance.
Like all things, in a void, these two things aren't all that dangerous to experienced teams. But during a hectic fight, the Bulk is IMO a more straight forward though yes you need maneuvering room if you aren't a scout who can just zip by the Bulk before it puts you in the ground.
Aight y'all, I'm going to get on after work tonight at around 8:30 or 9:00PM Central time and I'll be able to play for awhile if anyone wants to join me. For rock and stone!
I'm up for it though I may be running late due to a CPR class.
I'm apparently going to be late as well. If you see me on, hit me up. If not, sorry bud
So for the gunner it seems his role is for big bads, so I'd assume for the minigun 2/2/1/1/?. If a driller's in the party I'd assume Hot Bullets other wise #2 seems universally good.
So for the gunner it seems his role is for big bads, so I'd assume for the minigun 2/2/1/1/?. If a driller's in the party I'd assume Hot Bullets other wise #2 seems universally good.
Hazards 4 and 5 I tend to see more flak cannon over the minigun. Can't say I've delved much into the specifics
Switch: SW-2322-2047-3148 Steam: Archpriest -- Selling Board Games for Medical Bills- Ask if interested!
Everything I've read is that the autocannon is garbage in comparison to the minigun and desperately in need of buffs UNLESS you have the carpet bombing overclock, in which case it is amazing for flattening swarms.
General_Armchair on
3DS Friend Code:
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Ninja Snarl PMy helmet is my burden.Ninja Snarl: Gone, but not forgotten.Registered Userregular
Picked this up to try it out. First off, a big thumbs-up for the fact that the game actually scales decently for anywhere from 1-4 players; it pisses me off to no end to have coop games that expect you to always run four players every time, with no middleground for varying player numbers. Sometimes I wanna do a solo run, sometimes I wanna do a full party, and sometimes I wanna play with just one or two other people without having to have randos in the middle of the conversation.
Second, I made the real unfortunate discovery that the MULE will absolutely abandon your ass through the ceiling if you call down a supply drop right before you call the dropship. Obviously not a big deal for, say, the scout, but I was running the driller at the time so watching the MULE run right up the wall and out the hole in the ceiling twenty feet up was... problematic. To make things even worse, there were some kinda flying grabber bug around who kept snagging me; I almost got out of the area, except they grabbed me twice and dropped me down the same pit.
But then they took some bizarre mercy on me and picked me up from the pit, flew me up to where the MULE escaped, and then flew up that hole before I got dropped. Don't think I would've made it if that hadn't happened.
Did you mean to say gunner? Driller has the easiest time extracting when Molly abandons you. Normally the driller abandons molly and just kool-aid mans through the map straight to the escape pod.
Scout might have difficulty following depending on how long that ceiling hole is. Normally he'd have to find an alternative route, which will be anywhere from trivial to difficult depending on the complexity of them map and how many bugs are attacking you and preventing you from studying the map.
Engineer should plug said ceiling hole with platforms before it can become a problem. Molly can still abandon him, but he can at least guarantee that it won't be a supply pod hole that causes the problem.
Gunner's out of luck.
General_Armchair on
3DS Friend Code:
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Ninja Snarl PMy helmet is my burden.Ninja Snarl: Gone, but not forgotten.Registered Userregular
No, it was driller, just my first time up with the character. I know he doesn't struggle with terrain, the problem was that the drop pod was a fair ways off and I couldn't wait for Molly to reach it before I started heading up myself, particularly since the room I was in was a lot of open space and pits already. So I saw something like one light post and then Molly was gone, and then I kept getting snagged by the flying bugs before I could shoot them.
The kicker was just the grabbing bugs, the helper bot was just not helping out with shooting them off me so they were dragging my ass all over the place. Wouldn't have been a problem without them dragging me into pits I hadn't dug holes out of yet. Every time I'd get up to where I could get moving decently, boom, dropped in a pit. Just didn't even see them coming most of the time.
It gets easier once you upgrade your drills, but eventually you ignore Molly and just head straight towards the escape pod's hud element so long that it's not several hundred meters away. A 150m trek through stone is pretty realistic for driller.
It gets easier once you upgrade your drills, but eventually you ignore Molly and just head straight towards the escape pod's hud element so long that it's not several hundred meters away. A 150m trek through stone is pretty realistic for driller.
Yeah it's why I use the Driller solo the most. Bosco can harvest everything and once molly's off, just bee-line it to the pod. The other advantage is that enemies have to come through your tunnel to get you, which really helps choke point them. Usually I'll drill till 60-90% heat, turn to see if something is coming, check map to change direction, resume drilling.
Everything I've read is that the autocannon is garbage in comparison to the minigun and desperately in need of buffs UNLESS you have the carpet bombing overclock, in which case it is amazing for flattening swarms.
Yeah that's what I read as well. Also sucks that the Cryo gun is ok, but just can't compete with the flamethrower. And it seems the last update nerfed the 2nd handgun so there's no situation now where it's useful vs the submata.
I tried the Scout some today and he's growing on me. The grapple plus cyro grenade helped me a ton with a Praetorian swarm. It would be nice if you could just hang on the end of it and dig with the other hand, like the zip line, though I guess that would overpower it.
I play the driller so often solo, I forgot how annoying getting to the drop pod is. It's a constant stream of enemies and bad terrain in the way. The driller is like easy move comparably.
I do wish they'd update the Morkite missions. They are easily the worst type. I did one as part of an assignment and ended up at the bottom of the map with 40 to go. I even found an error cube which then I really wanted to finish the map. The swarms were getting really bad as I kept going back and forth to all the large caverns trying to see if I missed any. If I wasn't the scout with the flare to find deposits on the ceilings, I'm pretty sure I'd have failed the mission.
Yeah, did a mission where I accidentally had cryo gun selected and honestly it does great work against big enemies like oppressors and what not.
Problem is part of the appeal of the flamethrower is dealing with those little guys though I do find myself running low on ammo with the sticky flame core in place.
Ninja Snarl PMy helmet is my burden.Ninja Snarl: Gone, but not forgotten.Registered Userregular
So I'm working my way through the basic stuff on the various classes and is it just me or is there some sort of bizarre control unresponsiveness in the game? There's a couple dozen times every game where I click to fire and nothing happens. Then I click a couple more times and nothing happens. Then I hold click and nothing happens. Then after like three seconds, the game finally recognizes that I want to shoot and lets me shoot. There's nothing wrong with my mouse, but the issue happens with every weapon.
Morkite emits a bit of light and can be seen in the dark. IMO it's easier to see in pitch dark than a mildly illuminated room that is illuminated by some environmental light such as lava or weird glowing plants. You can also instruct Bosco to inspect the ceiling and he will float up there and emit some light too. It's not much but it's something.
In my experience on morkite missions, it's less likely that you missed some morkite in a big room and more likely that there is some stupid chamber hidden away that's outright covered in the stuff.
When running solo with the scout, I prefer the AR and the shotgun with the pheromone grenades, but the movement inhibitors are nice too. The shotgun comes into its own once you unlock the piercing rounds upgrade and the flame damage upgrade. Originally I just speced raw daamge and pellet count, but I swapped over to some larger ammo stores once I started playing around with the "special powder" overclock that lets you "rocket jump" with your shotgun. On the AR I speced it for weak point damage.
A trick that you should try practicing with the grapple gun is to force attack a wall just prior to impact. That will make a dwarf sized hole that you can stand in to mine out a mineral vein. With practice and with applicable walls, it's possible to be flung directly into the hole that you just made. If the height isn't that severe, then you can go ahead and fall and just grapple up into the hole afterwards.
3DS Friend Code:
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Ninja Snarl PMy helmet is my burden.Ninja Snarl: Gone, but not forgotten.Registered Userregular
You can also instruct Bosco to inspect the ceiling and he will float up there and emit some light too. It's not much but it's something.
If you've got Bosco around, you can have him mine anything outright by holding control, aiming at what you want to mine, and clicking on the target. Works for dirt walls, resources, buried resources, etc. You'll know he's set for mining when an orange sphere appears over your target. He's actually pretty fast, too; he can chop most stuff out of the walls in 10-15 seconds, plus he can carry buried items over to you so you can deposit them.
This was a huuuuuuge gamechanger for me since it meant I could not only mine faster (send Bosco to mine something while you mine something else), but he can also mine up on walls and ceilings. Just wait below and you'll get the resources dumped on you, instead of having to work your way up to them. Once I figured out how useful he was, Morkite mission became dead easy because you just look for the shimmer in the dark, send him out, then gather up the resources afterwards.
That particular line was in regards to locating high deposits without the scout flaregun. You can sic bosco up there to illuminate the ceiling to identify minerals and maybe leeches.
I'm contemplating unlocking the "throw flares farther" perk so that my non-scouts can lob regular flares up closer to the ceiling. Not sure if it's enough extra force, but I want to try it.
I found my first Error Cube. It has hidden behind a wall with some purple crystals. I didn't know what I was mining because Bosco did it, and when he approached me he brought a big, monochrome Rubick's Cube worth 2000 XP.
So I'm working my way through the basic stuff on the various classes and is it just me or is there some sort of bizarre control unresponsiveness in the game? There's a couple dozen times every game where I click to fire and nothing happens. Then I click a couple more times and nothing happens. Then I hold click and nothing happens. Then after like three seconds, the game finally recognizes that I want to shoot and lets me shoot. There's nothing wrong with my mouse, but the issue happens with every weapon.
That definitely sounds like a bug because I have never encountered that myself. :sad:
Morkite emits a bit of light and can be seen in the dark. IMO it's easier to see in pitch dark than a mildly illuminated room that is illuminated by some environmental light such as lava or weird glowing plants. You can also instruct Bosco to inspect the ceiling and he will float up there and emit some light too. It's not much but it's something.
In my experience on morkite missions, it's less likely that you missed some morkite in a big room and more likely that there is some stupid chamber hidden away that's outright covered in the stuff.
When running solo with the scout, I prefer the AR and the shotgun with the pheromone grenades, but the movement inhibitors are nice too. The shotgun comes into its own once you unlock the piercing rounds upgrade and the flame damage upgrade. Originally I just speced raw daamge and pellet count, but I swapped over to some larger ammo stores once I started playing around with the "special powder" overclock that lets you "rocket jump" with your shotgun. On the AR I speced it for weak point damage.
A trick that you should try practicing with the grapple gun is to force attack a wall just prior to impact. That will make a dwarf sized hole that you can stand in to mine out a mineral vein. With practice and with applicable walls, it's possible to be flung directly into the hole that you just made. If the height isn't that severe, then you can go ahead and fall and just grapple up into the hole afterwards.
I was on the ice stages, which is kind of the worst since all light reflects making you think you see Morkite when it's just the ice.
I just like that all the other missions are pretty clear cut vs the Morkite ones are basically a random hunt.
I'd still be inclined to check for a missing chamber first. Usually when morkite is scarce, careful inspection of the map will reveal a small tunnel leading off into the unknown. At the end of that tunnel is usually a room that the RNG decided to stuff full of hundreds of units of morkite, nitra, and gold.
I've taken down oppressors with resupply drops before. A mining head knocked out a bulk detonator in one of my matches a day or so after I linked the vid of it happening to someone else on reddit, although my clip was worse. I didn't notice the bulk and was distracted by encountering slippery blue ice for the first time. The death explosion clued me in to what I had missed.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
I haven't tried anymore since dreadnoughts really aren't that hard once you convince your teammates to stop blowing you up with c4. Whoever has aggro just runs like hell while everyone else blasts it in the rear.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Also, just the time and effort to get the timing just right--unless you are absolutely swimming in Nitra, which admittedly isn't hard on Dreadnought maps--that it's just easier to take the beast yourself and not waste time and resources.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Only its final death explosion can still catch some teammates off guard if we're in a bad area, but that's just my opinion.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Bulk detonator is only dangerous in close range since yeah one hit/death explosion and it will down you. But unless it takes you by surprise and spawns right in front of the drop Pod, you can just keep shooting at the pimples at a safe distance.
Like all things, in a void, these two things aren't all that dangerous to experienced teams. But during a hectic fight, the Bulk is IMO a more straight forward though yes you need maneuvering room if you aren't a scout who can just zip by the Bulk before it puts you in the ground.
I'm up for it though I may be running late due to a CPR class.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
I'm apparently going to be late as well. If you see me on, hit me up. If not, sorry bud
Gentlemen, I am conflicted.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Then we murdered them for their valuable organs
I appreciate the cute for my mental health.
I appreciate their valuable organs for my bottom line.
Hazards 4 and 5 I tend to see more flak cannon over the minigun. Can't say I've delved much into the specifics
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Second, I made the real unfortunate discovery that the MULE will absolutely abandon your ass through the ceiling if you call down a supply drop right before you call the dropship. Obviously not a big deal for, say, the scout, but I was running the driller at the time so watching the MULE run right up the wall and out the hole in the ceiling twenty feet up was... problematic. To make things even worse, there were some kinda flying grabber bug around who kept snagging me; I almost got out of the area, except they grabbed me twice and dropped me down the same pit.
But then they took some bizarre mercy on me and picked me up from the pit, flew me up to where the MULE escaped, and then flew up that hole before I got dropped. Don't think I would've made it if that hadn't happened.
Scout might have difficulty following depending on how long that ceiling hole is. Normally he'd have to find an alternative route, which will be anywhere from trivial to difficult depending on the complexity of them map and how many bugs are attacking you and preventing you from studying the map.
Engineer should plug said ceiling hole with platforms before it can become a problem. Molly can still abandon him, but he can at least guarantee that it won't be a supply pod hole that causes the problem.
Gunner's out of luck.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
The kicker was just the grabbing bugs, the helper bot was just not helping out with shooting them off me so they were dragging my ass all over the place. Wouldn't have been a problem without them dragging me into pits I hadn't dug holes out of yet. Every time I'd get up to where I could get moving decently, boom, dropped in a pit. Just didn't even see them coming most of the time.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Yeah it's why I use the Driller solo the most. Bosco can harvest everything and once molly's off, just bee-line it to the pod. The other advantage is that enemies have to come through your tunnel to get you, which really helps choke point them. Usually I'll drill till 60-90% heat, turn to see if something is coming, check map to change direction, resume drilling.
Yeah that's what I read as well. Also sucks that the Cryo gun is ok, but just can't compete with the flamethrower. And it seems the last update nerfed the 2nd handgun so there's no situation now where it's useful vs the submata.
I tried the Scout some today and he's growing on me. The grapple plus cyro grenade helped me a ton with a Praetorian swarm. It would be nice if you could just hang on the end of it and dig with the other hand, like the zip line, though I guess that would overpower it.
I play the driller so often solo, I forgot how annoying getting to the drop pod is. It's a constant stream of enemies and bad terrain in the way. The driller is like easy move comparably.
I do wish they'd update the Morkite missions. They are easily the worst type. I did one as part of an assignment and ended up at the bottom of the map with 40 to go. I even found an error cube which then I really wanted to finish the map. The swarms were getting really bad as I kept going back and forth to all the large caverns trying to see if I missed any. If I wasn't the scout with the flare to find deposits on the ceilings, I'm pretty sure I'd have failed the mission.
Problem is part of the appeal of the flamethrower is dealing with those little guys though I do find myself running low on ammo with the sticky flame core in place.
In my experience on morkite missions, it's less likely that you missed some morkite in a big room and more likely that there is some stupid chamber hidden away that's outright covered in the stuff.
When running solo with the scout, I prefer the AR and the shotgun with the pheromone grenades, but the movement inhibitors are nice too. The shotgun comes into its own once you unlock the piercing rounds upgrade and the flame damage upgrade. Originally I just speced raw daamge and pellet count, but I swapped over to some larger ammo stores once I started playing around with the "special powder" overclock that lets you "rocket jump" with your shotgun. On the AR I speced it for weak point damage.
A trick that you should try practicing with the grapple gun is to force attack a wall just prior to impact. That will make a dwarf sized hole that you can stand in to mine out a mineral vein. With practice and with applicable walls, it's possible to be flung directly into the hole that you just made. If the height isn't that severe, then you can go ahead and fall and just grapple up into the hole afterwards.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
If you've got Bosco around, you can have him mine anything outright by holding control, aiming at what you want to mine, and clicking on the target. Works for dirt walls, resources, buried resources, etc. You'll know he's set for mining when an orange sphere appears over your target. He's actually pretty fast, too; he can chop most stuff out of the walls in 10-15 seconds, plus he can carry buried items over to you so you can deposit them.
This was a huuuuuuge gamechanger for me since it meant I could not only mine faster (send Bosco to mine something while you mine something else), but he can also mine up on walls and ceilings. Just wait below and you'll get the resources dumped on you, instead of having to work your way up to them. Once I figured out how useful he was, Morkite mission became dead easy because you just look for the shimmer in the dark, send him out, then gather up the resources afterwards.
I'm contemplating unlocking the "throw flares farther" perk so that my non-scouts can lob regular flares up closer to the ceiling. Not sure if it's enough extra force, but I want to try it.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
That definitely sounds like a bug because I have never encountered that myself. :sad:
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
I was on the ice stages, which is kind of the worst since all light reflects making you think you see Morkite when it's just the ice.
I just like that all the other missions are pretty clear cut vs the Morkite ones are basically a random hunt.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012