It's a tough forest of Google-fu to chop through, and it's still solidly in rumor territory, but new details have surfaced from
this Japanese site about a potential 3-D remake of Final Fantasy 4 (FF2 on the SNES for us in the West). Taken from the site and translated:
FF4 becoming full 3D, it came to the point of [riniyuaru] being done! As for type [nintendo] DS. FF4 development position of the staff and that time when you take charge of DS edition FF3 participates in development, when it re-constructs world from the basic and decides also the addition of new episode is! FF1, the reason, just PSP there was no [rimeiku] which starts from 2, it is with the shank
Revisiting its old franchises is standard MO for Square-Enix, and the full 3-D engine in place from FF3 would be a shame to waste ... if true, I may be buying FF4 for the third or fourth time. FF4 is second only to FF6 as My Favorite FF, and perhaps I, too, will be with the shank.
Does this mean we may eventually get 5 and 6 on the DS proper, as well?
I'm a huge FF4/FF6 whore but even I am unsure if I'm going to pick this up. It'll depend on if it's something supermegaawesome (FF3 wasn't my cup of tea but it was quite beautiful), although at least the lack of reliance on the Wonderswan Color port means it hopefully won't have the battle glitches that kind of sullied FF4a.
I own 2 freaking copies of this game already. One for the SNES and one for the GBA, and you know what? I'm still gonna buy this one. Twice.
I feel I should add in that I'm only going to buy it because I really, really like FF4 and it is probably my favourite game from my childhood. I would much rather they ported something like FFIX, but since FFIV is coming I really have no choice but to buy it.
Where's my DS port? Where's my remake in general!?
Much love for FFIX. My personal favorite Final Fantasy by far.
FFIV is the only Final Fantasy that I didn't get around to playing. I've played and beat every other one. But if they release a remake, that gives me the chance to play it on something other than the emulator on my computer.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
God bless Square and thier love of re-hash money.
Switch - SW-3699-5063-5018
There was a project to remake CT for the PC. They made a couple CG movies of it, but Square got wind and shut them down. It was a non-profit project, too. I was pretty mad. I mean, non-profit and they were bringing back the greatness of CT? That spells greatness. Square better deliver a remake.
I am the only one who doesn't want a remake of FFVII? It was a great game. I loved it. They made sequels and a movie out of it. I enjoyed them. A remake is unnecessary. They'd probably ruin it in the process.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
I would love to play a good game with the FFIII engine though. Surely like, Revenant Wings or something uses it.
Crystal Chronicles DS uses an improved FFIII DS engine.
over and over again....
A remake would be awesome. I love that game, but it's hard to find, ugly as fuck, and could really use a retranslation. I'd kill to play it all over again on a next-gen console.
I just ordered FFIV Advance, I should get it like tomorrow. Shit. Ah well. It'll be my first time playing through IV, and now you guys are going and getting me all psyched up about it!
I'm quite fond of the abysmal graphics. I really don't see the problem with the translation. I play through it again and again out of boredom and love every second of it, and the text seems fine to me.
SteamID: Baroque And Roll
Also, that translation was downright horrible. FF7 is my favorite in the series, and I find it pretty easy to acknowledge how bad some of the dialog was. Who was the guy that localized Vagrant Story? They should have him do everything!
DS port of Final Fantasy 8 soon?
FF7 was localized by Sony if memory serves. This is part of the reason why it sucks so bad and seems such a drop in quality from VI and VIII translation efforts, which were both done in house, but by completely different teams. VI was almost a solo effort by Woosley, who did a resonable job under unreasonable circumstances. VIII was done by the modern team, who really haven't done a bad job since.
Does it really? Wow. I own that one, box and all. I also own FF8 PC. Who knew? Probably the only games I own that could now be considered Collector's items though. I also own MGS 1 for PC, but I'm not sure if that's rare at all. Decent port though, with VR Missions add on and everything.
I mean, sure, keep releasing your eleventy hundred FFXIIIVMMLLCXXXs, but maybe just get a whole side-series going on the DS/GBA/whatever of just classic, turn-based RPGs in the vein of the FF 1-6 games.
Not really. The rereleases certainly do well enough to turn them a profit, but that doesn't mean that they actually make more/sell more copies of FFVI Advance than they did FF XII.
The report is saying that it's being remade in 3D, so I'd lean more towards something like FFIIIDS.
I don't have the sales figures and it's quite possible that FFXII did better (in terms of units sold) than, say, the FFIII remake. Still, I have to imagine that games like this would require far less development time and resources, making a profit that much easier to turn.
Really. It's the perfect storm.
I predict 95% of the Japanese workforce will inexplicably run late that day.
Also, a mass increase in bathroom breaks for the next 3 weeks.
Enix (and, thus, SquareEnix) has been banned by Japanese law from releasing a main series Dragon Quest on any day other than a holiday or a weekend day.
However, after seeing the PSP FFI&II remake screens... bleeeeeecch. I'd rather take my chances with FFIII 3D. There's no accounting for taste, etc. but man I do not like square's new 2D FF stylings one iota.
To each their own indeed, I think the FF1+2 remake sprites look awesome. That being said, I'd be very happy with FF6 done in either 3D a la FF3, or with hires sprites. (or both! )
I am a freaking nerd.
I.. I have 3 copies. One sealed.
Holy shit.
Meanwhile: Meh, give me FF7/8/9 and we'll talk.
XBL/PSN/Steam: APZonerunner