Autograph Sessions

madisonlikespaxmadisonlikespax Registered User new member
This year I would like to go to Markiplier or Jacksepticeye's autograph session, however since they're huge YouTubers I have no idea when to show up. Anybody who went last year, could you maybe give me pointers on when to get there? Thank you!


  • MephistoN7MephistoN7 Sexual Tyrannosaurus Keene, NHRegistered User regular
    edited March 2018
    This year I would like to go to Markiplier or Jacksepticeye's autograph session, however since they're huge YouTubers I have no idea when to show up. Anybody who went last year, could you maybe give me pointers on when to get there? Thank you!

    Autograph Sessions are treated like panels, in that there will be specific sections that won't allow lining up until an hour prior to the start time. However, in the past they did allow up to two hours prior for Autographs depending on what else is going on. So it may be best to check with an Enforcer ahead of time.

    These are held in the "Queue Room", which is essentially a section of the expo hall where we line up to enter the show. There will be an Enforcer with a sign denoting which line is for whom, in case there are multiple running at the same time.

    My advice is to set a reminder in the Guidebook app for 90 minutes prior. This gives you enough time to properly wrap up what you need and head over to the area.

    Oh, and bring earplugs. I'm not into either person, but I've been adjacent to their autograph sessions and it sounded like a screaming contest. :biggrin: (I kid, enjoy yourself!!)

    MephistoN7 on

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    So, MephistoN7 isn't wrong, but those lines aren't exactly handled like normal. Often times there is a line first thing in the morning because people will be trying to line up for it at 8am when the con opens, and then they have to transfer that line into the corral in the actual autograph/queue area.

    This will probably sound crazy, but if it is very important to you to attend these autograph sessions, I recommend making the assumption that you will have to dedicate a significant portion of your day to it. Show up to the convention center early, before the show opens, and try to find an enforcer who can tell you what the plan will be for those signings. The info booth in the main lobby is a good first resource, and they may be able to point you to someone in line management who knows what's going to happen.

    For example, the Markiplier line for East 2017 capped at 9am. Yes, 9 AM.

    Also, you should be prepared to not be successful in making it into the line before the cap. There's a limit, and it will be hit.

  • lauren0rzlauren0rz Registered User regular
    Many people have asked questions like this to the official PAX twitter, I'd suggest perusing that for more info:

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