this is specifically a php/mysql question but really it can be answered by anyone with computer programming experience. i'm writing a website for a friend, and i need to validate a reservation for a room, the user is entering their requested arrival and depareture dates. and i am checking if a room is avaliable
visStartDate is the start of a reservation already entered in the database
visEndDate is the end date of reservation already in the database
arDate is the requested arrival date of the user
depDate is the requested departure date of the user
i figured there were four situations i needed to look for
when the end of the requested date overlaps with the beginning of an existing reservation
(((mktime(visStartDate) >= $arDate) AND (mktime(visStartDate) <= $depDate))
when the requested dates overlaps an existing reservation entirely
OR ((mktime(visStartDate) >= $arDate) AND (mktime(visEndDate) <= $depDate))
when the existing reservation overlaps the requested date entirely
OR (($arDate >= mktime(visStartDate)) AND ($depDate <= mktime(visEndDate)))
when the requested arrival date overlaps the end of an existing reservation
OR (($arDate>=mktime(visStartDate)) AND ($arDate<=mktime(visEndDate))))
the mktime function was my attempt at comparing unix timestamps of the dates so it'd just be integer comparison but that didn't work so i figure my logical statements are the flaw.
no error is returned for the code so it's not a syntax issue.
- When $arDate is before visStartDate AND $depDate is after visStartDate
- When $arDate is after visStartDate AND $arDate is before visEndDate
Easy to use graphic below. I see things better visually. A for arrival, D for departure.
Anyways, to make a long story, short, your situations would seem to work in my mind. I don't know how you're comparing the dates, but you might want to look into the mySQL function DATEDIFF. Good luck, let me know if I'm completely off track!
if yours still works please explain why. because i haven't done this kind of stuff for a while and i don't understand. haha
These are all true, but you can even simplify it more if you wish. You don't have to. Consider #1 and #2:
What do they have in common?
Where do they differ?
What does this tell us?
The differences don't MATTER! You'd only have to check for the common attributes, the different attributes can be ignored. Basically you can check for common attribute #1 as normal, but instead of checking for the different attribute #1, you can substitute it for common attribute #2 which covers both cases.
You can apply this to situation #3 and #4. This is all optional though, since your initial situations should work as well.
I've never personally used DATEDIFF, but if I have some time tonight I'll experiment with it.
Given: "Arrival" and "Departure" dates (these are the dates you want to stay.);
"Reserved Start" and "Reserved End" dates (the dates already in the database.)
To explain why, here's a chart of the 6 possible scenarios. The first four are bad, the last two are OK. The red lines are the existing reserved dates.
#1-#4 match both of the expressions above, so the dates aren't valid. For #5, the first expression is false, so the dates are OK. For #6, the second expression is false, so the dates are OK.
As far as how you compare your dates, you have two options:
A) Do this comparison in SQL on the database side. This means you'll want to format your PHP variables a certain way when you put them in the SQL string.
Do this comparison in PHP, in your code. This means you'll want to pull the dates out of the database formatted in a certain way (or use PHP-specific date comparisons on them.)
I haven't written PHP in quite a while, so I'm sure someone else can give better advice on what specific comparison to use, but you'll want to decide between A and B first. It boils down to whether you're saying "get all the rows from the table, then use a for loop and find any conflicting reservations" or "get all the rows from the table that conflict, then see if the number of rows returned is more than zero."