[E3] 2018 Is Over. See You In 2019. Cause That's When All the Games Come Out.



  • LeumasWhiteLeumasWhite New ZealandRegistered User regular
    Limbo's, like, actually limbo. An afterlife, but not really, and the game's about discovering that.

    Neither of them needs to have an explicit message to be effective as a small tone piece, though. But even way back when Limbo was in development, the early trailers gave you a pretty solid idea of what the game was about; Death Stranding is still kind of up in the air.

  • Zilla360Zilla360 21st Century. |She/Her| Trans* Woman In Aviators Firing A Bazooka. ⚛️Registered User regular
    edited June 2018
    I already have a pretty good hypothesis (or at least a few ideas) as to the plot of 'Death Stranding'.
    The Land of the Dead (or spirits/kami) has either invaded or become stranded in the land of the living, causing a series of apocalyptic events, perhaps due to the merging of clashing dimensions that cannot exist in the same space-time.

    The protagonist (Reedus) is a kind of post-apocalyptic courier tasked with the hazardous job of transporting valuable cargo/corpses between the few remaining settlements.

    The genetically engineered 'tequila worm' babies (combined with the scanner tech) provide some sort of protection against these spirits. Lindsey Wagner will play either a ghost or a cybernetic character, possibly one that has some kind of personal connection to the protagonist.

    Reedus will travel between the two worlds, but cannot survive for long in the Land of the dead.

    I look forward to being wrong though, and the actual plot being even more wonderfully bat-shit crazy/100% anime plot. :D
    (Compared to some anime a plot like this actually wouldn't be that weird...) 8-)

    Edit: IGN has a bit of theory crafting going on too:


    Zilla360 on
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