At todays Square-Enix conference in Japan, brand new RPG franchise named The Last Remnant got announced for Playstation 3 and Xbox360. Game will be powered by UE3 and released simuntaneously in Japan and US sometime next year. More details to follow later on.
360 Gamertag: Baronskatenbass Steam: BaronVonSnakPak HgL: AnsonLuap
It made me go "Oh god, an action RPG?" and rapidly lose interest.
I think it is. I can't think of anything else it could be. It's probably the same one as the one in the artwork.
It's not an action RPG.
Exor? Return of Smithy?
I'm not sure if i'd be gleeful or mortified.
Yep, it appears to be similar to the Dynasty Warriors games, which would place it in the Action genre (or Hack 'n Slash if you want to get specific). It explains the crummy ground textures as well.
so uh...yeah. it is a giant sword.
360 Gamertag: Baronskatenbass Steam: BaronVonSnakPak HgL: AnsonLuap
No, it's turn based.
Game isn't coming out til 2008, they have a lot of time to fix up the graphics. Not sure if I'm very interested in this at the moment. Again though, a lot of time to build up some hype.
Oh because I read (from joystiq or ktoaku or something) that it's supposed to be turn based, but shit, it APPEARS to be similar to Dynasty Warriors so I'm wrong.
Hence my comment up there, but yours has glorious nostalgia pictures so you get to win.
I'm a little interested in the idea of a Japanese audience main character and an American audience main character, despite both being designed by a Japanese developer. Wonder how it'll all tie into the game.
If it was art I'm sure it would a lot less aliased than that. Looks like game graphics to me.
Yeah, I forgot about the description calling it turn based. I'm curious to see how it turns out. The screen looks very 'Dynasty Warriors'-ish.
The Last Remnant 2: The Search for More Mone... er... Remnants
Stroke, go! Bevel and Emboss, go!
"The Conqueror" really appeals to my western nature!
360 Gamertag: Baronskatenbass Steam: BaronVonSnakPak HgL: AnsonLuap
it'll totally work though. i mean, he's an old ugly man with a cloak stained red with blood. they should have just licensed Conan The Barbarian and stopped fucking around
I'm not quite sure what the fuck is happening in this trailer, but I know I want this.
It may not be.
Well you have your opinion even, I think it's totally wrong but I would call most of the main Final Fantasy games really damn good and that they are deserving of the scores they get.
but I don't care it looks really good and I look forward to playing it.
Seriously though, that actually looks pretty interesting, at least the viewpoint in the third shot seems cool. Also, a city that has been impaled by a massive sword? Yes please.
I'm still waiting on my NeverEnding Story 5.
And this looks like it should be interesting. Dynasty Warrior style scenarios combined with an RPG-battle system.
Sure is pretty to boot. Can't wait to see how this unfolds.
Buckles for the buckle throne!
Hopefully I'll be wrong with the gameplay as I was pleasantly surprised with FFXII's gameplay.
XBL Gametag: mailarde
Screen Digest LOL3RZZ
But I was really wowed by the battle system after playing it.
So here's hoping for Last Remnant to surprise me because graphically, nothing really wows me anymore besides beatiful and stylistic art direction.
XBL Gametag: mailarde
Screen Digest LOL3RZZ