Welcome back!
I had intended in the key thread to make it useful with all kinds of fun things in the OP.
And as with most things parenting related, that fell to the side of reality.
So much more basic this time around.
Talk about your kids. Talk about being a parent. Celebrate milestones, curse at leaps. Vent about the challenges, vent about the In-laws.
Nobody has the one right answer to solve the question of how to parent. We're all of us making it up as we go. Support each other, offer advice, laugh and cry together.
It takes a village to raise a child. Nobody said the village had to be small or local.
So I had a few minutes on my computer before I had to play "tea party". I started up a google sheets doc that anyone can edit. I scraped a few pages of suggestions and just copy/pasted them in for now. Plan is to have a Book Name, Author, Age and maybe a Link to where to buy. Feel free to add/change anything as I wanted this to be a sort of living document for everyone to use.
Last night's bedtime was... less than smooth.
every morning now she wakes up and asks for peanut butter honey toast for breakfast. And she INSISTS that daddy make a piece for her, a piece for daddy, and a piece for mommy.
When we're sitting down for dinner and eating all together, if she sees that Daddy or Mommy has finished their dinner before she has, she will INSIST that the parent is still hungry and they must have more food. She will even feed Daddy herself, from her own bowl, if she feels he needs the nutrition.
She's kissing boo boos better and saying Sorry.
But her teacher mentioned that she seemed to have a hard time with transitions and changes and sometimes got herself really worked up and anxious about things and suggested maybe trying some extra magnesium with her multivitamin at night. And now I'm slowly stressing about whether I've past along my anxiety issues to her? But then I remember that she's not even 2.5 yet and everything is ok. She's not the 3 or 4 years old that she seems to behave like. She's still only 2 and of course transitions are going to be hard. Just because she can reason and talk to me about things doesn't mean that she's emotionally ready for those things to be happening.
It's tough to remember that.
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Dang little dude, are you thirsty? Here’s a cup of good water.
Nope, continues to gulp that nasty grey water despite all pleas, begs, threats, and promises.
bnet: moss*1454
Now, I'm no stranger to kids hitting their head on every available surface. I spent some serious time considering just putting my middle kid in a helmet when he was a toddler. I've seen just about every bump, bruise, cut, and scrape you can imagine. Kids are clumsy, shit happens.
So he turns and says 'Hi, dada!'
And my wife goes, 'Omg what?!'
And I point and go, 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'
And she looks and goes, 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'
In the minutes between her looking at it and me coming downstairs, the little bruise has turned into an angry purple mass at least the size of a golf ball. Standing straight out from the side of his forehead. Like, this shit looked like he cracked a hole in his skull and his brain was about to explode from it.
I go, 'AAAAAAAAAAAAA' some more and start throwing shit in a bag to go to the ER.
Thats around the time that I learned that this kind of thing happens. A lot. And isn't really a big deal. I'd just never seen a proper goose egg on a toddler before.
It's weird that a giant ugly lump is a good sign but our bodies are weird and stupid things.
Yesterday I learned Evie can drink (messily) from a cup by herself because she starting using a little toy bucket to drink from an outdoor baby pool... She didn’t want any of the offered clean water, had to be that!
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
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Fluffy Elephant has been found!
It was defying gravity by being precariously balanced in a small gap below the TV, held weirdly aloft by a cabinet leg and an open flap of a cardboard box.
It must have fallen and been lodged there while he was near the TV, because it's such a freak position I'm not sure anyone could intentionally put it there if they tried.
Ah, okay I'm good. Let's talk about my mother-in-law.
Having her here for the last 3 weeks has been a blessing and a curse. On one hand, she takes our 2.5-year old off our hands for 2-4 hours at a time allowing us to sleep or go out. But then she does bat-shit insane things.
She got my wife's car into a fender bender on day 2 of being here. She claims someone hit her back bumper while she was shopping and drove away without witness. Personally I think she backed into something, but whatever. It's cosmetic damage.
What bothers me is that she didn't call me immediately. She waited 2-3 hours to get home first, and then waited another hour to bring it up. Ugh...
But again, she's here and watches Abigail which helps me so much in the mornings. So I overlook a lot of the silly drama and non-stop questions that comes with her being around.
I dropped her and Abigail off at a town center which has an in-door playground. They play for a while, then usually walk around the area looking at stores, playing with stuff, and so forth. Today she's telling me that she took Abigail to these small fountains kids can play in. The types that shoot small streams of water they can run through.
OK, cool. Sounds like fun. I'll bring a spare set of dry clothes. Her story continues telling me that Abigail got jealous of these kids having a drinking cup to store and pour water. So grandma went over to the nearby Starbucks to get a cup. But they wouldn't give her one without buying something, so she got a coffee. She then goes back out and gives Abigail the cup. Oh she was so happy!
I paused and interrupted her.
"Wait, do you mean that you left her in the fountain area and went into the Starbucks alone?"
"Yes, but I could see her from the Starbucks."
"But she was crying for a cup."
"Oh, I will do that next time."
I know that area and you can see maybe 1/3 of the fountain area from Starbucks. I was absolutely fucking livid and had to restrain myself SO HARD in order not to snap on her.
YOU DON'T LEAVE A 2-YEAR OLD ALONE FOR ANY REASON! They are fucking fast. She's already outran grandma going to the mailbox. She could have easily have ran off and you'd have never found her. Or maybe some piece of shit could have stolen her.
Like, I know grandma got the coffee and Abigail just kept playing in the water. BUT MAN, THAT ISN'T SOMETHING YOU FUCK AROUND WITH!
Clearly it's still bothering me and I need to exhale. She got the message loud and clear, but now I'm doubly worried about letting her take Abigail anywhere. Things that should be obvious just aren't clicking with her.
Ugh....the stress is real ya'll.
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
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as soon as I get home my dad drops the bomb on me that he's not sure how much longer he and my mom can look after the kids and we need to find a solution
this is wonderful news, just great
If there’s anything we can do to help, please let me know.
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
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Twitch Page
He did worse than that, your mom filled a bucket with old garden water to wash them down with after they had been painting and he got in it and drank from that.
But i really think it did permanent damage to that spot Plus sometimes he says his head hurts after he has a tantrum, and I know it's just him being dramatic (and cry-tired) but I get that...that little worry.
Steam ID: Obos Vent: Obos
- no daycare, they do not trust daycares
- likewise they do not trust cheap nannies
- they only need ‘a few days off here and there’ but it has to be the same nanny each random day
- they don’t wish Mori quitting his job either (cheaper for us than a private nanny!)
Basically impossible constraints :P
They also accused us of ‘lack of communication’ and ‘we had no idea you were planning on moving out in January’ even though I explicitly remember telling them that.
"I'll hire a nanny just as soon as you give us back all the rent money we paid in the last house" - but then, I'm an asshole.
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
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they don't trust daycares.
but you can't have a random sitter.
But they don't... But you can't. But
Janson, I hope for your sake, and I know that this is not really a feasible thing at the moment, but I really really wish that when you and Mori do get a place of your own, you could fling your fingers so high into the air and just scream.
That is downright unreasonable.
Unless they're going to help you financially with this whole private nanny business, then bugger that.
Gods I hope you guys can get out of there soon.
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Sigh. Just never plan anything when you have kids.
Can you get children's paracetamol tablets? If they can't swallow them (likely not, because god-damned tonsilitis), you can crush the tablet and stir it into a tablespoon of jam, peanut butter, or yoghurt. It's not gonna taste great, but it'll go down a lot easier than the liquid children's paracetamol painkillers tend to.
She took to her scooter from her birthday on Saturday like fish in water even asks for help putting on her helmet everytime. Hoping momma can take her to the park to play with it in more open space.
beatrix was in the hospital with Mystery Fever twice on the weekend and got prescribed (orange flavour!) penicillin. apparently it still tastes like hundred year old mould because she hates it. the milk manoeuvre works, but man. she does not want that stuff.
He was shy of me when I first moved in as we'd only seen each other once in his life before, but now he knows me and comes to me for cuddles. I picked him up from nursery for the first time yesterday, and apparently he asks where I am when he's out with his parents. He is awesome. Did I say that already?
And God help you if you don't give her exactly what she wants right this second.
PSN/Steam/NNID: SyphonBlue | BNet: SyphonBlue#1126
I know my wife keeps telling me babies this age can't manipulate and to just be patient, but it sure feels like bullshit after a month plus of this nonsense
This one, too. Since he learned how to run, he doesn't stop, won't sit still, and as soon as you let go of his hand he runs off.
PSN/Steam/NNID: SyphonBlue | BNet: SyphonBlue#1126
If they're not paying for it, tell them to kiss your ass and do whatever works for you. After you move out, anyway :P
... and if he stops taking them, then the car gets taken away until takes them again like a big boy.
That's generally worked before in my house for getting rid of bad habits (e.g., fingernail chewing).
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: [https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/comment/43159014/#Comment_43159014]Ellandryn[/url]
Just me and Athena til ma gets home later
... They do realize it doesn't matter if they trust daycares or not. I know they don't actually realize this, but...
Ugh. That is so frustrating. For the summer, could you convince them that camp, at least, is ok? I don't know your area, but many near me offer a couple day a week stuff and aren't more expensive than the daycares.
Would a mother's helper be of use for them? Around here, kids 8-16 will be very cheap helpers that play with the kids while you're technically still there ( like for work at home situations, or if you want to do laundry/ clean house)
Childcare is just the worst sometimes.
I'm sure I said this in the last thread, but candy bribery helps us with getting our youngest to take meds.
3DS: 1521-4165-5907
PS3: KayleSolo
Live: Kayle Solo
WiiU: KayleSolo
Scrunchy-face sleeping baby pics are, like, my favorite thing ever.
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: [https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/comment/43159014/#Comment_43159014]Ellandryn[/url]