If you're the type that likes to book things way in advance, you may want to wait.
As has been discussed here often over the years, since moving to the WSCC in 2007 PAX has had pattern where it is on Labor Day weekend (the first Monday of September) except in 2007, 2011, and 2015. In all three cases, it was the weekend before. I forget exactly what the conflict is, but there's some other long-running event that uses the WSCC every four years.
Official confirmation of the date has been late in recent years, but we generally had a pretty good idea when it was going to be.
I'm intending this thread less as a speculation vehicle and as more of a heads up. We likely won't have confirmation of the date for a while.
So, looking at the WSCC schedule, Sharepoint Fest is from 8/19 - 8/23 which means the weekend before labor day is out. APWA Public Works Expo is from 8/8 - 8/11 which means the weekend after labor day is out.
There is a nice big chunk of time right at labor that PAX needs though, so my guess is we are good for Labor day again.
We will see though, not official until they announce it.
Going by the "rule of 4" that has applied to every PAX in the the WSCC, 2019 would be one to not happen on Labor Day. But that is all based on conflicting scheduling, so I too think it's pretty much got to be Labor Day again.
Even ignoring setup and teardown times, the schedule doesn't leave any room to not have PAX West on Labor Day weekend in 2019. If you do consider them, we're looking at 4 weeks early or 3 weeks late.
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