A new thread to discuss what amounts to our supposed policies to foreign nations.
Previously on The Earth:
President Trump tries standup comedy at the UN
UN Ambassador Nikki Haley resigns to spend more time not being in the Trump Administration
SecDef Jim "Mad Dog" Mattis gets new nickname from Trump "Democratic Moderate"
Also: NAFTA part deux! Because getting everything we already had in the TPP, other than expanded trade to the Pacific, is somehow better.
What will happen next? Events, dear boy, events.
Official prevention of cross contamination post.
The Russian investigation, and related issues: Mueller Russian Investigation Thread
The Cohen investigation and related bribery: Cohen Investigation Thread
General Middle East goings on: The Middle East Thread
Canada specific things and what even is cheese? : Canada Thread
Trump immigration policy, Muslim ban and beyond: Immigration Policy Thread
Firings and Hirings of Senior Government positions: Trump Cabinet Thread
"Holy shit, we got caught red handed murdering and dismembering someone critical of me, the current Saudi leader"
"Shit, shit, uh, it was totally someone going above and beyond what I asked for. Yeah, that lame excuse should work."
"OMG, I can't believe Trump is stupid enough to believe us. Wow!"
Though it doesn't seem like its really that is "Trump believes us." than he doesn't care because the cost would be that it would financial (no arms deal). WaPo article. Can't kill the goose that lays the golden egg!
100% Trump believes them. He's done this same play before. MbS told him personally after all.
Its the fact that the country is called Saudi Arabia. Saud is the name of the rulling house, they named the country after themselves. Like its their personal property. Like if Trump changed the name of the USA into United states of Trump or something. I know its petty, but it really pisses me off. Totally grinds my gears and yes that is a family guy reference.
To be honest, that has been the typical function of monarchy unless otherwise bound by
- A Constitution of some sort
- Enough aristocrats with their own martial power that the monarch must keep them and their interests happy, lest they brook attempts at dethroning.
My personal number one hatred of Saudi Arabia is how they steal migrant worker passports and then effectively enslave and work them to death. But sure, ego is bad too I guess.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
Not that odd by any kind of historical standards. Less so in Europe where country names tended to come from place names or tribal names but out of Europe it used to be pretty common. See ottoman empire, china (which is an anachronistic reference to the Qing dynasty that never fell out of fashion in the west), the Selucids, Abbassids, Fatimids, and so on. Even in the west it wouldn’t have been unusual to refer to, say, Bourbon France or Hapsburg Spain.
That saudi arabia still uses the term is more a function of them being one of the last monarchys than any particular egoism.
Elshayyal is a writer for Al Jezera.
Bozkurt is an independent reporter.
Daragahi is aim international correspondent for The Independent.
Nah, they are just comically bad at this.
America is the feminized name of Amerigo Vespucci because landmasses are ladies. Virginia is named after Elizabeth I, Maryland is Mary's Land. Pennsylvania belonged to William Penn thanks to a royal grant. &c.
I think the message is "There are no consequences for being comically bad at this"
Whether that's true or not...
I get that! I can even tell you that Amerigo is a italian form of Emerich(because of a search I did a few weeks ago when I was curious as to the origin of the name and went on a google binge). It should also be noted that Amerigo never decided to name the Americas after himself.
But you have to remember that Saudi Arabia is less then a 100 years old. It was created in the aftermath of the Arab Revolt during WWI and it has long and quite glorious history beforehand. Including being the birthplace of Mohamed and the religion of Islam. What it didn't have was a history of being ruled by the Saudis. Certainly nobody voted for these guys.
And once again people... I KNOW ITS PETTY. I know its a small thing once you compare it to other things. I know there are fucking bigger issues in the world then the name Saudi Arabia, even inside Saudi Arabia, but its my pet peeve okay. Jeez, some people.
Law and Order ≠ Justice
They don't give a fuck
I mean, the people who work at the consulate care. That was their break room.
I think that's a lesson you can take from this whole thing but it is not a message the Saudis are deliberately trying to send.
Comically sending a villainous message?
As long as they have Trump as a bestie, and all that oil money to throw around, they're pretty sure they can get away with this. This is just the start of it- I mean, he was critical of the Prince, and as far as being an American citizen, he was also a man of color and a journalist that insulted one of Trump's bestest best billionaire club friends, so thinking Trump will do anything except let it happen is wishful thinking.
I can has cheezburger, yes?
'Just how far can we go to get away with it?'
Do not engage the Watermelons.
I wasn’t sure if it belonged here or in the immigration thread but since this tweet is considered official policy what the hell.
Taramoor on Youtube
It sounds, from that tweet, like the caravan has already left Honduras' borders. Is that correct?
If so, what the hell does Trump expect Honduras to do about it???
Nothing, its officially telling Honduras were cutting off aid. In a stupid tweet because merica.
The best ideas!
Its the mistaken GOP lead belief that americas debt issues are because of foreign aid. Its one of those grand lies everyone just assumes is true.
Water is wet, sky is blue, women have secrets, and US debt is because of foreign aid.
Do not engage the Watermelons.
... sorry. Just... shouting into the void here. :mad:
That is indeed how Monarchies work.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
It was usually confined to the biggest warlords with the biggest armies voted on by their followers, but democratically elected kings(for a given value of democratic) was how most monarchies started. Its why the usual heirs during the dark ages where the kings brothers and not his son.
It was only after much consolidation of power that the idea of automatic succession by the eldest son became the standard. Consolidation usually by killing anybody that voted for somebody else.
The history of medieval Germany/Central Europe is pretty much the history of the Hapsburgs trying to make primogeniture a thing.
There was more democracy in the past then Hollywood history gives credit for, believe it or not, America was not the first democracy. Nor its first republic.
Rome had an elected component because it originally was a republic. The emperors came later and the elections were a vestige of the more republican origins. Most historical monarchies had no elections of any sort. It was powerful aristocratic families jockeying for power and once they got it their power was very dictatorial.
there's so many people who are Saudu family members or associates thereof they're a social class of their own.
Haha what the fuck
Yep. Same thing as the Russians. They'll kiss Trump's ass until he's convinced and then hide the fact they did it in plain sight, and use that as a way to silence any other critics who might speak out.
I can has cheezburger, yes?
Didn't they admit they killed him just "accidentally" like good christ.
Trump of course vacillating between locking his mind onto something and ignoring all other information, and yet juxtaposed against his 'listening to whomever he last spoke to' levels of being easily manipulated, his stances and statements are pure Gaslightonium.
Bonus element, this was the next thing he said;
Boy, how times have changed, where now FOX is giving the President his side.