Secret Santa 2018 Let the Gifting Commence!

purevalpureval Somersworth, NH Registered User regular
edited November 2018 in Pinny Arcade
Secret Santa 2018 are now live. Just go to and click on the button on the bottom of the page, fill out the form and you're in.

Anyone who has both a forum and Pinny Pals account before 10/31 of this year, has at least 5 substantive posts or a history of positive trades can sign up. Gifts should be around $30 US. For handmade gifts use your best judgement.

Since there have been some issues in the past, here is an example wish list:
I love Star Wars, Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Disney, pro wrestling, nutcrackers and Super Heroes. I am a huge Nintendo fan and own all of their systems, except my white whale the Virtual Boy. I am just starting to get into board games, but I do play Magic the Gathering. I listen to Metallica, Protomen, "Weird Al", Paul and Storm and Broadway soundtracks mostly.

Please post pictures of presents and a thank you in this thread.

pureval on


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