HOLY FLURKING SCHNIT! My favorite game of all time "Blood" is being remastered by Nightdive Studios!
I am indescribably thrilled and overjoyed by this news as it has been a long time coming. The game has been languishing for years due to the new rights holder sitting on the IP, declining to license or sell it out for anything less than a quoted, "Insulting amount of money", and outright refusing to allow the creators to release the original source code so that fans could more easily mod, preserve or modernize this classic title. It seems that Nightdive Studios has finally cracked that nut and come to a business agreement with Atari to allow them to remaster Blood. Hopefully this can be the start of something of a revival of the franchise, and a simple remaster of the original game can lead to a full remake a la System Shock, then on to the sequel and potentially new games!
Do we have any other Blood fans in the house?
News article:
Game Wiki:
Steam link to check out original game:
*Craps pants and the pants of the person next to him in excitement*
Edit: IT'S OUT!
Playstation/Origin/GoG: Span_Wolf
Xbox/uPlay/Bnet: SpanWolf
Nintendo: Span_Wolf SW-7097-4917-9392
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Span_Wolf/
Edit: I was so excited I didn't even stop to read the article. I'm one of those people now. It sounds like their intention is exactly what I was hoping for.
Twitch: KoopahTroopah - Steam: Koopah
Frankly I hope it is released far and wide. I would't mind owning multiple copies of the remaster across platforms. I'd probably get it on PC and Switch.
"It appears as if someone has pooped your pants."
Looks like it's time to buy this game for the 4th time...
Buy it NOW!
Unfortunately I don’t think any of the other doom-era ports they’ve done have gotten console releases.
it should run on ANY pc or laptop, though.
It's not weird, the rest of us are just fossils.
This is a beautifully full-featured release.
Might also mess with custom difficulty to make those hitscan bastards less accurate. Even the lowest level monks can chew you the hell up.
Unfortunately, there's no Doom ports for any of the current-gen consoles. Duke gets around though.
Whoops, I misremembered and it's actually in Gameplay Options (for some reason) as Full 3D Aim Look.
Well, its bc on xbox one, but yeah, no native port.
This is effed up man.
Original thought this was the same as Fresh Supply but it turns out we are getting two awesome ports at the same time.
The dynamite is actually sort of a bonus occasionally, since it gives you a break from their hitscan weapons, and sometimes they'll throw in a bad direction and end up exploding themselves or their friends.
After beating the first episode on Lightly Broiled I decided to start over on a custom difficulty, ramping up the number of monsters, but reducing their aggression and aim. I'm not absolutely sure what every setting does, but I've been having a really good time with it.
I mean I have a lot of found memories of Blood but the abundance of hit scan enemies and turn the corner your dead design is maybe not the greatest.
Well yeah. I was telling a friend earlier that I can deal with buggy, that can be patched, it's better than there being fundamental issues with the remaster. I've only noticed a couple of bugs in my playtime, so I've been happy so far.
Ggmans review is mostly him talking about the original game. Civvie’s is more directed at the port work done by Nightdive. I’ve heard more extreme versions of the this is broken review echoed on other forums.
As much as I love the heart of this release, it does seem like it needed some more time in the oven. I wonder what pushed them to release earlier than it should have been. I would have been bummed at a delay, but a late game is better than a broken game. It's a testament to the original game's imaginative and open level design that I was still able to finish the level in which I actually couldn't use a main path, because an explosion entity didn't disappear for some reason, and kept pushing me away and damaging me.
I'm still having a ton of fun revisiting Blood with Nightdive's QoL improvements, though, and if I were to introduce someone to Blood, it would be through this, for sure. They probably wouldn't even notice a lot of this port's jankiness. With how quickly the game was updated, I'm sure that the remaining kinks will be worked out in good time, too.
Quote from Edward850, a Software and Netcode engineer at Nightdive, for what it's worth.
Anyway I'm still really excited about Fresh Supply's prospects and I'm still booting it up multiple times a day just to get a few minutes of carnage in when I can. The game is in the right hands, even if it has rough spots right now.