My cable contract is coming to an end, and I thinking about getting rid of Xfinity.
Century Link has that one price that never goes up for life, $45/month, plan. They're telling me that for my area the speed is 7mb/s.
Anybody have any glowing praise or horror stories for Century Link?
My main data usage will be to stream tv/movies, and to download -- I don't game much online.
Stick with cable, maybe look into buying your own equipment so you drop that $13/month fee.
Just internet is not available.
Ran a few speed tests, and I am getting about 6mbps upload speeds. If Century Link upload is up to 7mbps, it seems like it would be close. And boy, would I like to tell Comcast to go fuck themselves. But I can't find any info about the download speeds!
As for their quality, it seems to vary by area, I've been doing solid for 10+ years with them in central iowa, but there's certainly horror stories regarding their service to be found.
:edit: IIRC when we first got the service we were at 20 up/5 down, and have since upgraded to 50 up/5 down. I don't handle the bill, so I'm not sure what we're paying for it.
Warframe/Steam: NFyt
CenturyLink is not offering 7Mbps uploads. Those are the download speeds. Your upload is usually around 10% of your download speed, or less if you're on the really high end since they usually top off at around 10-15Mbit. With CenturyLink you'll probably be looking at 7Mbit down and .7-1 up which is atrocious.
For the record, I pay $60 for Comcast internet only at 200Mbit down but getting much more. My experience is very much not other folks' experiences I know because Comcast generally blows, but you're much better off.
Thanks everyone, appreciate your input.
Edit: Huh. There is no internet only option through Comcast for me. But, if I add a landline and leave everything else the same, I will save almost $60/month.
Edit edit: I take it back. After adding a phone I would not actually have, and adding up all the fees, I would save $8.00/month and be locked in for another year.
I guess I am just going to leave things be. Very disheartening.
If you are being offered a 7Mb by 768Kb connection, run.
Just run. That shit was "fast" over fifteen years ago. We routinely post accounts with them in our floor chats when we end up supporting them because "ahahaha look at this fossil".
It might just be because the apartment complex has a prenegotiated deal.
That could be. At one time I was offered TV+Internet+Phone for the same price as just TV+Internet, but I turned it down. The agent couldn't understand, but I literally never used my home phone and there's a lot of phone specific taxes/fees.
Yes, the “offers” you’re filtering are all of the bundles like people have been trying to tell you. If you call and are firm with them about wanting internet only they can quote you prices.
Or, the first hit i get if i google “Comcast internet only” is this thread which gives you more of a step by step:
All ISPs suck. CenturyLink, however, takes suckitude to new depths. I've ranted about them at length before.
I would rather bite the bullet with whatever I can get with Comcast than deal with CenturyLink.
That said, I'm confident that with either a phone call or an in-person visit to a Comcast store, you can get either Internet-only service, or you can get a 'bundle' with the barest minimum cable package (local/basic cable only) and simply put the TV set-top box in your closet and never think about it again.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
This one. The local store I found doesn't give a shit about what packages are going on and will bend over backwards for me when I go in and be nice. They're not recorded so they don't have management breathing down their necks.
Blizzard: Pailryder#1101
If you call your current provider and the automated system wants to know why you are calling, say it's to cancel. You should go to a department where their sole job is to save you as a customer. They have access to rates and incentives that normal reps do not have, and they are incentivized. If you just call and talk to someone in service, they do not care, their job is to get you off the phone as soon as possible without hanging up on you, so if you tell them to cancel, they will cancel cuz it's super quick. (Used to work for 2 Major Telcom co's)
Just tell the agent that you are on a fixed income and must find some savings somewhere. See if they can offer you a good deal on the package, or just the internet. Be nice, and most of these people will bend over backwards to help you. Most people that call in are super cranky and no one wants to deal with that caller.