Hi all,
Yes, this is my first post, and I know that's lame, I'm not really a forum kinda guy, but I am a long time PA reader.. Anyway..
Toronto Radio Station
102.1 the edge is holding a Facebook Contest. The idea is whoever gets the most users and makes the best facebook group by May 24th wins $7000 Canadian. I'd like to win that contest and buy a Macbook Pro.
Now it doesn't take $7000 to buy a Macbook Pro, $3100 should just about cover it. So I'll give 1/2 of the winnings to Child's Play Charity and use the rest on said Macbook and related software.
I'm going to be spending my time working on the
facebook group and trying to annoy as many people as possible to join it by
Noon on May 24th.
If you're a facebook member, I'd appreciate it if
you would join my group. Simple as that. Anything else you might do to help like uploading a picture or starting a thread in the group would be great, but really, I just need as many members as possible between now and May 24th.
I've also put more information about this and what I'm trying to do on my personal site at
If this whole thing isn't kosher with people here, I'm sorry and I know it's lame that this is my first post.
Thanks for reading and helping me support Child's Play and my Apple addiction.