This is the thread for the old games you bought and never finished.
We will try to find out it they were actually good or not.
Here is a game that I never finished. It was called Legendary. It was a first person shooter about a burglar that stole and opened Pandora's Box.
Castlevania (never could get past Death)
Ocarina of Time
Final Fantasy VIII & IX
Mass Effect 3
Recent ones: Red Dead Redemption 2, God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn
I like how 2 shakes things up by flat out killing you at the beginning.
I did every side quest in Mass Effect 1. Big mistake.
Now, I lost the save game to it.
I think it's the best in the series but a lot of people disagree.
I just really liked the character stories, and the overall "feel" of the game was dark sci-fi.
Too bad that the 3rd game really failed to capitalize on the potential 2 started.
But ME2 is still my goto example about rhythm in a game. It has this "TV season" going on, where each mission is a reasonable time, maybe 25mins to 45mins, achieves something in the plot or learning about one of the side characters, they control what is available pretty tightly so you're not looking at a thousand possible objectives and map markers, and it has a memorable opening and finale. (Even though the final boss is .... hilarious... and the total overall story doesn't move forward much).
Both ME and DA moved to Frostbite Open World and it just killed that rhythm.
As for games I haven't finished... just about all of them. Or at least like 80%
It's a rare thing for a game to hold my attention completely.
I'm also far away from feeling remotely bad about. If I spend 5-10 bucks on a game, have a few hours of fun poking at mechanics and then leave, it's fine.
It's a bit different when a big game doesn't gel, like how RDR2 just completely lost me, somewhere in Chapter 3 I believe.
But I've spent a lot of time on Breath of the Wild and never completed. Also FF12 I skipped ever finishing last story boss and instead burned out on postgame stuff(I'm sure story boss would be pushover)
I beat link to the past
Games you bought but never even installed don't count.
Except in the wallet.
AKA why I don't buy anything from steam sales anymore.
I still need to finish:
Skyward Sword
Breath of the Wild
Minish Cap
Oracle of Ages
Oracle of Seasons
Link's Awakening
Four Swords
Triforce Heroes
Spirit Tracks
Phantom Hourglass
Hmm, my total is more like:
Zelda 1 (I think I got to dungeon 8 or 9 one time though)
Zelda 2 (I don't even like this one)
Link to the Past GBA (final boss, had to back up and get potions, never came back to it though)
Breath of the Wild (don't own a Switch)
Minish Cap (on the final boss, it was near impossible not to get hit out of the necessary transformation and that made me give up)
Four Swords Adventures (only played this with friends)
Triforce Heroes (never got it, there was zero chance of having two friends to play it with)
Spirit Tracks (this one might be worth restarting, got about halfway through)
Skyward Sword (got to the time travel desert dungeon, kind of don't like this one)
i'll get around to beating [arkham city/MGSV/spider-man/etc] eventually......
FFT I couldn't stand how JP worked, and eventually got distracted and never came back to it.
FFVIII I didn't get how leveling and all worked... and eventually put it down.
FFIX I just got distracted by other things at some point...
The Last Story I put down on the final boss because it's bullshit. Never went back to it.
Spirit Tracks I gave up on the last dungeon song and couldn't progress any further.
Let's see... a giant pile of steam backlog?
3DS: 0473-8507-2652
Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
PSN: AbEntropy
Also I like to restart and change my classes so it takes me forever to go through a game
This will be here until I receive an apology or Weedlordvegeta get any consequences for being a bully
Also an always-accessible tutorial or starter zone or something, to help with skill atrophy.
I love the game and hope I finish it as some point.
Fragile Dreams - Farewell Ruins of the Moon keeps nagging a me. Kingdoms of Amalur remains about 75% finished. VA-11 Hall-A is one I keep meaning to go back to. I backed Pillars of Eternity 2, but only barely managed to leave the main city.
The freshest wound is Pathfinder: Kingmaker. I keep making new characters and hardly ever advance too much further than beating the Stag Lord. My best attempt took all the way to the start of he Vanishing of Varnhold. Still, I remain hopeful that one day I'll manage it. If I can just find the right race & class combination.
Just looked up 2 more. Project Cars was free and I wanted to check it out and got burned by the tutorial unlocking a trophy. Never touched it after that. MTXvsATV had the worst handling controls of any video game I have ever played. I could not make myself keep playing and I have pushed through some grueling shit for trophies before.
But a few notables that have eluded completion over the years:
Silent Hill 3
Final Fantasy 8
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky
System Shock 2
Divinity Original Sin 2
ME2 is in my top games of all time - I think it's pretty widely regarded as the best of the three, isn't it? Certainly my favorite. (Only The Last of Us, Half-Life 2, and Resident Evil 4 are above it in my top five. God of War is #5.)
Worth finishing it to experience the final few hours. Fantastic.
I have a bunch of never-finisheds. Witcher 3, Ocarina... Oh! I know what my most shameful one is. Pokemon Blue. Need to pick up Let's Go Pikachu and really do the damn thing.
Don't google that on your work computer. Or with your family around. Or at all.
I got stuck in a shrine in Breath of the Wild and never played it again.
I hated how Last of Us played but liked the story but mid way through I couldn’t force myself forward any more.
Notables on console, my standard Goto for gaming are:
ME: Andromeda - I just quickly grew disinterested and have no desire to return
RDR2 - I just got tired of it, can’t put my finger on why, will probably come back to it eventually (KH3 is probably the reason tbh, getting platinum in that was some of the best time I’ve spent gaming in recent memory)
Resident Evil 7 - because I’m a giant weenie and then I got PSVR and my wife told me the only way I can go back and play it is in VR and fuck that forever
MechAssault - One of the reasons I even got an Xbox. But I hit a mission that sucked, put in Burnout 3: Takedown, and forgot this even existed.
GTA: San Andreas - I made the mistake of buying this on console after playing Vice City on PC. Theres no going back to the console controls of those early GTA games after that.
Armored Core 3 - While I beat AC2, and loved it, I started AC3 after I’d already played some Nexus with dual analog support. See above.
Shadow of Rome - My copy glitched out on me part of the way through. I have a good condition disc now, but haven’t gone back to my save.
Uncharted - I got bored and hit the “YouTube” button. Naughty Dog makes good feature-length movies.
Killzone: Shadow Fall - I reached a part of the campaign where the draw of finishing it no longer outweighed my desire to play other, better games. Mainly, it just made me miss Killzone 2 multiplayer.
I first finished it 3 years ago
It is me, I am El Chumpo
At least you finished it. That's more than I can say for Metroid Prime or Metroid Prime 2.
I’ve yet to complete a game of endless legend. Which sounds like exactly my type of game in theory but in practice it just doesn’t work out.
Nintendo ID: Pastalonius
Smite\LoL:Gremlidin \ WoW & Overwatch & Hots: Gremlidin#1734
3ds: 3282-2248-0453
Zelda 2
Zelda: Link's Awakening (I got really far, hit a snag, and it eludes me)
Some might say that I am a bad Zelda fan.
Let's Plays of Japanese Games