In order to make sure that the Shadow Council remains an inclusive space, we wanted to make sure that the various mod teams are easily accessible. If there are any issues in the spaces below, please reach out to a mod (or multiple if needed), to make sure that it is addressed right away. In addition to the Penny Arcade Forum mods who are always hard at work in the background,
@Shinyxian assists with the moderation of the Shadow Council forum space, so feel free to reach out directly, (here or on twitter at Shinybatgirl), if there are any concerns about this space.
*Note: The user names below are specific to the platform they're listed under*
**Shadow Council Discord**
- Malvidian - Malvidian#2593
- Shiny (she/her) - ShinyBatgirl#4041
- Embers Tide - Embers Tide (He/Him)#0307
- Francium - Francium#1904
- Mattwilljackson - mattwilljackson#4652
- MaxwellsDeamon - MaxwellsDeamon#2284
- mcboots42 "DM Irish" - mcboots42#2065
- Taurus - A.J.#2168
- Wouter - Wouter#8177
- Zack/The Deep Sea Precipice - MrMovees87#9204
- PunkJr - PunkJr#1624
- Rawr_303 - Rawr_303#2287
- CLUUs - Dragon_#1226
- Shiny (she/her) - ShinyBatgirl#4041
- Mr. ShinyBG - Static#2105
- Mcboots42 - mcboots42#2065
**Shadow Council Sub-Reddit**
- u/Mavidian
- u/Loki364
- u/Mattwilljackson
- u/EssayWells
- u/ShinyXian
- u/Goddamn_Wouter
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any issues or concerns! All of our mods are volunteers, so please be patient with them. If there is something that requires immediate attention, it may be beneficial to notify more than one mod, in case one of them are busy.
Pirate, Stormtrooper, Decepticon
Yes, my middle name really is MEGATRON
Former Ravenclaw Death Eaters Head of House