Pop Punk is the best genre of music and I will fight anyone who disagrees.
As an offshoot though, I can listen to ska all day long.
"Hey, we're going to put horns in our pop punk music!"
And a bunch of other shit.
Post links to YouTube, talk about it, discuss it, whatever.
Help me find stuff I may not have known previously existed!
Michael Jackson is king of pop.
Pele is king of the soccer field.
To be king of your kitchen use Crestfield Wax Paper.
until then,
how did this become a thing anyway
is it just "white city kids"? because before the internet made me aware this was a meme I think I independently came up with this as a way to describe what kinds of music I liked and I am extremely white and extremely city
it's when it goes like
ineedmayo.com Eidolon Journal Updated
Nobody ever feels the need to point out they like "everything but polka and Mongolian throat singing."
My mom really likes country music and she doesn't speak English
Everything about this makes me very happy.
well key point
this isn't me saying "you have to grow up in texas to like country music." I didn't say anything about speaking English, either. Most country fans I know are European or Australian. The music probably needs to speak to you off the bat, in order for you to give it a chance, but what I was trying to communicate is that your appreciation tends to deepen as you invest more time in it. I would say this is true for pretty much all music, but consequently the degree of early exposure often correlates to degree of enjoyment, and exposure is related to cultural context.
I'm not terribly interested in nit-picky arguments about "Well I liked rap the first time I heard it as a 13 year old Anatolian peasant child." I'm just attempting a rationale for the cultural phenomenon noted by @BahamutZERO
Fight me, old man.
Who has the biggest dick?
We'll have to agree to disagree on that.
My main point was that I bet there's ten thousand other genres B-0 also dislikes, but telling people about them doesn't communicate anything to anybody.
I’ll fuckin’ kill you.
If you see someone wearing a black coat, white shoes, and a black hat and you don't immediately think, "That person's a time bomb!"
Then I don't like you very much.
This is the correct response.
1981 Chevy Nova.
Why are you so pretentious, Nic?