Hey so Ryan Reynolds, aka Deadpool, aka the Cantankerous Canadian is this guy:
Starring Justice Smith, Kathryn Newton and Bill Nighy(??), watch as your childhood is given nightmarish, fleshy existence and gigantic, dinner plate eyes. Also, the movie is good?
That's a twist, that's veryyy twisty
I'd say the weakest aspect is the bad guy, but otherwise the writing was pretty solid
There's a lot of telling and not showing storywise, but from a world building perspective they do a pretty good job of throwing you into this place and assuming you know how to swim.
3DS: 1521-4165-5907
PS3: KayleSolo
Live: Kayle Solo
WiiU: KayleSolo
I think the more pressing issue is will your wallet survive their new interest in Pokemon?
I assume my oldest will be fine; is there anything in the movie that would give my youngest pause, given that he's seen Star Wars and liked it?
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: [https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/comment/43159014/#Comment_43159014]Ellandryn[/url]
Would they enjoy this movie if only our DD was sober?
Couple spooky parts with Charizard and 'another' menacing Pokemon you can see in the trailers
The kids described it as epic though so your mileage may vary.
This movie looks awesome.
Yes, 80's and 90's nostalgia has been all the rage in Hollywood for the quick cash grab. The difference is that Pokemon hasn't really gone away and has been mainstream more or less the entire time. Pokemon has no gap in popularity like Transformers or Dragon Ball or Ninja Turtles between now and then. Pick a year and Pokemon is still popular. It's honestly impressive if you think about how long it's not only been a thing but a popular thing.
I think this thread has convinced me to watch it despite that I haven't given a fuck about Pokemon since 1998.
Battlenet ID: MildC#11186 - If I'm in the game, send me an invite at anytime and I'll play.
Then the sequel could be about Silver doing his thing and confronting Red from the first movie
I... don't? Or at least, I have no real interest in a Pokémon movie that's any grittier than the games are.
Although I wonder if any Pokémon movie would dare touch that side-plot of that one dude who sacrificed scores Pokémon just to restore one other Pokémon back to life. Or whatever nihilistic genocidal nonsense Team Galactic was on about.
Haven’t played the game, but from what I read on wikipedia it does share some plot points, but it’s not a direct movie version of the game.
I really just want a low stakes movie set in Ryme City. Like follow a delivery service pidgey or a beat cop and their growlithe.
My main takeaway from the night is that whoever put Gangsta’s Paradise over the sonic trailer is either our society’s greatest monster or hero, I can’t decide which.
Well given what the song is about its remarkably tone deaf and sorta racist so I vote monster
if they establish a PCU before Nintendo develops a Pokemon MMO i swear to Arceus
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Kind of wished
Pleased I confirmed Bill Nighy was the villain by calling Mewtwo an abomination because that felt off for such a pokephile.
Also there was a trailer for a Pokemon-Go style game set in Harry Potter and its pitch had me want to oppose everything they stood for.
I think the idea is
Also that Harry Potter game is exploitative trash. One of the timers is your character getting strangled
Nah I think it was a different one. But that's another topic. In the movie,
Took my 5 year old and my wife who knows nothing about Pokemon
Wife says: "Cute, good family movie, was not horrible! I laughed at a couple of spots! Would not have paid to see it at the theater had it not been for you guys, but totally would have rented it!"
Daughter (plays Pokemon Let's Go Pickachu, dressed as Pickachu for Halloween and for local Comic-con): Kinda got a bit bored during the talky parts, asked to go home just before climax, but then returned glued to her seat when action picked up again. Loved exclaiming the names of Pokemon she recognized when they appeared, much to my wife's consternation. Loved the free Pokemon cards we got with our tickets too!
Me: Definitely aimed at old-school Pokemon fans with kids. I'm squarely in the target audience for this movie. TONS of references to both the cartoon and the games, and that's not even including all the Pokemon cameos. Tons of re-watch value to pick up all the details and references in the background. I'll likely be picking this one up on Blu-Ray once it comes out. Story-wise, it's pretty by-the-numbers, but there are few small twists along the way that can still surprise and entertain. As a Pokemon fan, I felt the movie did a good job at respecting the source material canon, which I'll expand on in the Spoiler. Overall, a fun time for old Pokemon fans and kids alike, and even inoffensive to the non-initiated! 8/10
Now for the nitty gritty:
I also appreciated the movie explaining that MewTwo was not created in Ryme city (which would violate game/show canon) but rather re-captured after it escaped from Kanto. Nice touch.
Also, while the true villain's identity can be easily guessed early on, the little twist that MewTwo is not actually a bad guy was also a nice little subversion which I appreciated. I also appreciated the short explanation regarding the bad guy's Ditto, that recognizes that Dittoes can't usually copy humans, but this particular Ditto was explained as being another result of genetic experimentation, which sufficed for me as a handwave.
The little twist at the end regarding Pickachu's true nature was predictable, but a nice touch nonetheless, with Ryan's actual appearance at the end being a sweet touch.
Now, the villain's ultimate plot was EXTREMELY vague and silly, and no attempt whatsoever is made to explain how MewTwo suddenly developed the power to implant humans (body and soul, apparently) into Pokemon; however, I did notice that, when that happens, the movie uses the same sound a Pokeball makes when it sucks in a Pokemon, hinting that the same kind of magic technology that allows a 500 pound Snorlax to fit a baseball-sized device may be in use here, so that much, I felt, was a neat little subtle touch that caught my attention.
Finally, I also appreciated that, while yes, the movie leans more towards "tell, don't show" than I would like, there is sufficient world-building here to allow for further development in future movies, without the movie beating us over the head with obvious sequel hooks, so I don't feel like my intelligence is being insulted. This is very much a self-contained story that stands on its own, with a satisfying conclusion. Good on them for not making the same insulting mistake the Super Mario Bros and Mortal Kombat movies did in their endings.
Finally, the end-credit sequence where they show a Pokemon anime-style version of each of the featured characters tickled my nostalgia bone and slightly annoyed my wife by causing me to insist that I stay till the end of that sequence before we left :surprised:
That was what caused Mewtwo to re-evaluate the 'all humans are evil' thought the first time.
But can't really blame him for thinking that when he was created to be the most powerful Pokemon and then was Giovanni's, Team Rocket's, the Pokemon mafia's leader's ace-in-the-hole for a while.
There has never been a game franchise more suited to being an MMO than Pokémon
They have to live with that.