So, i have an xbox 360, decent size Tv (hd 40something)
I play games... rainbow 6... Need for speed... and guess what? i seem to have trouble seeing the screen correctly when im driving into the sun, fighting terrorists in the haze of sunset, or dealing with bad lighting and crappy nightvision.
Why? Why are game developers going out of their way to make it HARD to see content?
I admire th graphic potential of the system and games to make things this detailed, but is making things hard to see considered intense game development?
I love nothing more than getting shot by a terrerist i never could see til he opened up on me.
I also love trying to outrun the cops at 185 mph driving into the haze of the sun and being surprised by a 90 degree right hand turn.
Has anyone else noticed this? Or do you feel the same way as me?
Snake Eater, I'm looking directly at you.
Although, I thought R6 did it pretty well. Also with your different visors it was easy to find one that allowed you to see clearly, be it heat or night vision.
They are just reminding us gamers that the sun does in fact exist. It is that terrible realization that makes you go blind, invariably crashing into the wall while driving some virtual car.
Seriously though, I think that next-gen is trying too hard to "out-gen" (yes, I know) itself. What this means is that shinies count the most for many titles and consumers alike. I will admit that it is nice to have a beatiful game, but real beauty consists of outer and inner elements.
In other words, no amount of HDR will hide the flaws, but it will try real damn hard to do so. Multiply by inches of your TV or monitor.
see i thought about that... being infront of a monitor all day then coming home and being infront of a TV
but i think its more than that
i was playing around with moving my TV based on daylight entering the windows and stuff, but it didnt matter
game designers are going out of their way to make shit hard to see.
I love buying a next gen system with amazing graphics that i cant see to see whenever they want to make things *more challenging*
I kind of grinded through rainbow 6 with this problem (being shot from the darkness in haze by some guy who didnt show up on thermals was bullshit) but now in need for speed im just getting owned based on not being able to see 20 feet infront of me
kind of makes a driving game self defeating when you drive like Stevie Wonder
Actually, HDR isn't the result of incapable hardware - we've had technology to have monitors emit light for ages. Rather, the reason we use HDR over actual blinding light is because the possible lawsuits from people who went blind from staring at the sun - in game - prevents such monitors from becoming a commercial reality.
Oh man, I cheated and cranked the contrast/brightness/whatever at this part as it was irritating the shit out of me. Then forgot to turn it back down throughout most of the rest of the game and was wondering why everything was so bloody bright then wondered why The Fury fight was so easy and why he kept asking if it was hard fighting someone I couldn't see. I kept going "What the fuck are you talking about bitch? You're right THERE!" Ya, I'm bright... (no pun intended).
I never noticed any problems with lighting in the Halo 3 beta. Rainbow Six on the other hand gets goddamn ridiculous some times and the GRAW single player is almost as bad
Xbox Live Gamertag: Suplex86
it's the new "underwater chase while running out of oxygen" scene.
1: Some games have damn tiny fonts.
2: I have a shitty TV.
3: I need to get my eyes checked. I probably need glasses/lenses. I'm the only one in the family without, so I guess the odds were against me anyway.
Or you could just wait a while. You slowly adjust to the dark lighting and can eventually see quite well. It does seem to take quite a long time, though.
And all these threads do is tend to demonstrate just how many of us actually have no clue whatsoever what HDR actually is.
oh my, that is sweet.
As much as I adore Snake Eater, you have a strong point.
what about Vice City? The sun actually causes glare so you cant see shit.
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I've been wearing glasses since I was six. Recently, I've switched over to contacts, but I can assure you that TV and video games ruined my eyes from that age. I used to play pretty damn close to the TV.
I'm colorblind. I can't tell shades of red from shades of green, as well as shades of blue from shades of purple. I also have some trouble with some yellows and greens. Makes for great fun in games like Boom Boom Rocket, Bust a Move, Puyo Puyo, or any other color-based game (the arrows are a saving grace in Boom Boom Rocket). Someone had to tell me the DDR arrows were different colors a few years ago, and that the colors represented different parts of the beat. Up until then, I had been playing the highest setting on pure intuition, while others had a sort of advantage over me (if you can argue that. Some people won't do well, colors or not.)
I have astigmatism in both my eyes. For me, that means when I'm concentrating particularly hard in a game, my eyes can blur and cause me not to see straight until I unfocus my eyes again. In DDR, again, this is particularly annoying when I'm doing a hard song and see a blurred screen instead of arrows. Luckily, I can usually calm myself down enough to see the screen, but it's also annoying in first person shooters, or fighting games.
*reads the replies in the thread* Oh, this is about TVs... Yeah, some games are pretty annoying in displaying improperly on some TVs, if it isn't just the game. Apparently, Resident Evil 4 for the PS2 looks like ass on my 32in Sony Bravia, but looks fine on my friend's SDTV at his house. The colors are dark and grainy and there's a noticable difference from when I play the Gamecube version on the same TV.
That's light bloom, not HDR.
HDR is an underlying technology, like texture mapping. Don't blame the technology because there are games with shitty looking textures.
Maybe the developers assume nobody has 5"x5" windows next to their TV and PC like I do.
Only if you set the arrows to "solo" mode. Otherwise they just kind of cycle colors and all of them are the same. A lot of people set it to solo because it is slightly easier, especially for notes that are actually off-beat, but you're pretty much playing it the way it is by default. The speed multipliers help a lot more than changing the colors does.
Dark areas should be actually dark, though taking it to doom levels is a bit ridiculous. (I remember the mod that goes this mod is based on the idea that in the future there exists a roll of Duct tape and that Doom guys is smart enough to put the torch onto his shotgun.)
Bloom again, is what I actually get when I drive to work in real life cause I start driving just when the sun peaks over and plays havoc on my eyes, at times because of the light difference due to shadows and stuff I can't see something 50 meters ahead and I'll need to be aware of that and be damm carefull. Need for speed does however take this to extremes.
Satans..... hints.....
Kind of like that one segment in Half-Life 2, where you have to drive the buggy through a pitch black tunnel littered with recked vehicles. I sure as hell had a fun time with that.
There's undoubtedly a mod to fix this, I'm sure.
But I have experienced problems seeing things in games because of a variety of lighting effects. PGR3 is pretty bad about this. In one city, I almost invariably turn into the guard rail every lap because the lighting and shadows make it look like there's a turn where it's blocked off.
I believe that's called game design. Otherwise those dozen zombies at that exact spot in the tunnel would serve no purpose.
You could be right, though. The boat had lights, so it was probably intended that the buggy didn't. Nevertheless, navigating that area in the dark was still a pain in the ass.
I'm half tempted to buy a VGA cable for my system.
But a lot of it really is the way the games are made. Surprised by the right-hand turn? Maybe the track was just poorly designed.
Alternately, yes you're becoming an old man. It's only downhill from here, with graying hair (as you go bald), getting up a dozen times at night to use the washroom, wearing black socks with sandals, and needing to pull out your reading glasses to make out any text smaller than a billboard.
They actually played around with a green HUD (you can see it in the multiplayer beta vidoc) but it was changed back to blue since "it didn't feel like Halo".
What I think they might do is play around with the opacity or give you an option to mess with the opacity of chief's visor, and let you darken/lighten the displays.
The VGA cable will make it look sharper, but not if noticably more if you're already using component. VGA and component equivalent for TV use. It's only an upgrade over S-Video and composite.