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First Time Cosplayer

MythiosMythios Registered User new member
So I am doing a fairly complicated cosplay this year for PAX South and don't want to walk through the streets in full cosplay. Is there a place in the convention center to change into my cosplay? Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated as I've never done a cosplay before! Thanks!


  • SirUberNoobPwnrSirUberNoobPwnr Registered User regular
    Hey Mythios. In my opinion, cosplay is limited at Pax South so I don't know if anyone in this forum does it. In past years I have seen people walking to the convention center in their costumes. If you get a hotel in the riverwalk area then it's not a far walk to the convention center.

  • CLAW_SPECTERCLAW_SPECTER Registered User new member
    I'm going to be cosplaying as mute from rb6 with a woodland camo and an mp5 that's disabled has no fuse no bbs or batteries its airsoft what are the chances I can bring it with me? this is my first pax

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I'm going to be cosplaying as mute from rb6 with a woodland camo and an mp5 that's disabled has no fuse no bbs or batteries its airsoft what are the chances I can bring it with me? this is my first pax
    Last I knew, there is a hard rule against airsoft, disabled or not.

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