Alright, so my girlfriends 2 year old laptop was acting up for a while, basically 30-60% of the time she played music on it, it would playback slow. A restart would fix this, but eventually that stopped working and I was tasked to fix it.
To make sure I got everything I just formatted it and reinstalled windows (this time with a seperate partition for her MP3's, easing future reinstalls)
This seemed to work.
For a couple days.
Now its always slow. All audio is long, drawn out and slow sounding. Apparently this is carrying over to video too, but I haven't checked that myself.
I've updated drivers, checked multiple players, and updated codecs.
Should I just try reinstalling windows again? I have no idea why this problem carried over onto the new install. It's not just mp3s that have this problem, ALL audio has the problem. Could it be a hardware issue?
Any Ideas guys?
And this:
EDIT: And a quote from some other forum....
Wii Code: 1040-1320-0724-3613 :!!: