It's happening!! (I seriously cannot believe its that time again. This year has both felt like a million years and also flown by)
Yes, its that time of year again. I mean we still have Halloween coming up, but its basically Christmas season now.
What is this?It's pretty much Secret Santa, except with partial strangers. From the internet. Like your parents may have warned you about.
You sign up, you buy a forumer a gift, you get a gift, you post your gift on the thread, we all experience the joy that comes from getting gifts from strangers that are probably better than the gifts your own family gets you.
How does it work?
(1) Read this entire post
(2) Sign up using the instructions below
(3) Wait until I dole out your Santee (person you are expected to give a gift to)
(4) Stalk your Santee and figure out what he or she likes
(5) Buy your Santee something he or she will like (minimum $25) & ship it to them by December 31, 2019.
(6) You, yourself, will receive a gift. Take pictures of it and post them. This is not optional.
(7) Take joy in an awesome tradition of happiness and goodwill towards your fellow Penny-Arcade forumers!
You will be BANNED if you do not send a gift by the deadline.
Also a lot of forumers will have your address. I'm not condoning anything...I'm just saying.Sign-up ConditionsYou may only sign up if:
You joined the forums before January of this year 2019. If you joined after this contact me and you may be admitted on a case-by-case basis.
You are full of joy and awesomeness and prefer giving to receiving.
You are willing to pay international shipping. If you get someone on Mars, then prepare to ship something to Mars. NOTE: The cost of shipping does NOT count toward the $25 minimum.
You can afford $25 + shipping, or create something at least $25 worth of awesome. I will leave this to your discretion, but if you send a box of leaves or poop or a drawing of a penis then expect RETRIBUTION.
You're okay with maybe getting something that you don't like, up to and including something you cannot verify the price of. If members of your own family get you crap that you don't like, I wouldn't have high hopes for strangers on the internet. I will not entertain complaints that LewieP gave you Halo 3 and beef jerkey wrapped up in an American Flag; but you only like stuff from Japan.
You are going to send an appropriate gift. Seriously, no porn, anything dangerous, anything illegal, or anything that could be considered bad by someone's parents. You don't know how old your Santee is, their moral leanings, and all that. If you have to ask, I wouldn't send it. Err on the side of caution. The Nitty Gritty Big 3, TAKE NOTE
Here's the low-down, or the rules, that have been grinched up because of past administrative issues:
(1) Get
proof that you sent your package. This is the crazy time of year, packages sometimes get lost. Most of the time it works out. Sometimes it doesn't. If you can't provide a tracking number and proof that you sent a gift of sufficient value, you'll get banned unless you send the gift again.
(2) When choosing a gift, please try to pick something that unquestionably meets the minimum. Generally this is a no brainer, but if someone receives a crayon that you claim you bought at a charity event for $100, I am sadly unable to verify that it is a golden crayon and that it meets the minimum.
(3) Due to past issues, I reserve the right to refuse admittance anyone.
Sign Me Up!
To sign up, please
send me (Radiation) a PM on these forums with the following information by
November 9th:
Note: If you do not PM me you did not sign up!What happened to Hypatia?
Festive overdose. Currently recovering in the North Pole.
Your real name (for mailing purposes):
Address (as they should print it to get stuff to you):
Your e-mail (if they need to contact you):
Delivery information (stuff they need to know to get your stuff to you):
Hints (what you want me to pass on immediately, examples: Gamertags, systems owned, etc.):
Notes (e.g., "Mr. X is my spouse, please don't assign us together" or "I changed forum names, I used to be OldForumName"):
Are you willing to be a bunny?
(Bunnies volunteer to give an extra gift, if needed, to someone who got a deadbeat Santa)
Past Highlights
Last years thread
2017 thread
2016 thread
Gift spreadsheet for last year
Current Participants!
Stabbity Style
Custom Special
MNC Dover
Big Classy
Reve Noire
Stealing from years past because I'm lazy. Also need to compare this list to the participant list from last year and see if anyone is missing. Though I'm happy to have someone else do that work if they are willing.
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
It's Secret Santa time?! YESSSSSSSSSS
Every time I think I'm out, dey pull me back in.
PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
I glanced at the notification and wondered why I was being tagged in last years thread.
Anyways, wooooooo!
I'll reiterate what I say every year: This is easily my favorite time of the year largely due to this, and the generosity and thought of you all is a highlight.
3DS Friend Code: 0404-6826-4588 PM if you add.
With that out of the way, hooray Secret Santa time.
Going to have to think about my sign up, I don't spend nearly as much time in G&T as I used to, and haven't really gamed nearly as much as I used to.
But, I can assure you, someone's getting taffy.
"Seriously, no porn, anything dangerous, anything illegal, or anything that could be considered bad by someone's parents."
Just to be perfectly clear to future santa. These are the things I DO explicitly want. If you have to ask... Yes
Checked my bookmarked threads....notification didn't go away...
Oh, forgot to mention that. Added to my santa notes XD
Will try and send a signup tonight. This shit is getting harder every year because _I don't need anything_ but I like sending people stuff? :P
Perhaps I can interest you in my meager selection of pins?
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
Oh yes.
PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | FallenIdle#1970
Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1
Twitch: KoopahTroopah - Steam: Koopah
PSN Hypacia
Xbox HypaciaMinnow
Discord Hypacia#0391
I can has cheezburger, yes?
Seasonal good will, you understand. As soon as the season's over, so's the good will.
Legends of Runeterra: MNCdover #moc
Switch ID: MNC Dover SW-1154-3107-1051
Steam ID
Twitch Page
Except that I've now made TWO (2) searchable forum posts for a diligent sleuth who wants to find the perfect gift.
All signed up!
― John Quincy Adams
PSN Hypacia
Xbox HypaciaMinnow
Discord Hypacia#0391
Contributing writer at Marooner's Rock
Twitch broadcasting! Currently playing through Wing Commander: Privateer
Pinny Lanyard
Switch FC: SW-7588-7027-0113, Steam/PSN: Halfazedninja
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00