
[The Witcher] Watching Season 2 is Your Destiny, Probably

KanaKana Registered User regular
edited January 2022 in Social Entropy++
So The Witcher is a series of books by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. Nobody outside of Poland really cared about those books until CD Projekt Red made a trilogy of games adapting the story, one of which is extremely good. Then people were like, hey, this game is really well written, maybe the books are really good too? And it turns out that yeah, actually the books really are very good, too. One of the people who played The Witcher 3 and then ate up all the books is extremely yolked supernerd Henry Cavill. When Netflix announced they were producing an adaptation of the book series, he leapt at it, playing the lead role of the titular Witcher, Geralt of Rivia.

Season 1 looks to be adapting at least portions of The Last Wish, Sword of Destiny, and Blood of Elves. The first two are sort of short story prequel collections, with the novel series proper starting with Blood of Elves.

The Witcher series stars:

Geralt of Rivia, a Witcher: An absolute unit, a mutated killing machine with the sole purpose of stealing your girl killing monsters. He has two swords, a steel one and a silver one for monsters, but silver swords are fucking expensive so he keeps it in a box. What, did you think he'd carry around TWO swords? That would just be silly!

Cirilla, Princess of Cintra. A bratty plucky tomgirl whose destiny is bound up with Geralt's, assuming you believe in that sort of thing. There's about a dozen prophecies about her, which is a lot to deal with when you're still going through puberty.

Yennifer, sorceress, an asshole nah, an asshole. Well, OK, so she's complex, and has had a hard life. She'd really prefer you focus on her jerky exterior and not on any of the secret softie on the inside. Deep, deep inside.

Roach, a horse. Absolutely flawless.

So, why am I excited for the series? The Witcher's often compared to Game of Thrones for its thematic focus on politics, the use of power and the consequences of its use. Unlike Game of Thrones though, our characters are rarely near the levers of power, and so instead they struggle more with how to lead good, ethical lives in a world so often filled with bad faith actors. Characters are complex, no one's ever making choices based on full information, and despite Geralt looking like Anime McCoolGuy, he's really a big ol' softie with feelings - and the books are emotionally mature enough to be like, yeah, that's a good thing. They're also surprisingly progressive - multiple lgbtq characters, the politics of racism and racial divisions are commented upon without trying to neatly shoehorn in elves = x minority group, and yeah, generally there's a reason these books have gotten a lot of love.

A new trailer is expected within the next week or so, and season 1 should premiere mid-December. out now! Release date announced as December 20th.

Official Teaser Trailer

A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words.
Kana on


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    SharpyVIISharpyVII Registered User regular
    edited October 2019
    I'm cautiously optimistic. The trailer was amazing and really sold me on.

    Plus it doing well would really wind up the trolls who've been very upset by various aspects of this show so far.

    It helps that Cavill is a huge Witcher nerd and loves the games and books.

    SharpyVII on
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    ZxerolZxerol for the smaller pieces, my shovel wouldn't do so i took off my boot and used my shoeRegistered User regular
    Cavilll is stacked harder than when he was Superman, god dayum.

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    KanaKana Registered User regular
    edited October 2019
    Since I have a little time to kill, a vague but spoiler-y book recap of stories that, judging from the previews, has made it to season 1 in some form.

    Again, even if you've played the games, here be spoilers:
    "The Witcher" - Geralt gets summoned by King Foltest to try to save his daughter, who has been cursed into the form of a monster. Bits of this fight have shown up in the preview, and it would make sense for an episode 1, as it pretty neatly introduces Geralt, his job, and his general worldview and philosophy on life.

    "The Lesser Evil" - As in several of the Witcher short stories, this one is sort of a twist on a fairy tale, in this case Sleeping Beauty. A wizard requests Geralt protect him from a possibly sociopathic princess he once tried to assassinate by order of her stepmother. Now the charismatic princess is a gang leader and is heading back to Blaviken to get revenge... Another good short story, further developing Geralt's often contradictory motivations of wanting to be neutral, and wanting to be kind.

    "A Question of Price" - Geralt shows up for a job in Cintra, which turns out to mostly be verbal jousting with Cintra's iron-spined queen. Sets up the future Geralt/ciri relationship with a lot of talking about children, parenthood, Geralt's own feelings of parental abandonment, as well as some hints about Destiny, and Geralt's steadfast refusal to believe in any of that stuff.

    "The Edge of the World" - Geralt and Dandelion end up in a very nice, peaceful part of the world, and therefore Geralt's broke. As humanity spreads across the world Witchers are gradually dying out, from lack of need. But so are other races and monsters who cannot, or refuse to, assimilate or adapt into a human-centered world. Introduces us to folks like the Dryads and the separatist elves. It's a good story but somewhat slow-paced, I would guess it might get combined with another of the Dryad-based stories?

    "The Last Wish" - Geralt and Dandelion go fishing, and haul up a genie's lamp, despite Geralt's insistence that genies aren't real. Dandelion promptly fucks things up, and now Geralt has to go ask some local sorceress named Yennifer to plz unfuck my friend. Yennifer's like well that was easy, but now I'm gonna harness the power of that genie ("But genies aren't real!" shouts Geralt in the distance), and if that involves flattening the town around me, well hey, you can't make an omelet without squishing some peasants.

    "The Bounds of Reason" - Geralt, Dandelion, a foreign wandering knight, his two polyamorous girlfriends, a teenage petty king, Yennifer, some dwarves, one mouthy peasant, and some professional dragonslayers all go dragon-hunting and kind of try not to kill each other. Really establishes the on-again, off-again Geralt/Yennifer relationship that they'll maintain for the next, like, 20 goddamn years.

    "The Sword of Destiny" - Geralt's back in Cintra, trying to get Ciri back from the dryads after she went wandering into the Woods You Shouldn't Fucking Go Near. Geralt and Ciri's first real meeting. We've seen Ciri and the dryads in the trailer.

    "Something More" - Nilfgaard attacks the north for the first time, overwhelming Cintra, until they're finally turned back at the bloody battle of Sodden. Geralt rushes south to attempt to discover the fate of many of his friends, including Yennifer, Ciri, and Triss. Along the way he meets a merchant on the road, who refuses to leave his wrecked cart. Geralt makes another of his Law of Surprises deals with the merchant to protect him from the incipient monster attack, but in the fight he's badly wounded. The merchant, a surprisingly nice guy, tends to Geralt. The battle of Sodden will apparently be the final episode of the season.

    Which just by itself is 8 stories for 8 episodes, although we've also seen some trailer images that happen well into book 1 of the proper series (or maybe they're just teaser-lies, or dream sequences foreshadowing future settings, or who knows what). But also then there's some stuff the show has shown clips of (like Yennifer's backstory) that the novels never explicitly spell out. Also Ciri starts out older in this version than in the books, and queen calanthe also seems to have gotten a bit more screentime based on some quick lines from the short stories. It's a pretty strong lineup, and could easily lead right into book 1/2 for season 2.

    Kana on
    A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words.
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    ZxerolZxerol for the smaller pieces, my shovel wouldn't do so i took off my boot and used my shoeRegistered User regular
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    SilverWindSilverWind Registered User regular
    edited October 2019
    That...actually looks pretty good


    I don't really like Henry Cavill but he's doing a really great if slightly flat Doug Cockle voice

    (I also appreciate how he's a huge enough nerd to have lobbied for the role)

    edit: I really expected the W3 wailing as the logo came in. And oh, both the Wild Hunt trailer and this one sure loves Geralt's "Evil is evil" line without featuring the endpoint of that story

    SilverWind on
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    metaghostmetaghost An intriguing odor A delicate touchRegistered User regular
    Kana wrote: »
    Since I have a little time to kill, a vague but spoiler-y book recap of stories that, judging from the previews, has made it to season 1 in some form.

    Again, even if you've played the games, here be spoilers:
    "The Witcher" - Geralt gets summoned by King Foltest to try to save his daughter, who has been cursed into the form of a monster. Bits of this fight have shown up in the preview, and it would make sense for an episode 1, as it pretty neatly introduces Geralt, his job, and his general worldview and philosophy on life.

    "The Lesser Evil" - As in several of the Witcher short stories, this one is sort of a twist on a fairy tale, in this case Sleeping Beauty. A wizard requests Geralt protect him from a possibly sociopathic princess he once tried to assassinate by order of her stepmother. Now the charismatic princess is a gang leader and is heading back to Blaviken to get revenge... Another good short story, further developing Geralt's often contradictory motivations of wanting to be neutral, and wanting to be kind.

    "A Question of Price" - Geralt shows up for a job in Cintra, which turns out to mostly be verbal jousting with Cintra's iron-spined queen. Sets up the future Geralt/ciri relationship with a lot of talking about children, parenthood, Geralt's own feelings of parental abandonment, as well as some hints about Destiny, and Geralt's steadfast refusal to believe in any of that stuff.

    "The Edge of the World" - Geralt and Dandelion end up in a very nice, peaceful part of the world, and therefore Geralt's broke. As humanity spreads across the world Witchers are gradually dying out, from lack of need. But so are other races and monsters who cannot, or refuse to, assimilate or adapt into a human-centered world. Introduces us to folks like the Dryads and the separatist elves. It's a good story but somewhat slow-paced, I would guess it might get combined with another of the Dryad-based stories?

    "The Last Wish" - Geralt and Dandelion go fishing, and haul up a genie's lamp, despite Geralt's insistence that genies aren't real. Dandelion promptly fucks things up, and now Geralt has to go ask some local sorceress named Yennifer to plz unfuck my friend. Yennifer's like well that was easy, but now I'm gonna harness the power of that genie ("But genies aren't real!" shouts Geralt in the distance), and if that involves flattening the town around me, well hey, you can't make an omelet without squishing some peasants.

    "The Bounds of Reason" - Geralt, Dandelion, a foreign wandering knight, his two polyamorous girlfriends, a teenage petty king, Yennifer, some dwarves, one mouthy peasant, and some professional dragonslayers all go dragon-hunting and kind of try not to kill each other. Really establishes the on-again, off-again Geralt/Yennifer relationship that they'll maintain for the next, like, 20 goddamn years.

    "The Sword of Destiny" - Geralt's back in Cintra, trying to get Ciri back from the dryads after she went wandering into the Woods You Shouldn't Fucking Go Near. Geralt and Ciri's first real meeting. We've seen Ciri and the dryads in the trailer.

    "Something More" - Nilfgaard attacks the north for the first time, overwhelming Cintra, until they're finally turned back at the bloody battle of Sodden. Geralt rushes south to attempt to discover the fate of many of his friends, including Yennifer, Ciri, and Triss. Along the way he meets a merchant on the road, who refuses to leave his wrecked cart. Geralt makes another of his Law of Surprises deals with the merchant to protect him from the incipient monster attack, but in the fight he's badly wounded. The merchant, a surprisingly nice guy, tends to Geralt. The battle of Sodden will apparently be the final episode of the season.

    Which just by itself is 8 stories for 8 episodes, although we've also seen some trailer images that happen well into book 1 of the proper series (or maybe they're just teaser-lies, or dream sequences foreshadowing future settings, or who knows what). But also then there's some stuff the show has shown clips of (like Yennifer's backstory) that the novels never explicitly spell out. Also Ciri starts out older in this version than in the books, and queen calanthe also seems to have gotten a bit more screentime based on some quick lines from the short stories. It's a pretty strong lineup, and could easily lead right into book 1/2 for season 2.

    It's interesting to poke through the cast list on IMDB and see all the footnote-tier characters they've incorporated into the show, presumably as a consequence of trying to elaborate upon Ciri's youth prior to the fall of Cintra (etc...).

    Like, the character whom I thought must have been Emhyr in the trailer turned out to be Eist Tuirseach, whom I don't believe you ever meet in the books (though he might be present at the Child Surprise Dinner Party). And he's credited for all 8 episodes!

    We also must be getting a fair amount of time spent with Cahir in Nilfgaard, but no Dykstra being a snarky spymaster?! For shame.

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    autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    Love that trailer!

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    autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    The onion with the important news

    ‘The Witcher’ Producers Assure Gamers Netflix Series Will Include All 400 Side Quests From ‘Wild Hunt’

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    KanaKana Registered User regular
    Tbf early IMDb listings will often just default to saying an actor is in all episodes until the show comes out

    A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words.
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    autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    edited October 2019
    Witcher completionists are sure to be thrilled that the show’s creators are dedicated to keeping intact the series’ well-known regard for immersion and worldbuilding, including hours of footage where Geralt collects white myrtle and blowball and painstakingly crafts oils and potions in preparation for some killer fight scenes. With over 3,000 spoken roles and episodes that will run between several minutes and 20 hours, it’s really everything a Witcher fan could hope for!

    “We didn’t want to disappoint anyone who was expecting to see Geralt hunt down the full Ursine armor set or meet Egill the Druid, or see a sandcrab, which is why we’ve been filming for almost four years straight to pack it all in there,” said Daniel. “Of course, it’s a risk to include a two-hour scene of Geralt hunting a Grave Hag in silence or adding an entire midseason storyline where he collects every Gwent card. But we were committed to honoring every aspect of the source material, no matter how lengthy or seemingly unrelated to the main plot.”

    Well we don’t know about you, but after hearing this, the Witcher hype is clearly real! Now let’s just hope the series honors it’s promise to show full hardcore penetration in every one of the show’s 40 sex scenes.
    I'm dying squirtle

    autono-wally, erotibot300 on
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    MegaMan001MegaMan001 CRNA Rochester, MNRegistered User regular
    I am all in on this now. He sounds like Geralt...just oh so tired.

    I hope that shot of the bridge is when we get to find out why he is 'of Rivia'.

    I am in the business of saving lives.
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    metaghostmetaghost An intriguing odor A delicate touchRegistered User regular
    Kana wrote: »
    Tbf early IMDb listings will often just default to saying an actor is in all episodes until the show comes out

    That's true; I'm mostly just assuming a listing of "8 episodes" vs "2 episodes" can be used to gauge some degree of appearance rate. The trailer suggests Eist is present in a big way, seemingly being a dude that aggressively pushes Geralt down the road of prophecy.

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    SharpyVIISharpyVII Registered User regular
    I believe there's a new character been created called Dara whose role is to give another viewpoint on Ciri.

    The music in this trailer is excellent, really reminds me of the game which also had awesome music.

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    TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    I have never played the Witcher games, nor read the books for that matter, but am surprisingly hype for the show.

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    autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    Cavill as Geralt is so good in this trailer.

    What little I've seen of Ciri also looks pretty well acted, and I love sassy yennifer!

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    KelorKelor Registered User regular

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    autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    Kelor wrote: »

    2004, and I still remember this comic like yesterday

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    autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    edited November 2019


    Looking good

    autono-wally, erotibot300 on
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    KanaKana Registered User regular

    good horsey

    A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words.
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    SharpyVIISharpyVII Registered User regular
    edited November 2019
    Episode titles and a brief description:
    Episode 1: The End's Beginning - A monster slain, a butcher named.

    Episode 2: Four Marks - We look at a sorceress's early days.

    Episode 3: Betrayer Moon - A picky eater, a family shamed.

    Episode 4: Of Banquets, Bastards and Burials - The Law of Surprise is how one repays.

    Episode 5: Bottled Appetites - A fateful meeting, a bard is maimed.

    Episode 6: Rare Species - The hunt for a dragon is underway.

    Episode 7: Before a Fall - A return to before a kingdom is flamed.

    Episode 8: Much More - The Witcher Family, as you all like to say.

    SharpyVII on
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    KetBraKetBra Dressed Ridiculously Registered User regular
    SharpyVII wrote: »
    Episode titles and a brief description:
    Episode 1: The End's Beginning - A monster slain, a butcher named.

    Episode 2: Four Marks - We look at a sorceress's early days.

    Episode 3: Betrayer Moon - A picky eater, a family shamed.

    Episode 4: Of Banquets, Bastards and Burials - The Law of Surprise is how one repays.

    Episode 5: Bottled Appetites - A fateful meeting, a bard is maimed.

    Episode 6: Rare Species - The hunt for a dragon is underway.

    Episode 7: Before a Fall - A return to before a kingdom is flamed.

    Episode 8: Much More - The Witcher Family, as you all like to say.

    Oh this is really cool, because it's doing what I wanted and focusing on the short stories to start

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    SharpyVIISharpyVII Registered User regular
    Some first impressions from critics and social media types have dropped, been collated in a Reddit thread:


    Overwhelmingly positive with particular emphasis on the swordfighting!

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    metaghostmetaghost An intriguing odor A delicate touchRegistered User regular
    How does one treat the onset of “Cavill Thirst”?

    Glad to see positive remarks on fight choreography, though I find it always comes down to the editing for me.

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    autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    metaghost wrote: »
    How does one treat the onset of “Cavill Thirst”?

    Glad to see positive remarks on fight choreography, though I find it always comes down to the editing for me.

    Dunno. Doggo pictures, stat?

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    autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    He's fully aware of the thirst, too


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    autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    Some people online seem to be mad that there are black people in this series.

    Somewhat ironic, given the fact that some of the main stories are about racism between humans non-humans

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    SharpyVIISharpyVII Registered User regular
    edited December 2019
    Some people online seem to be mad that there are black people in this series.

    Somewhat ironic, given the fact that some of the main stories are about racism between humans non-humans

    Yeah, people are also mad that Yennefers actress is half Indian. I saw one comment say that they're erasing white European culture by having non white actors.

    SharpyVII on
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    DracomicronDracomicron Registered User regular
    Funny story, The Witcher isn't actually set in medieval Poland, so there's nothing wrong with having people of color.

    Funnier story, people of color actually lived in medieval Poland. Checkmate?

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    MorivethMoriveth BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWNRegistered User regular
    Bbut my immersion

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    ZxerolZxerol for the smaller pieces, my shovel wouldn't do so i took off my boot and used my shoeRegistered User regular
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    SharpyVIISharpyVII Registered User regular
    They're some pretty good introductions! Some nice new footage too.

    They're really going hard on the publicity for this. Henry Cavill will be on The Graham Norton Show next Friday promoting it which is huge!

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    PhillisherePhillishere Registered User regular
    Funny story, The Witcher isn't actually set in medieval Poland, so there's nothing wrong with having people of color.

    Funnier story, people of color actually lived in medieval Poland. Checkmate?

    "Europe was white before the liberals took over" is a fascist shibboleth. It has nothing to do with reality, but it functions quite well to identify people who are plugged into the racist headspace.

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    autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    SharpyVII wrote: »
    They're some pretty good introductions! Some nice new footage too.

    They're really going hard on the publicity for this. Henry Cavill will be on The Graham Norton Show next Friday promoting it which is huge!

    Can't wait. Cavill is a really smooth talker.

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    MegaMan001MegaMan001 CRNA Rochester, MNRegistered User regular
    I'm mad they changed his medallion but still looking good.

    I am in the business of saving lives.
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    SharpyVIISharpyVII Registered User regular
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    KanaKana Registered User regular
    Uuugh I want it nooow

    A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words.
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    DemonStaceyDemonStacey TTODewback's Daughter In love with the TaySwayRegistered User regular
    metaghost wrote: »
    How does one treat the onset of “Cavill Thirst”?

    Glad to see positive remarks on fight choreography, though I find it always comes down to the editing for me.

    Dunno. Doggo pictures, stat?

    Now you're telling me he also has an Akita?

    I like this man more and more with every bit of news.

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    ZxerolZxerol for the smaller pieces, my shovel wouldn't do so i took off my boot and used my shoeRegistered User regular
    The more I see the Nilfgaard armor, doofier and doofier it looks.

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    autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    edited December 2019
    metaghost wrote: »
    How does one treat the onset of “Cavill Thirst”?

    Glad to see positive remarks on fight choreography, though I find it always comes down to the editing for me.

    Dunno. Doggo pictures, stat?

    Now you're telling me he also has an Akita?

    I like this man more and more with every bit of news.

    Well, listen to him read to you, then!


    autono-wally, erotibot300 on
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