Disappearing Pre-Registration in App

MissAriadneMissAriadne Registered User new member
Hello. I was on at 1:00pm to register for an event and I was able to register. Then the app said the "schedule changed" and ALL of my pre-registration sign ups were gone. From all three days. I was able to get back into all the events except one. Is there any way to prevent this from happening again? Do we get any confirmation of what we are registered for, other than just the screen in the app?


  • MissAriadneMissAriadne Registered User new member
    They posted an update on their Twitter (can't link it since I'm new): "There's a bug in our app impacting iOS 13.x users with push notifications disabled that can clear of your schedule and/or reservations. A patch is coming in the next few days, but until then we strongly suggest iOS 13 users enable push notifications. Sorry about that!"

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