I've noticed lately that my xbox 360 is behaving very strangely. The first time I start a game, any game, no matter how pristine the disc is, at some point while I'm playing it (Usually within five minutes), it will give me a disc read error. It's not that the disk is dirty or scratched, it's as if the machine suddenly
decides I'm not going to do this anymore. And then, I turn it off and turn it back on, and it plays fine. Right through the part where it quit last time, in fact. If I were so inclined, I could play it the rest of the day just fine, save for the occasional rare instance. That really only happened in Gears of War, though. I can't supress the feeling that it was on purpose, as the disc read error message seemed to only happen on insane mode, and it was always after huge firefights, -right- before the checkpoint.
I've tried looking other places, but I don't have my computer, and apparently the library blocks search engines, unless google just happens to have fallen off the net. The question, of course, is "What's going on?" and subsequently "What can I do about it?"
Okay. On to the second course.
Spiders weird me out. Not because they're creepy or whatever. I just don't want to be bitten. The question: Do household spiders really bite at all? Is it even something I should be concerned about? I suppose it would depend on the type of spider, though, huh?
God, I just realized how much of a giant pussy I am.
Yeah, some of them bite. No, it's not usually a big deal. Only a couple types of spiders can do serious damage (barring allergies), and those are dependant on wherever you live.
A regular spider bite doesn't hurt that much, but looks kinda nasty while it does it's thing. Lots of spiders can't even break your skin. Usually I don't know I've been bitten by a spider until I notice the bite afterwards.
Most spider bites are not real bad - they look like a mosquito bite and are pretty rare.
Your 360 might be overheating. Gears is a game that seems to load the xbox pretty hard.
I host a podcast about movies.
I'm not really worried about any kind of health risk. I just don't want to suddenly and painfully realize that I have a guest in my underwear.
Edit: I don't think it would be overheating, because it happens initially, and not later. It doesn't seem to happen when the machine is actually warm. By the way, does it make a difference whether I stand it up or not with ventilation? I haven't really checked out the bottom of the casing.
Those are "house" spiders, and pack a very nasty punch. They are the hobo spider . And their bite is quite necrotic, and should be treated by doctors. They're found all over the place, so might want to check into them, and if you see one in your house, there's usually hundreds. They pretty much infest any area they enter.
Other than that, most house spiders won't bother you, cept the odd brown recluse or black widow. Both of which generally prefer sheds/garages over well lit, and often used rooms. But that doesn't mean they never find their way into your kitchen or whatever. Chances are if a common house spider bites you, you won't even notice.
I host a podcast about movies.
Are there any spiders or bugs which can cause trouble for pets? My cat eats all the crawlies she can find; is there anything I should be worried about in San Diego?
There are apparently 2 variety of brown recluse, the one you generally hear about lives in the SW, I believe. That's the one that causes your flesh to rot, etc. Nasty stuff. The kind we have here in the SE causes ridiculous swelling and leaves a big ass bump in the center with a big (for a bug bite) hole in the center of the bump. The second kind is what got me while I was sleeping. Based on the pain I was concerned I had broken my ankle (yes, I've had broken bones), only I, you know, I didn't actually do anything to break my ankle and would have known when it happened. My leg was pretty much the same thickness from the ankle on up to my knee due to swelling.
A black widow bite is among the more painful insect bites and stings, I know. But I live in Iowa. We don't really have them here, and the last time anyone saw a brown recluse anywhere near here (wisconson) was like 25 years ago. (55 years in Minnesota)
I've looked at pictures of spiders and I can't find these ones. I don't think they spin webs, if that helps. I think they're just hunting predators.
According to Wikipedia, the bite of the brown recluse is almost totally painless.
Black Widow bites cause pain.
As to Iowa, I grew up there, and yeah I'm fairly certain you're safe.
Is this the culprit?
Yes, I believe it is, although the body seemed darker.
Edit: I'm in NE Ohio.
If your 360 is under warranty, consider extending the warranty, as this happened to mine for a while before it died 1 week out of warranty. With Gears of War etc.
I wouldn't worry about them, if one climbed on you or near you in your sleep, it would likely run away as soon as it realized you are a living thing.
Example of what happens: I'm playing oblivion, running around on my badass level 51 warrior mage ninja thing, I'll be walking through Cheydinhal or skingrad, or just running along the land, or sometimes it happens when I talk to someone. What happens is the disc starts to spin very quickly, creating a lot of noise, and then it spins down, and then it stops. Disc read error. I might add that the error occurs while the game is still running: it doesn't freeze or anything (Although it does occasionally), and that when I reset the system, I can go right through where it stopped before without problems.
It happens most in oblivion, and it happened a couple times in Call of Duty 2, which pissed me off because I lost more than a few checkpoints because of it. Having to replay the entirety of hill 400 on veteran makes me angry.
Edit: I guess a new question would be "Do other people's xboxes make as much noise as mine do?"
How much noise does mine make? It's about as loud as a running microwave.
Anyway, I am on my 3rd 360 in just under 3 months (thank god for the 90 return policy at Target) for pulling this same shit yours does. My first one started doing it within a few days and continually got worse and worse with more frequent DREs and just taking forever to load. For example in Oblivion when running around it would freeze for 30+ seconds at times and say "Loading area" or something to that effect at the bottom. Viva Pinata would also get stuck loading for unusually long periods of time.
Also, when running properly, yes, all 3 of mine have still been loud as hell.
I returned it, got a new one. It lasted several weeks before starting the same shit. When working right I would almost never see the "Loading area" message and when I did it would only flash up for a second or so. Over several weeks it got worse and worse, more frequent and longer "Loading area" messages, more frequent DREs, and hangs for a second or two while playing GH2 which really fucked up my score for that song.
I'm now on #3. Hopefully it stays working.
A friend of mine had the same deal with his. He ended up sending it to MS for repairs. The "fixed" it and sent it back. 2 or 3 days later he got the red circle of death. Sent it back to them again and they sent him a "new" refurbished 360.
I love my 360 but man, the quality on these things seems to be total shit. You'd think console manufacturers would learn, if not from watching other companies (Sony on the psx and ps2) go through this shit, then through their own products (as the original xbox also had tons of optical drive issues at first).