I've just ended a relationship that I've had for the past 8, almost 9 months. It occupied practically all of my first year of college, so a lot of what I know college to be is that relationship. The reasons of why I did it aren't important to the topic of this thread, but there is no going back, and though I knew I had to do it, it still feels just as bad, or worse, as if I was dumped instead.
This is the first time I've fully been on this side of a relationship ending. I've known how to handle being dumped, and not having a choice but getting over it. This feeling is different, and I think worse. I do not only have to get through it and over it, but I need to prevent myself from caving and going back, which I have done in the past with this same relationship. There's nothing stopping me from going back to a relationship with her but my own willpower, and knowing what is right for me.
With that out of the way, I need help with this. I know it's going to be hard no matter what, but I need advice on things I can do to help occupy my mind so I won't think of the situation.
Currently I do have a job, a job that can get busy at times, but also slow (pharmacy technician), so that helps with some hours of the day. I also play video games (obviously), but I know that solution to not be the best to overdo during something like this. I haven't really exercised in a long while, so I was thinking doing some running could help. I have also made it very difficult to look at her facebook / myspace / talk on AIM with her etc. I put all notes, pictures and stuff like that in a drawer where I can't go to look at it without effort (I don't believe in burning or throwing away stuff like that). What other activities, projects, or something that any of you know of, or have tried that help in the aftermath of a relationship?
Summary: What things / hobbies / activities / projects / etc do you find, or think are helpful in occupying time and your mind during the aftermath of a relationship, or mourning in general?
However exercise is always a good thing and it does tend to keep the mind distracted. Just don't let your work outs by driven by emotions related to the relationship that was ended. Basically, I guess what i'm trying to say is that it is acceptable to be in a funk just don't let it last forever, it actually helps in the process of moving on.
Getting really into training would be a good thing, running and weights, not only will you feel better about yourself as you get fitter, but it really gives you a goal orientated past time to keep your mind occupied.
I'm sure many find the art of fapping a most enjoyable pastime once they have a little more 'me' time on their hands...dont rely on it however.
Joining a club, or something you've always been interested in but never had the time due to relationship commitment.
Most importantly however is not to close yourself away in your room for too long, get out there, socialise and meet new people, bring a smile to that face!
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