Here is my signature:
In the CoH forums, the rules thread points to the rules thread in G&T. There *was* an image in G&T stating that a sig is not to exceed 50x800 pixels, which mine does not (anyone with a graphics application can see this, very easily).
The main issue, as to why features were turned off on my account, has to do with an avatar I linked offsite. It was pretty big. I simply forgot about the restrictions for linking to offsite avatars.
However some mod/admin decided to be smart, and make my signature the way it is. I'd like to call that person out, please. Who are you?
Why was it necessary to write such a cuntish message?
Why did you assume my signature was too large?
Why was I simply not jailed, for breaking the rules?
The solution I am looking for: Control over my signature, once again... since it was unjustly removed. If it has to be imposed that I have no avatar for a period of time, fine. I'm the one that forgot, linked to an image that was too big, so I suffer for it... whatever.
I would also like to know what prompted the extremely juvenile message. Why didn't the mod/admin simply remove my signature, why was the message warranted?
Thanks for your time.
If you could have been civil you probably would have had better luck.
Jailing is a tad bit worse of a penalty. Consider yourself lucky that you do not have to deal with borked bbcode and a post-timer that rivals the ice age.
And 700k is fucking austintacious.
And a mod could have pm'd him and asked him to change his av, or simply changed it for him instead of being a jackass and changing his sig.
He said the 700k was a mistake. Shit happens. People do things without realizing it sometimes. It was completely uncalled for for a mod to alter his sig like that.
Anyway, are you sure you wouldn't be doing the exact same thing, only about jailing as opposed to signature removal, had you been jailed instead of having your signature removed? Because it's been my experience that people who don't read the rules tend to carp about the caprice and fascism of the mods no matter what's happened to them, how deserved it was, or what the actual purpose of the forum is.
PMing works about as well as a screen door on a nuclear sub when it comes to signatures and avatars.
I bet I know who did it. But he would probably jail me or change my title if I revealed him.
Fine. Then the mod could have simply changed it and PM'd him as to why they did it. Changing his sig to be smarmy and assholish was unnecessary.
Except that, according to his sig, it was also too big. Possibly because of text that was added to the sig in addition to the graphic, which would bring the entire thing to a height in excess of the total acceptable limit. Oh, the humanity.
His sig (if the one he posted in his original post was indeed his usual sig) was well within the limits set by Ramius. 80 x 500 pixels, under 50k. It was fine.
And what do so many people do in addition to putting an 80x500 picture in their sigs, hmm? Perhaps stick a quote or two in there?
I think we should just blow up the entire forum and try again.
Someone decided to write a very juvenile message in my signature, to make a point, while falsly indicating that my sig was too big as well.
What I want is to have the ability to use my signature again.
And for those of you who have stated "Why didn't you simply PM a mod/admin"... I did, and they told me to post in this forum. Simple as that.
Maybe I came across as rude/crass/juvenile (myself) in the wording of my original post, but I am pretty ticked-off at the idiotic message (which I have no control over) in my signature. Now people assume I've broken all the rules, and been an asshat somewhere along the line to deserve such rude treatment.
Accidental Obscurity
Why is it that when I say things like that, I'm "giving in to the Dark Side" or "venting my spleen" or "meddling in social engineering again"?
Did he have one there as well as the image? He never said it, so I'm going to assume 'no'. If you know otherwise, why don't you speak up instead of acting like a prick?
He's asking for a reason why a mod was an asshole. I think he's more than deserving of that explanation.
Which one?
Because they can't just jail you and get it over with... like they do to me.
Jailcount: 3
Tempban: 1
*edit* or change my title, like someone just did. Ahem.
Curse your elavated status.
Thank you.
No, I didn't have an additional quote in my signature. I only had the image.
Accualt, in the CoH forums. I PM'd him, to ask if he knew who did it, and why. He said he didn't know, and to post in this forum.
Accidental Obscurity
It was just so eye-catching, that I didn't think twice.
Now, I should have an NSF56K note in the subject, but I can't alter that, so I will apologize in advance.
Accidental Obscurity
I've seen that used as an avatar before. I wasn't a mod then, so I asked a mod to cockslap said user.
Goddammit, Accualt.
So... no one has stepped forward. No one has sent a PM. I would prefer for the person who altered my sig to admit it publically, and to explain why they chose the particular message. However, a PM, explaining their actions, would suffice.
Accidental Obscurity
Is it not possible to have someone step-in, in the meantime, and reactivate my signature privaleges, even if the avatar privaleges remain blocked?
For some reason my member title is gone too... no idea why. All it used to say was 'rocking on your dime'.
Is there any dispute remaining as to my signature? Did the rules change at some point, and I was unaware? I will reiterate, according to the G&T rules, which are directly quoted in the CoH forums as being the guidelines, my signature is precisely the proper dimensions, and well under the size restriction.
Accidental Obscurity
His annoying meter goes slowly upward as my cool meter slowly and casually inches higher.
Uh, no, it's ostentatious. Can you people limit yourself to words you know you can spell?
Is it possible that he was trying to be punny?
Possibly. I don't know what the original avatar was, so there's some potential there. But what if someone had seen that and came to believe it was the proper spelling?
Won't someone think of the children?
Fixed? Fuck kay-noes.
For shame. For shame.
Typical JAEF. Ready for that kick to the face? I'm willing to give you the gift of my divine foot anytime you like.
You, sir... are a credit to your station! Your maturity and intellect shine like a beacon, cutting through the fog of internet message-board moderation, all the world-over. Statues should be erected in your visage!
Accidental Obscurity
P.S. I've used quagmire twice today. That makes me feel all sexy inside.
And, Tube, you might want to pass your sentiments to the mod who thought being a cocky jerk was the right thing to do.
It was. If either of you don't like it, you're more than welcome to go elsewhere.
Would I be correct in assuming you were the mod who did it? That can be the only reason why you think it was the correct thing to do.
You would not.
You may feel sexy, but I merely think you need a thesaurus. :P
Accidental Obscurity
You've been doing a lot of assuming. You should probably not do that quite so much.