Nose, back, eyebrows, (very rarely, beard). I'll occasionally notice a hair that's a little too long, too straight, or too thick, etc. And then, I *really* want to pluck it. If I get the root with it, I get a very distinct feeling of victory, a wave of relief. Usually, it's an eyebrow once a week or two—but it's a couple of back and nose hairs a day. For the back, it's not a big deal. But the nose is a big problem. I have extremely sensitive nose hairs to begin with. When I can feel them being
irritated (by like, perfume, aerosol scents, the laundry aisle of a grocery store, dust, dirt, etc.), I go into a wet, sloppy sneezing fit. As a result, I keep a couple of handkerchiefs on me at all times.
Well, as nose hairs grow back in, and they're in the stubble phase, it can cause a near constant state of irritation. Also, there's a non-zero chance plucking nosehairs is lethal.
So, I'm trying to stop. Mayoclinic suggests "habit reversal training," which they describe like so:
Habit reversal training. This behavior therapy is the primary treatment for trichotillomania. You learn how to recognize situations where you're likely to pull your hair and how to substitute other behaviors instead. For example, you might clench your fists to help stop the urge or redirect your hand from your hair to your ear. Other therapies may be used along with habit reversal training.
I've also seen people suggest things like touching one's own elbow, etc. The problem I'm having is that these suggestions don't provide any type of relief / release / pleasure, and I'm having a hard time trying to think of something that would.
Wondering if anyone else's overcome a similar situation or has any suggestions.
Eyebrows seems normal, as long as you don't overdo it. Back hair plucking, while a little unpleasant to think about, is ok too. If you really want to stop fiddling with it, go get waxed or try to shave it down. For myself, removing the tempting act keeps from feeling tempted to start. That being said they make fake pimple popping trays, they may have fake hair boards you can buy to satisfy the plucking itch.
Even then it's not foolproof in times of stress for me.