So I had a bad week. Nothing specific happened, but I just got to thinking about what type of direction my life is taking me and I don't like it. If you guys could help me out at all with any of these problems I would really appreciate it.
1) Lately, I've been an asshole. Not a huge one, but definately enough where I feel I have driven away people who used to be close friends. The thing is, it hasn't been like this for a long time. Last year I was a generally nice guy and everyone's friend, but between then and now a lot of crappy things happened to me that I just became really bitter, and started to let it show in my social life.
2) I've also been mildly depressed for the last few months due to stress from school and other things, but I'm not about to go on any medication, and would like to fix it myself.
3) I need a job. My funds are getting low and I know I should start looking for one, but I don't know where to look. Bear in mind I am in high school and have had one job in the past, that I got from my brother.
4) And a less important one: guitar. I've been learning to play and progressed pretty well in my first couple months, but lately I'm just sort of lost. I don't want to hire a teacher and my musically inclined friends really don't have the time to give me a lesson or two, so if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great (websites, pointers, etc.).
These have been piling up for awhile and with the school year nearing it's end, I think I'm finally ready to tackle them. Again, any advice at all would be much appreciated.
Posts was a recent thread about getting a part-time job. Some good suggestions in there.
And if you try the forum search, I have a feeling there have been a lot of guitar threads here (I don't read 'em).
Be honest, take a look at yourself and what is bothering you. Take some time out, navel-gaze, scream, bitch, cry, whatever. It sounds like you may be lacking direction in your life generally, those kinds of feelings tended to hit me when I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere, wasn't making any progress, which based on your other questions could very well be a main problem for you.
Take charge, don't wait for life to throw you a bone.
Network. I have my currently, and only, full-time job because of the people I knew and talked to. Open your mouth and say you're looking for work. Even if they don't offer you a job themselves, they may know someone who is looking for what you can provide, even if it isn't much.
Can't help with this one
You've taken the right first step, outlining some of your issues and trying to figure out how to deal with them. Listen to the advice, decide what is specifically right for you and try to talk to your IRL friends some more about what's bothering you. Even if they don't do anything more than make sympathetic noises, it'll take a load off your shoulders just letting them know.
Just remember not to whine. Everyone hates the emo who doesn't help himself.
In addition to potential Help / Advice threads, there was this one over in SE++. This might seem out of character for the subforum, but I'd be somewhat confident that you could get a lot of valuable responses from people who don't necessarily read Help / Advice. I admit, the thread goes on a few tangents, but it's not as bad as a lot of things in SE++ may initially seem.
The key here is to think about where you can best find people with similar interests. In this case, I'd probably suggest SE++ if you don't have a single question. And some of them will know exactly where to look. As might someone who wanders by here, of course. Still, it all depends on what you're looking for.
A dedicated music forum might also be appropriate, but, given that you're already here, you may find it easier to identify with other forumers.
1). Have you had enough sleep? What, exactly, has happened during the week? I become a complete douche if things aren't going my way, and the best thing to do is realize you're being mean, realize that having a bad day/week is normal and that everyone has them, and that it doesn't last forever. Try to stay optimistic and be nice to your friends and family.
2). If you're really starting to think about life and where its taking you, depression isn't an uncommon result (at least for me it isn't). Try to keep your mind off of bad things, and do your best to relax in stressful situations. If it really starts to overwhelm you, take some deep breaths and clear your mind. Take one step at a time and maybe stop thinking about the future.
3). Again, if you're in highschool there is a very small chance you will find a job you enjoy, but just go out and get one. Minimum wage is quite high these days, so you shouldn't have to worry about your wages, just find something that might interest you. Apply to all sorts of places, regardless of whether or not you really want the job.
4). I'm learning to play a little bit of guitar via Guitar Noise. Has a collection of tutorials and guides, including music theory, popular chords etc. etc.
I'm not the expert on these things, but I've been in the exact same boat as you and this is what I did to keep everything in check. Hope it helps.
Bite the bullet, and hire a teacher. I garuntee your skill will improve dramatically and much quicker with a good teacher. Once you can play well enough, it becomes something you can do to relax, you can write songs, you can learn songs, you can use it to take your mind off of things that suck, that's what I use mine for, that and for playing for people.
But guitar is one tool to help battle a bad mood.
What is it about school that is causing depression? I understand that may be private, but High School has that pesky social aspect, so it's hard to tell.
Haha, and devoir, you don't have to worry about me whining, I know how annoying that can be to some people.
And as for the direction part, it doesn't have much to do with where I'm going to go after high school, because I've put plenty of thought into deciding what I want to do. I think it's more what direction my actions towards my friends and family are taking me.
Thanks for all the help so far guys.