In these troubled times we must look to our betters for sanctuary and rescue. Who will save us from ourselves? Who will lead us to the path off righteousness and out of the darkness?
That's right: supervillains!
Forget those whiny, stupid deadbeat heroes who refuse to pick up the burden of responsibility and make the hard calls. Batman won't even
kill people he knows will go on to murder thousands. What a loser! No, what you want is someone with a rod of iron and a hand of grim steel to right this capsizing ship we call civilisation.
Doctor Doom
Already rules a country, once ruled all of creation, Doctor Doom is the man with the experience we need, the power to wield it effectively and the style to make us smile with appreciation even when he's ordering summary executions for disloyalty. He's the right man for these dark times, and all he asks is total subjugation and the head of the accursed Reed Richards.
Lex Luthor
Incredibly smart but fatally hamstrung by his jealousy of Superman's glorious flowing locks, this bald man has a lot of plans but no
grandeur, and once wore a turtleneck with a suit jacket, which, I mean, no.
Kind of wants to destroy humanity, and honestly who can blame him? He calls us stupid, brainless weaklings and has a fully justified complex about being created by wife-beating schmuck Hank Pym. However, he would also destroy all organic life, which would include cats, dogs and cute otters, so possibly not a great bet overall.
Only wants to kill
half of you, which is 50% less lethal than Ultron. A more thoughtful kind of genocide is his calling card, but it all stems from rejection by a woman a long time ago. This guy doesn't want to rule the universe, he's basically an MRA activist on the warpath. No, thanks.
Magneto (pictured with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants)
Sees Homo Superior as Superior, and who can argue when it's right there in the name? Will create paradise once he's killed all the flatline scum who threaten his people. Vote for him if you're a mutant.
Doesn't actually want to rule anything, just wants to make out with and/or kill Batman. I guess he's the joke option. He's the Joker. The joke option. Do you see?
NNID: Hakkekage
Look I don't make the rules here. It's literally beyond my control.
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Your honor this mf spittin
NNID: Hakkekage
Could the Doom Slayer Slay Doom at Doom?
Could the Doom Slayer Slay Doom at Doom Slayer Doomed Slater DoomDoom SlayDoom?
but they're listening to every word I say
mediocrity rules everything around me
NNID: Hakkekage
So MuCh FoR tHe ToLeRaNt LeFt!
How do you know it's not my face under that handsome, steel mask, Vanguard?
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Can Doom defeat Tom Nook?
Yes, to all of the above.
He is a fast angry boi who will rip and tear until it is done.
Rip and tear until the bells are paid.
Celeste [Switch] - She'll be wrestling with inner demons when she comes...
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age [Switch] - Sit down and watch our game play itself
No one ever reads political manifestos except fkin nerds.
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Doom is a lover as well as a fighter.
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This is a tough one
Tom Nook is ruthless, as well as bushy tailed and furry.
But I’m not sure he has the requisite love of nuts
The true villain
Then the X-Men appeal to his feelings, he joins them to stop Apocalypse, and they part ways at the end. "Oho, goodbye old friend" says Xavier. No! Fuck off, put him in jail! He killed everybody!
It helped to point out that a 3.2% fatality rate in America could potentially be 11.2 million people. So even if you think its silly shut the fuck up and stay home for a few weeks of your life.
Yes yes, such a gun would surely allow to slay more demons. But there is just the matter of payment.
With a small loan from Nook inc, you could have your very own BFG, today! I could open your account right now!
> Not just yet
That movie wasted its F-bomb
NNID: Hakkekage